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Everything posted by Thom

  1. he plays real good , i watch it 5 times ! Thom:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  2. you got it home yet ? why did you ask us ? just to rub it in ? your not buying it your stealing it for 800 bucks , you lucky dog , i envy you ! Thom
  3. Rooster , that is a good looking 1st gen , if the price is rite , get it Thom
  4. you can jump start a bike from a car and no it will not blow a fuse , i have done it many times , the best way to do it is to use the car battery to charge the m/c battery or you have happen what Lowell is talking about , a dead battery is a dead battery and our staters are not the most powerful in the world and you will need a charged battery to power the stater . i have a battery tender plug wired to my battery and the end is in the gas cap area but it is about 18 in. long so when i plug it into my jumper cables or battery tender i am a long way away from the gas cap . i used to carry a spare battery before i changed my starter to a Vmax 4 brush starter , it starts as easy as new wing now , even on the cold days. Thom
  5. why do you need a camo tent , just paint a reg. tent to look like a 1st gen doin 60 mph at nite and the deer run up to you . Thom :rotfl:
  6. i do not have internet and do not want to install cable or phone so i tryed the wireless cricket broadband for 40 bucks a mouth no contract it works , watched streaming video tv last nite i am using it rite now ! i also got a magicjack the one you see on tv and after 3 hours of trying to load it i did the update and it works ! only 39.95 at rat shack and comes with the 1st year free ! cool huh ! the mj dos slow down my cricket so i unplug it when i am on line . so if you ever see me riding down the road with a talking on a house phone you know what i am doing lol , no i do not talk on the phone while riding , i don't even text while riding Thom
  7. Jimbob , i don't speed and never went over the speed limit in my life !!! that is why i ride a 1st gen !! i like small , slow m/cs with no hp and i don't lie ether [ i just sit a lot ] lol Thom
  8. larry DON'T do that , you scared the you know what out of me and i'll bet you are still laughing well i hope you wet your self ! buy the way that is a great price , not much more than the installed kit cost . Thom
  9. the big ? is was i speeding ? to tell the truth , i have no idea , i was driving in the rite lane ,i saw the pd a few cars behind me , i changed lanes to make a left turn at the traffic lite , pulled in to the turn lane waited for the lite to turn green the pd was behind me made my turn , drove 1 blk , turn on turn sig. to make my turn into the co. parking lot and than the party lites came on . where he said he clocked me was about 4 miles from where he stopped me and he did not turn on his lites untill i had made my left turn off the main 4 lane hwy , witch i think is smart because with all the heavy traffic if he had turned the lite show on and hit the big horn everybody would have freaked , brakelites and bumpers . about the speeding , i was driving with the flow of traffic and was not passing anyone , if the flow of traffic was speeding than yes i was , i do not look at the speedo in traffic , my main b###ch is that i was told it was my turn to get a ticket and the leo did not like the company i work for and what he said i was doing and what he wrote down are 2 dif. things annnnnnnd buy the way HE WAS NOT 4 FEET TALL , he between 5'2 and 5'4 he was city pd not a deputy or a state trooper . i am going to the court house tomorrow with cash in hand to pay the fine , ask some ? , if i don't like what i here i'll just never drive in the city again , i don,t live or work in the city , i just drive through it , shop there and eat there and i can stop doing that . the company i work for is rite on the city limet line , Thom
  10. but think about it Bob , my butt is bigger and is closer to the ground than your the mark 1s. i got to thinking [ one the rare times ] a stand like Carbon one's made to fit a 1st gen with 2 scissor jacks welded on top to raise the front or rear ? Thom
  11. what name do you want on it ? you can't use my name and Bongobutt is taken , do you want Adventure 08 Thom
  12. i got the mail box put up and my addy is thom bagby 903A N. Fuqua st. Rockport Tx. 78382 if you are going to send me money please send m/o or pure gold only . no checks , stocks , bonds or stamps . i,ll take in trade on a one to one trade very good running HD s running wings running 2nd gens running or not 1st gens or any part of . and yes i think i am funny Thom
  13. when i tryed using a m/c jack , it was not high enough to get the rear tire off , sometime when i want the bike real high , i jack it up on a m/c jack than put the 2 jackstand under the crash bars , than remove the m/c jack and use a floor jack but i allways strap down the forks Thom
  14. i just emailed him to pass along your message Thom
  15. my trick for pulling the rear tire only and i have a trailer hitch is to put it up on the center stand than put 2 jack stands under the motor crash bars and use a floor jack under the rear shock bracket just in front of the rear tire . all i have to pull off is the brake caliber and mufflers . a Condor wheel chock instead of jack stands work too and makes it easyer to strap down the front forks . Thom
  16. got my 1st speed ticket in 21 years yesterday , i was in the rite lane , not passing anyone on a 4 lane , lots of cars around me , the speed limit drops from 60 to 55 to 50 to 45 in 1.5 miles . i ask him to ck. my DL , and it shows that i am a safe driver and please call in a 27 and it prove i am a good driver , he said that it dos not make a dif. if i am a safe driver , it is my turn to get a ticket , the law of averages . WHAT !! i was thinking all these years i did not have to be a good driver , to keep from getting tickets , i just wait for my turn ! after he wrote the ticket and gave it to me , he told me a story about a few years ago he came to the company i work for to pick up somebody on a wants and warrants and the manager stalled him so the bad guy could slip out the back and how he hounded the company until he cought the badguy , that was 3 managers ago ! by the way , i was driving the company truck and he stopped me in the company parking lot . he told me i was doing 53 in a 45 zone and i did not read the ticket until i cooled downed 2 hours later , the ticket said i was doing 58 in a 45 zone and my court date is 11/04/08 at 9am !!! that only gives me Monday to pay the 210 dollar fine ! So if you are in Rockport Tx. it do's not make a dif. if your a good driver and drive with flow of the trafic , it mite be your turn to get a ticket and or it mite be what the sign reads on your truck . Ok i feel beter now i have let off some steam , i know i could fight the ticket and with the rite lawyer i would win than i would make all of Rockport PD mad at me and i would have to move , but i kinda like this town so i'll just put my tail between my legs and pay the ticket . [ i wonder if the Judge owns a RV , he, he , ] Thom
  17. i am going to try to give him your name today , not sure about the time , i am thinking a week after i give him the names . Thom
  18. this is going to blow this small town post office away lol , Spear do you guys have a zip code or post code ? and i,ll check on the shipping cost . thom
  19. up date for you guys that don't use paypal i got to put my mailbox [ and no i do not have a mail box ] up tomorrow and i,ll post my addy it nice no junk mail for the 3 wks i have been here Thom
  20. ok , Wayne said he is ready to start making them and i found out from the post office how much it will cost to mail them to Can. just 2 bucks more . what i need is everybody that whats one or more is to paypal me at thomsgen@yahoo.com with your shipping addy and what name you want on it , make sure if you want upper case and or lower case , you type out exactly how you want it . in the U.S. $ 21.00 in Can. $23.00 US$ other places pm me and i,ll check at the post office for the price if you are going to pick them up at a local M/E $ 18.00 sence Wayne makes them one at a time we can keep on adding to the order at the same price , i just talked him down to this price by promising 25 + , the normal price is 20.00 for the buckle 5.00 for the name and 5.00 shipping US only and all you who know me i can talk a dead horse into running away . Thom
  21. Thom
  22. It's not 1 of those TX monsters that you can use as a skidplate , it's a standard size western belt beckle about the size of a standard bus card Thom
  23. Don , Wayne tried to do it on black leather with white lettering but it did not work something to do with the laser he uses ? Thom
  24. i'll be here untill they fire me Thom
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