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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Thom

    Good video

    I agree , i think it was pretty kwel and i got that feelingly in my insides and wanted get on my bike and ride but not on a hd , good video
  2. that colder than my fridge
  3. i have the cleanable filter from J.C.Whitney , think it was around 20.00 it pretty good . thom
  4. i pulled my silver trailer up to vogel this year 1080 miles round trip , up to 75 mph. the kendas did great and i pull a over 600 lb. around here up to 55mph. agin great , a dealer mounted and speed bal. mine . the front tire makes a weird sound when locked up at 45mph , kid cut me off , did not have a trl on . i run 34 lb. in front 37 lb. in rear . thom
  5. guess what i just read the manual , it said make sure batt. is fully charged , da , i am charging it now and i just got done resolderd the pins , charge your batt. and see if that works
  6. i have it too , i gess i did not solder it rite for the 2nd time , i just wigle the plug and it works .
  7. autozone , i use the 4 strobe kit for the brakes 24.99 and 2 strobe for the head lite 14.99 thom
  8. ok , where did git that lite bar ? i got 1 coming from jcw but it is not the type you have , and the wire less helmet brake lite . thom
  9. nope there all the same , after you get the tci out put it on top of your air box , it will stay dryer and if dos get wet it will be easyer to get out .
  10. i installed the brake strobes and headlite strobe , i put 2 in the trunk running lites and 2 in the taillite , i used the 4 strobe lite with the sticky pads for the back and the 2 strobe lite for the front had drill hole for them and glue them in . made a daytona run yesterday , works great , all the cages stay off my butt and nobody cut me off and 1 trooper gave me a thumbs up . all for less than 50 bucks thanks , randy :thumbsup:
  11. lowes has contact cleaner called lecto cleaner , be very careful with it , it will ruin paint , spray some on than wait 30 sec. for a presoak than spray alot more on to clean
  12. i install 2 from autozone they work ok but the command center says i have a bulb out . i treat it like my wife , ignor the nagging:rotfl::rotfl:
  13. i know Yamaha has kits for there outboards , we just need to know what motor thom
  14. you got mail , on the power up / down maybe a winch connected to the top part , so when it pulls the tables gos up i,ll ck it out when i git the plans
  15. if you are running rich ck your air filter that is what was wrong with mine
  16. i have kenda krues , i pull a 600 lb trl , with 34lbs front and 37 back they are good in the rain . i got 2k on them and still look new , less than 150.00 a set thom
  17. theres a vac line to the vac. solenoid it most likely came off . look in the manual under cruise control and you can see where it go's . thom
  18. thanks every body , 1 less thing to worry about before goin to tail of the dragon III thom
  19. my lower case whines at 3000rpm , it do's not make a dif. what gear it is in . is it a 1st gen thing ? thom
  20. sorry , i have old fart problem , thinking of running lites , you only need 4 relays . the isolator needs a good load to work thats the 1 with the battery wire and cost to much on m/cs i like using relays because they don't need a large load , try putting the 5 to 4 before the relays if that don't work put it behind the relays . when i wire a m/c trl i use a 6 way round plug from the m/c to the trl and install the relays and diodes inside the trl. that is on a 4 wire trl . i prefer wiring the trl to a 5 wire with a large tail lite in the center and the turn lites on the sides , the neet way to run the lites is use 2 element lites for the turn sigs wire the stoplite side of the left , rite , center , to your stoplite wire than wire the other side of your left side and rite side up to your turn wires . if you use all leds when you hit your brakes you will have a lite show . forgot agin on a 6 wire plug the blue pin is the battery wire to power the relays also good for inside lite or cigliter to charge cell phone . if you need me give a call i'll be up for the next 2 hrs. good luck thom
  21. just looked at your pic thats where my headset cord come at with a rubber grommet . thom
  22. nope , my 86 don't have one , sounds like a good place to put one at tthom
  23. Thom


    thank you , i keep loosing the threads i need all the time . can't remember where i read it last thax don thom
  24. Thom


    dray that would be a great sticky . don , ??? please
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