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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Desolate ! give you a hint , you'l get to see where area 51 is ! I think your about a month early , I would carry a extra gal. of gas . are you riding 2 up or is there going to be another bike ? I have rode from Kingman west many times and that early in the year can be fun .
  2. I remember that day , the wind was so bad that kept blowing my glasses off , could not ride very far had to turn around . when i 1st got my 1st gen , the 1st thing i hated about it was the buffing and cross winds . so i cut the wind shield down 2 in. made worst ! i hated to follow suvs and when i got above 65 mph with just a little bit of wind the bike was all over the place so i cut it down another 3 in , made worst ! had to lean into the wind more and wearing helmet was very bad kept blowing my glasses off . I bought a oversize windshield install a vent , Wow dif. bike ! my speed comfort zone picked up 15 mph , can now pass big trucks . went riding today , great ride until i slowed down below 45 mph and we are in a wind advisory today . I would like to know what other members think ? Thom
  3. I am going to be working at the m/c rally in Somerville Tx. next week end so if anybody is in the area stop by the Trick lights trailer and say Hi . Hawgs of Texas Rally Start Date: Apr 27th, 2011 End Date: May 1st, 2011 Address: Welch Park Somerville, TX I'll be the old fart with the ear plugs !
  4. Welcome ! Great looking bike , I like the paint job ! Thom:thumbsup:
  5. twin exhaust ! what size motor it got
  6. :rotf::rotf:
  7. My boss is a apple freak and sometimes at work i have to use his puter , he ask me why i don't like it and i told him , using a apple is like driving a car in England , I can do it but 1/2 the time i get in the car on the wrong side and i am not very good at driving on the other side of the road .
  8. Thom


  9. Ya Rite ! I see us old farts trying to solder that stuff ! When I worked for Sprint , some young kid came in to my trailer and told me my welds where not good enough , and I would hand him a splice I had laying around , it was 2 pieces twisted together , super glued and it worked great :crackup:
  10. check the fuel pump , it will run on gravity until it needs more gas , like in higher gears or a load
  11. try this , with key on , hold down the starter button , than flip the kill sw. on and off a few time , next ? do's your head lite go out when you hit the starter button ? check your clutch lever , kickstand sw . neutral lite on ?
  12. Sounds like they are missing , 2 come stock on a 1st gen , rite and left just above the motor crash bars . mine are after market , in the pic you may be able to see it , it is under the driving lite . the notch in the chrome part below the side reflecter is where the horn mounts .
  13. Jack , what did you do with those 2nd gen masters ? for some reason i have mk1 masters [ did not know it until i reread this thread ] and am used to them now but they are wearing out and would like something shinier . Thom
  14. Yep , your rite ! I hope Dana reads Sqiud's sig.
  15. Welcome again , great talking with you last nite , but your in trouble now http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=579909#post579909 , see I told you:rotf: . Ponch answered Order a clutch upgrade from SkyDoc17 http://www.venturerider.org/classifi...-kit-21&cat=22 or PCW racing http://www.pcwracing.net/ Do it yourself using the instructions provided or from the tech forum http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...ad.php?t=10518 or Post when you get the kit and we/I will help you. Ponch These Guys are a great help ! but watch for Gunboat , He has this thing with a very large hammer I still cannot believe you have not had a carb tune since 2003 and you still get 38 mpg arn't these great bikes ! Too bad the 1st member you met is Bommer CPO and soon you will meet the Houston Gang _______
  16. check Skydoc in the classified , he sells one .
  17. 1stgen or 2ndgen ?
  18. Can't figger it out , I am seeing under members name , guest , figger they are checking us out and just have not payed yet and are new , but what are Trial members ? reading the join date they have been with us a long time I'm so confused :confused24:
  19. those mufs are a little hard on the cam. but sound good :rotf:
  20. Bet you it is just the shifter , Marsha had a Intruder , been there , done that , had shop fix it . my 1st gen did the same thing , thought I had broke a shaft until i saw the neural lite .
  21. Yep , add another one to the count , it has a lot of mods , repaint white , bikinied , 4 in. rizer with suzy bars , r6 calibers , delinked and a lot more stuff .
  22. check out this link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...threadid=48342 I got the bolt from ace hardware it is a 12 x 175 x 60 grade 10.6 and it works just like Dingy said
  23. :bang head::bang head:I chked mine last year and gave it a little tweak no problem found . saw the old post and what the he!! , got to change the oil , I'll check it again ! warning !!! if you have a 1st gen GO CHECK IT RIGHT NOW !!!!! mine was lose , spread and the bolt looked like this I did the Dingy fix , Thank You Sir !!!
  24. That is very , I see you put in reverse , how do's it work , what kind of rear did you use , did you change the rake ? :clap2::thumbsup:
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