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Everything posted by Thom

  1. kit , your curious ! have you ever road a bike looking at a oil pres. gage reading 0 , i now know what my pistons , timing chain , valves and all moving parts sound like :rotfl:but i had to get out of the house and do some riding [ grand niece and nephew 1 year old and 2 year old visiting ] but the bike did not run bad , not getting hot . thom squid , just saw your post i think the gage must go yes it is freaky
  2. this is what i did , when i bought the bike i found the oil filter flange had been broken in half , some body had just run a pipe from 1 hole to the other , i tapped the holes , installed barbs and a oil cooler and changed my oil every 700 to 1000 miles , today i installed a remote oil filter , it had a place for the oil gage that is where i put the oil gage . the remote oil filter is used on 1 of my generators cost 18.95 and oil filter 4.95 oil cooler about 20.00 . thom
  3. i like that one , mite have to get the welder out :detective:
  4. i just install a oil pressure gage on my 86 and changed my oil , 15 - 40 rottla dino , no oil pressure !! bled the oil gage and oil filter , have oil flow but no oil pressure , any body know how much oil pressure we are supposed to have ?? i warmed the motor up a little run the rpm up to 2500 . i have a oil cooler and after market remote oil filter .
  5. :thumbsup:
  6. it worked !!! and i did not lose any thing thank you
  7. the last time i did a clean up , dumped temp files , i lost all my saved passwords , user id and bookmarks , what did i do wrong ? will ccleaner do the the same ? i run firefox . i have CRS and can't afford to do that again , took me 2 mos. to get every thing back .
  8. pep boys has the same one , so do's j c witney
  9. you all are going to hate me , high today 77 , tomorrow 83 , but got to work today , tomorrow riding over to the turkey rod run at daytona :cool10::rotfl:
  10. you guys with the wobble , when your dealer installs your tires do's he use a high speed balancer ? a snap on can tell if the tire is out of round or not installed rite , my steeler lets me watch when he balance my tires , my front was not installed rite , the high speed balancer found it , and dealer fixed it . a low speed balancer will not show a out of round tire .
  11. this is the one i used at vogel this year http://www.jmcorp.com/.%5Clinkpix%5CMDCB-822-s.gif MDCB-822 $99.99 Midland 75-822/820 Portable 40 Channel CB Radio Kit i got it at walmart 89.97
  12. yep , confirming just need one , thanks don thom
  13. banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker try this or http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/Weather_Stickers
  14. hay spear or anybody from the land of oz , can you guys put on a time and temp. in your sig. ??? it would be kewl to see what time and temp is down there . squeeze is now using one it looks like it is wet and cold over on the other side rite now .
  15. yep
  16. is a cb - am not micro wave , am is a long wave , the only thing that will hurt you with to much output is a hot ant. a cb is just a little bit above a am radio and a am radio station can put out over 50,000 watts come stations put out over 150,000 watts . if you want more power out of your cb , install a separate ant. and have your cb tuned and peaked , my stock cb tuned and peaked puts out 23 watts and i get about 10 miles out of it , i also have a cobra 29 with a 600 watt linear , i have to use a oil filled ant. to run it at full power because of the heat , to run anything bigger than our cbs on our bikes will not work because the bikes just don't have enough ground plain .
  17. HAY KIT , your just as cheap as i am i have had a pair of them for 2 years and can not tear them up , even had them in salt water , tranny fluid and gas , can't hurt them . i do not use them for riding , to short , i use pull ons 12 in Cords , water proof and oil proof , they have big nails in the heels and work on the traffic lite sencsers , i just put my foot down on the cut line in the pavement the lite changes , works great .
  18. I USE AVG AND SPY BOT , avg works on any email gmail don't catch , all free
  19. it plays on windows media player , sounds good
  20. anybody check out the zip codes ??? albany ny
  21. it's all greek to me , i think ? :confused24::detective:
  22. you better get a bigger battery those thing needs lots of power
  23. don , thanks i don't have the brains enough to do something like that and i would like to have one of the posters . but could we get a few more 1st gens ??? :stirthepot::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  24. :scared::yikes:
  25. that is great , i am laughing to hard to type :thumbsup::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
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