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Everything posted by Thom

  1. will a water ski work , no snow mobile ski down here :rotfl:
  2. STABIL ???? read the back of your seafoam can !!! when i pickle generators for my customers for the off season , i pull the fuel line from the gas tank , stick it in a can of seafoam and run the engine until it blows white smoke , turn off engine reinstall fuel line , put the rest of the can in the gas tank [ at least 2 oz. per gal. ] if it is water cooled , drain and flush , here we only use 50/50 antifreeze , remove the battery , if you do not remove the battery , remove the neg cable , change the oil .
  3. that is a 100 watts output not input most amp only put out .08 volts , my 1000 watt amp per channel at max out put draws 100 amps 12 volt dc . and no i do not have that amp on my bike , it is on my houseboat the local kids have found out do not play rap around this boat , i will win the power war , hank williams sr at 2500 watts :rotfl::cool10:
  4. my # 2 has been driving me nuts , for no reason i would lose it and than it would come back it even backfired a couple of time , i did everything i learned on this site but rebuild the the carbs , the #2 spark plug would sometimes be black . when i syn. my carbs. it syn.ed out good . any way to cut this short , i found a split under the clamp on the back side of the vac. hose going from #2 carb to the cruise control , i cut off a 1/2 in. got all 4 back ! i am putting all new vac. line on this week and hopefully that will allso fix my dropping cruise control ?
  5. i have my vol. nob set at 1/2 at 65 mph and my wive tells me to turn it down , my pipes are completely hollow :rotfl:. as soon as i installed the new speakers , i had to turn down the vol. i did not believe how bad my stock ones where and they looked good . as for the rear speakers i was thinking about sneaking up on a 2G and borrowing thier trunk
  6. OK , i am goin to stick my nose in , the 1st gens and v maxs don't have this problem , why not ? what is the dif. ? and why can't you change the clutch basket out with a 1st gen , beside the part # i would like to see what the change that was made between the 2 , also how about a newer v max ???? :detective::detective:
  7. :rotfl::rotfl:
  8. redneck , i cought that too , than it said it had cylinders in it , so much hyd. pressure and a cyl. moves to allow more pres. it doe's that 6 times . or it is like having 6 dif. pressure relief valves , each valve set at a dif. pressure . shifting a hydro stat :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  9. i upgraded up to walmart , about 7 bucks ea. i like em
  10. your rite , the good thing about it , i never forget to turn off the strobe at nite
  11. getting real close , jeff are you up and running yet ? that would be cool to have a meet and eat during biketoberfest , at webbers we just need to set up a time and day ?
  12. that neat , [ was gonna say kewl , buuut ] now who is going to be the 1st to buy 1 to test for the rest of us ????
  13. the strobe i used in the headlite is from autozone - pilot ip-400 14.95 and for the brakes pilot - wi-101w . 24.95 maybe you can see 1 of the strobes in the bottom left side , it is hard to see . the control box is stored behind the headlite . i just drilled 2 holes in the bottom of the headlite bucket and glued the strobes in with clear r t v . for the brake lites i removed 1 bulb form 2 of my running lites and put a strobe in it place , the strobe comes with sticky tape on the back , just peel and stick , the last 2 i stuck under the to tail lite bulbs in the tail lite . by the way these lites are all randya,s fault:rasberry: i do not take the blame i just copyed his :confused24:but for the money saved , i got my new bars and a lot more stuff:cool10: less than 50 bucks for front and brake strobes :cool10:
  14. mike , i'll take some pic's and info this afternoon
  15. i want my 8 track back :crying:
  16. Thom

    I got it

    :ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_congrats-vi6886:sign outstanding:
  17. i guess nobody here has run a straight alcohol motor before ,one of the 1st things you do is ream out the jets , the biggest problem alcohol motors is that they run to lean . alcohol fires to fast so the cylinder runs dry before the piston gets to the bottom of the stroke . alcohol has a fast burn time and a small expansion witch is good for a short stroke engine , gas has a long burn time and long and large expansion , witch is good for long stroke engines [ us ] it is why small motor do good in Ca. but a 440 can't get out of it own way , ok i don't teach school no more , it been 35 years .:bang head::rotfl:
  18. i use the strobe sys. that randya uses , autozone 14.95 . 2 small strobes in the head lite bucket , draws very little power , i also use a small sw. with a blue lite in it , mounted on the key bizal , when it starts to get dark the windshield turns blue never forgot to turn it off . i have stopped using my driving lite and high beams during the day ,don't have to charge bat. as much anymore . the local leo's even like it !
  19. i wish 10 in. tires where sold more up here , they are very rare up here . that disc brake sys. sounds great , what brand , size ? how about doing a write up and pics ?
  20. Thom

    i found a bra

    44s dd :rotfl:
  21. Thom

    i found a bra

    its used , a guy said he bought it in1988 from yamaha maybe if we talk real nice after Beer gets done with the 2nd gens , he mite want to copy this 1 ?
  22. i found out yamaha made a bra for 1st gens and i should have one by the 1st of the week
  23. now if you would only make one for us
  24. hay buddy , nope , nope and more nope , and your gonna hate me this jan. and feb. :rotfl: rosebud , the only time my a/c has been off in the last 5 mo. is when the power has been out , the 1st thing tomorrow nite is a/c off and all the windows open :cool10::cool10:
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