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Everything posted by Thom

  1. :thumbsup:
  2. it sound like low voltage at the leds , turn the leds on then check the voltage with a meter at the lites , or take one off and connect it to a good battery .
  3. On a 1st gen , I have learned not to rest my hand on top of the switches , found out there is a kill switch on top of it , did not know that I had hit it untill I had pulled to the side if the road now I just pick the bugs out of my ears OH I forgot with cruse it is easyer to Dial and Text on the cell phone
  4. Yep I did it , got them from superbrightled make sure you get the red ones , before i rewired the cms i used 1 1157 and 1 1157 red led so the darn flashing warning would not go off , somebody here posted how to bypass the cms but i forget who . do a search and you will find it . Thom
  5. Steve , I install about 10 pairs of these a show and they work great , I get them from Custom Dynamic for less then 5 bucks each . also check out the plazma rod form CD , pricy but better than led strips
  6. asper the other thread I'll take one of each size . don't know if you got my order so to make sure I'll post here . Thom
  7. Thom

    Really ?

    I was snooping around and found one of our members stats Total Posts: 4,294,967,295 Posts Per Day: 8,925,237.59 I know some of us are post junkies but this don't add up plus there are a few of us that have not posted since 12/31/69 , when did A.G. invent the internet ? YA I know , I'll go back to my corner :stirthepot:
  8. can't find the lumis rating but check them out http://www.customdynamics.com/led_passing_lamps.htm
  9. I have installed the led head lite and led driving lites in one our hds , they are very bright and i wish i could get one for my 1st gen , for driving lites custom dynamic's led sun spots are great , all you have to do is remove the bulbs , install 2 taps and slip in the leds , thats it , about ten min. the hard part they are a 119.00 each ! I,ll get some pic's of the hd with them on . if anybody buys a set from custom dynamic or us come by any of the shows I'm working and I'll install them for you free ,
  10. Thom


    I wish !!!! here is a 2nd gen with the new plazma rods , these are with the running / brake option . I tried to get the rider to join us here but I have not seen him here yet .
  11. Thom


    that looks pretty good , the purple is very hard to take a pic of .
  12. Thom


    sorry , I've not been on lately , but I have a new job , I am working for Ken at Trick Lights , installing LED lites on bikes . We did the daytona bike week and saw Ruffy , Jricherd and Crazy Larry , than did the San Antonio expo , now getting ready for Bandara . Its very hard to get on site with Andriod , I am going to try Tap a talk ? anybody know off a better app. ? Trick Lights is a lot more fun than working on RVs , I get to work on other riders bikes installing LEDs lites , LED headlites and Custom Sound amps and speakers and I get to go to all the m/c shows ! I unloaded the 1st Gen when we got to daytona and used 4 gal of gas in 78 miles , Ouch !! but on a side note there is a lot of Hardlys than don't like me LOL Sorry Doodle I missed your MD but had to work
  13. I get to go this year ! Buut I have to work , I am working at the Trick Lights trailer inside the the Speedway . Stop by and say Hi. Thom
  14. A Friend just sent me this so I thought I would share http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/zoa/mwmap3.php?map=usa
  15. OOPS , I better be Quiet
  16. That would prove there is a God , I,m saying my prayers extra hard tonite :bowdown:
  17. I wish I had Photoshop ! Choc. covered Squid :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  18. this weird , the only way to get it to work is to high lite it than pick what color and font
  19. Darn ! It must be my puter thanks , I have dumped IE and firefox , been using it when it came out in beta , it's great . now to figger out whats wrong with this puter .
  20. I am using Google Chrome and i cannot change the fonts or color when i post at VR.O this is typed in dark red and arial black , anybody smarter than me know what i am doing wrong ?
  21. 5th annual wine party - 2011 is this for 2nd Gens only ? I know , I'll go back to my corner
  22. Randy , Kewl new name , but before I try to say it I need to put my teeth in !
  23. And this is from a guy that 3 out 4 of his bikes are from the 70s , I think He likes old bikes 3 times better !
  24. 2 oz. per gal. but i use 4 oz. per gal. I let the tank get 1/2 full dump in 2 cans drive around town and than let it sit over nite than drive it until the tank reads E . my car don't run very good until i have filled it up after running the seafoam out . It sure helps clean the carb. and the 460 lov's a clean carb !
  25. Pull the inside cover off , unplug all the white plugs you see and there will be 4 long bolts near the corners , remover them , lower the air hander than go up to the roof and pick up the upper unit , remove old gasket , install new gasket , install upper unit , make sure it matches the 14 x 14 hole , reinstall the air handler with the 4 bolts crushing the gasket to 3/4 in , put everything back the way you took it off , if you find any air leaks between the air out and air return use aluma. duct tape to seal . Thom
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