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Everything posted by Thom

  1. anybody goin to Daytona biketoberfest 9/18-21/07 ?
  2. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: can't wait untill it done . keep the pic's comin , looks great
  3. :stirthepot: just think what would happen if we got the fair tax ? Ca. would not have to pay it on USA stuff ship across the border , 23% cheaper , USA stuff sold in other country s would not have to pay it or USA anyother taxes or tariff s . i heard the CA. gov doe's not like because it would make USA stuff to cheap in CA.
  4. the reason i bought a 1st gen because when cruise control and i went bike shopping she yells a cross the showroom floor " HAY OLD MAN MY BUTT FITS THIS ONE ,THIS IS THE ONE YOU ARE BUYING " i thank her often . she tells me every time we get done with a ride " i love my bike " and i say " yes dear " :rotfl:
  5. anybody got a headset or headsets for sale cheap , i want to see if my cb/intercom works before i spend a lot of money on a headset or headsets and to see if i want to listen to Cruise control or not:confused24: [ sore ears or sore ribs ? which one that is the ? ]
  6. if you get the speakers you looking at at tell use how good they are for that price they look great
  7. Anybody else have a this problem with the miles from you in the classifieds ? i have made sure my zip code is rite but i am a little more than 299 miles from MD , from what i can figger out i am up in Ohio or IL. somewhere , i know i am lost but not that lost :rotfl:
  9. if you want to make you own swivel hitch you can cut the draw bar behind the cuplar , weld in a plate 3/8 thick plate with a 1/2 in hole in each end , you need a 4 1/2 in. grade 8 bolt , 2 heavy washers , 1 valve spring from a auto head , at least 1/4 in thick urethane washer , i buy a cheap cutting board from the dollar store cut it to size drill a 1/2 hole in it , put bolt , heavy washer , spring through the 1st plate urethane washer 2nd plate heavy washer nut . tighten the nut down until the cuplar just stop moving , install a lock nut after done . you can tighten the nut down to keep side to side bounce out . i made one for customer 3 years ago and shortly after that he was selling them on ebay :rotfl:
  10. OK , all you guest please please don't make me a fibber we need 6 more members today . i guess i need to go stalking [ you don't want me to stalk you , i am big and ugly and i'll talk your ears off about VentureRider.org ] :rotfl:if you are riding a 2nd gen give up because i'll catch you Thom440
  12. any body have a used head set or head sets they want to sell - cheap ?
  13. you will need the crash bars off a 86 to 93 , there are tabs on those bars to mount the [ pooper scooper ] to , that is all you need , they sell cheap on ebay . large bears + pooper scooper = @#*%#@ and water hose :rotfl::rotfl:don't ask me how i know :bang head:
  14. looks like today is the day , no more 3000 + members , 3500 + members
  15. Thom

    Bushtec trailer?

    is it for real ? i wish it was closer .
  16. Thom


  17. i see it sold pretty fast , anybody here buy it?
  18. m/c don't nip me when i am not lookin m/c don't throw me as soon as i get a 1/2 leg over m/c don't lean on me when i ck. the tires m/c don't leave when i am not lookin when i get thrown by my m/c it don;t come back and laugh at me plus , when i feed my m/c i don't get back 50 lbs of sh@# and i lov my m/c:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  19. when you leave Laughin , go over davis dam and make a left to Katherine's landing , ck it out , than back out to kingman arz. , out of kingman take old hyw. 66 up to peach springs you love old 66 and it takes you back to the big road west of williams , take the train up to the south rim very cool , cross over at lake Powell than ck. out kanab [ sand dunes but red ],kodac [ watch out for the royal elk ] cider city , and zion . warnings it mite be 80% to 90% during the day but it can drop to 32% at nite , when i ride out there i always take a tent and a sleeping bag because you can camp anywhere . always , always , let a car or truck lead when your north of the canyon the deer are in herds up to 1500 , all riders that know the area will always let a cage lead by the way ,many , many years ago i was born and raised in that area
  20. cool , it even has heat and a/c and the motor is up front , but 1700 lbs , i think it is a 3 wheel car than a trike
  21. harbor freight has cheaper one
  22. all i can say is OH MY :ignore:
  23. i just ran into a 1996 red 1 today pretty neet bike , he is selling it for 5000.00 i do not know if that is a good or bad price , got his ph# if anybody wants it
  24. vary cool !! sorry the 1st time i saw the video i did not have the sound on and did not see the 2nd video . my wife was the coach for ower youngest 1 st deer , by the way she said give you guys a and [ i hate typing this ] women rule - men dewrule :rotfl:
  25. congrats , very nice shot , althow it was hard on dad's camera
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