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Everything posted by Thom

  1. :thumbsup::thumbsup::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  2. why is [ on ] printed on a lite switch ?? if the lite is off it will be to dark to read it !
  3. i just got them , thanks brad , with the new shiny bell and shiny brackets i got to wash and polish the bike , darn :thumbsup:
  4. you all don't play fair , here i think i am all kind of smart ! and get to give some good advice and then i find out i learned something too , darn !! i am to old to learn new things , thanks buddy , did not know about that plug , and randy , its off to advance auto , i foul my plugs often . thom
  5. i had a problem with him too , the price went up after i sent him a check , payed the extra money , when i asked questions about the product before i bought it i got rude replies , never did business with him again . only cost me a extra 10 bucks but i got what i wanted .
  6. i found my problem last nite , bad neg. connection on the battery , installed new eyes on the battery cables , works great now , found it the hard way ! tryed to start the bike , everything worked until i hit the starter , than everything went out , lites , radio , everything , 10 miles from the shop and home with just a screw driver , you would be suppriced what you can do with a screw driver .
  7. i got 2 elac. twin size blankets for a wedding gift from my mother , you can guess what she thought of my 1st wife :rotfl:
  8. wet tci plug , clean and dry the 2 plugs that go to tci than grease them or put the spark plug lead back on you knocked off fixing the side cover :rotfl:
  9. hey ruff :moon: :rotfl:
  10. What we do when we have snow!!!!! FREAK OUT we have freeze warning tonite , got the heater turned all the way up , yesterday was 86 , got 6 in. of rain this morning winds up to 82 mph , but no snow !!!
  11. http://www.quantcast.com/venturerider.org we all ride HONDAS ????:rotfl:
  12. randy , you got to run it 1 time down the road before you install the exhaust , just once , :rotfl: i put in a stroked 440 up to a 472 mopar in my motor home , headers , holley 750 , single plain intake and a few other things i should not have done but on the dyna at 6700 rpm it made 503 hp , that motor will never see over 4500 r's again but it was fun , it is fun to watch people faces when i burn off those 17.5 dully tires on a motor home but the bad part is the gas mileage it gets 2.5 to 3 miles to the gal. using 100 octain gas at 6 buck a gal , that is why it only has less that a 100 miles on it in a year and half a 327 and a 1st gen , life is good :thumbsup:
  13. Jeff is rite , when got my 1st gen , i had the same problem , it drove the stealers nuts , that is the reason i joined this site , i rebuilt the whole brake system , but as soon as i used the brakes they would lock up , but after i rebuilt the rear master cylinder for the 4th time , i left too much slack in the linkage and the brakes worked great , yep , i hate to say it but as usual jeff is rite :rotfl:
  14. can the guy that did yours do any kind of pipe tip ?, my stock tips are getting rusty and that looks cool , where they done here fla. ?
  15. i got to wash my bike , my new bell is the shiniest thing on it !!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: THANKS DON :thumbsup:
  16. i hope i will get mine tomorrow , scaring the mail man me hangin around the mailbox all day :rotfl:
  17. you can it from any nat. forest ranger office too .
  18. i talked to my brother in Tulsa today , no power and very cold , he has 1 small lp heater and sleeping bags , said the power will be out for another week or ten days , he ask how much power it would take to run his frig. i told him none ,put it out side , it will stay cold . anybody here from rosebud yet ? or anybody in OK or Kansas ? you all stay safe and hang on summer comin !!!!
  19. mine is pretty low , i think it is about 129,000
  20. squid you have been emailed
  21. lets see ? who owns most of the hot rods ? high powered boats ? private planes ? big RV's ? us old farts ! we have worked our tails off all our lives and now ther saying we are to old to have fun , wrong !! i don't do cruise ships , ball room dancing or aarp , i ride big bikes ! oops just fell of my soap box and broke my hip , anybody got a walker i can barrow ?? :rotfl::stirthepot:
  22. the only 2 youngins that freaked out and were scared of santa were my niece and her 1 year old brother , go figger , they must know something the others didn't :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  23. i know somebody that makes a great trunk bag , it is bullet proof , i have his trunk bag and the side bag liners , the trunk bag fits prefect inside and has a great way to put it on the rack when you need extra room . yell at Beer 30 here or pm him , you lov the bags but he is ugly :rotfl::stirthepot: thom
  24. thats chuck , i found a HD rider , he drove the tractor that pulled the hay ride trailer , we named him Ruedoff but being a HD rider he side swiped a tree , Ruedoff not only had a red nose but also a red face :rotfl::rotfl:
  25. ok Cruise Control , i posted the da^^ pic's can i have my bikes keys back ????
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