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Everything posted by Thom
my wife said you are wrong , ATM means Automatic Transfer of Money and no , i did not marry her for her brains !:whistling:
yes i have 1 , not very , no , very , no, yes . now after giving rude answers , i,ll be nice , the one i have is very tight and at 35 f at 60 mph the only thing warm was my face . i found my nose has to in the nose pease just rite so it dos not fog my glasses . i have only worn it for short rides and was very glad to get it off but i was also glad i had it . Thom
Another 83 Venture Rat Chopper
Thom replied to motorbiketim's topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
:thumbsup: Tim , that is great ! i had to go to your web site to see how you did it your said you were going to change it but i did not think you would go that far ! you need to bring it to the Hub this Aug. i would like to see it up close . Thom -
LED's in the tail light of a 1st Gen
Thom replied to Saddle_Bag's topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
i use 1 led and 1 1157 , it saves power and is pretty brite plus no little red flashing warning lite also i have a tag lite , i also use led rear turn sigs . Thom -
A little late, but here's some pics of my "new" scoot!!!
Thom replied to mashley's topic in Watering Hole
:thumbsup::thumbsup: -
Dunlop Elite 3 available for front!
Thom replied to Gearhead's topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
thanks for the tip , 109.99 and free shipping , just ordered one Thom -
Thanks Bryan , the front wheel is 3 in. wide darn i thought i figgerd out how to get the 1st gens. closer to the ground with out having to hit the donate button . Thom
Yep and a whole lot less embarrassing !:crackup: Thom
at least it will be eazy to chase down a 1500 wing but it will be hard to hold the rider down to measure the with of his wheel so hopefully somebody here that rides a 1500 wing will measure the with of there wheel , please . i can see it now , me out running a wing than after i beat him or her i than ask [ can i measure your front wheel ] :rotfl: Thom
oops , never thought about it being wider , just shorter , well it was a thought , a plus using the tire it would make the speedo truer . Thom
Thanks Bryan , after reading the info you gave the 70 side wall is 20% shorter than the 90 so the bike will be lower to the ground , next ? how do it handles ? Thom
i am looking for new front tire for my 1st gen and found this ? Dunlop Elite 3 130/70HB-18 Front GL1500 i know 1stgs use a 130 / 90 but dos a 70 have a shorter side wall than a 90 ? what do every body think ? Thom
your a new member and you have to follow the rules ! PIC,S how to post pic,s , on the reply screen , in the grey area , next to the smily face is a paper clip , click it , browse to find the pic you want , click and load it , then preview , than submit , i think i got it rite if not somebody here tell Mike the rite way to post pic,s . By the way Mike is a great Guy BUT he has made one mistake , he knows me and told me he was looking for a Hardly , than after listening to all my H/D jokes i beat on him untill he joined VR.O and after that it was eazy to talk him into a VR [ but it is only a 2nd gen so i am going to polish the back of my 1st gen so he'll have something nice to look at ] so everybody welcome Mike and feel sorry for him too because he has to ride with Motor Mouth , Mike the only way you can get me to shut up is to feed me D/Q !!!! Thom
Hey Mike that sounds like a good deal , very low miles , you need to hurry up and get one so we can go riding , i am riding to the Ofeast in a few min. all of 1 mile but a lot eazyer to park , after eating to much i'll do a nite ride over to Port Cow . Thom
welcome Skyking , i told you if you ask they will tell you ! you gonna need to borrow the trailer ? by the way 1st gens are faster !!!! Thom
me to , HS-7 thom
i just got called from the ins. co. and was told silver is worth only 3000.00 by the kelly blue book and the totaled price is a little more than 2100.00 . he told me if i can prove it is worth more he'll give me more . i do not want to have a salvage title . dos anybody know how i can prove it is worth more than 3000 bucks ? anybody get a settlement of more than 3000. on a 1st gen ?? pleeeease , i need help !!!!!! Thom:bang head::bang head::bang head:
SO TRUE , SOOO VEERRY TRUE . i am glad i can duck as fast a 1st gen runs , if i ducked as slow as a 2nd gen i would have a lot of bumps on my head from those wimmins . Thom
Randy , you know , after i saw yours i did the same thing , still works great ! i have had 2 fl. troopers and 1 ga. trooper look at mine , all 3 of them said they are not quiet illegal because they are in the head lite and the headlite never gos out , the ga.trooper said if they were in the driving lites he would bust me . i don't ride at nite , i am nite blind , i can see at nite but all lites look like head lites on hi beam . i have seen m/cs that have too brite driving and head lites during the day , i can't see anything but there lites , i can't tell if there are any cars behind or beside them . i was asked why m/c don't have yellow driving lites any more , the man said it was eazy to tell a bike from a car in the old days . when i bought my bike it had yellow fog lites on it but they did not look good and got deep sixed . maybe at one of our meet and eats one of us can take some pics of the dif. lites we all use during the day from say 500 ft. away and post them and we can see witch is the best , i would like to see them and it is better to know i can be seen than hoping i can be seen . i am starting to type as much as i talk , oops Thom
I hate Rap, it ain't real music it's crap, I hate Rap
Thom replied to Midrsv's topic in Watering Hole
i belong to F.A.R.M. , fathers against rap music Thom:rotfl: -
i got board , i got up this am looked at Silver , thinking how bad she looks than the oops happened , by the way thanks tim aka motorbiketim , this is all your fault , :rotfl: i,ll keep this way untill i get all the plastic fixed
i have not posted for the last 2 weeks , been in a bad mood so i just lurked , reading every thing here every day to make me feel better . Silver got hit 2 weeks ago . i went shopping for a frig. at a local shop and parked 20 feet behind a car when i went inside i asked whos white car is that is out there , the lady , who is the owner of the shop said it was her's and i told her that i parked behind her and don't leave with out telling me . i bought a used frig from her and she ask me how i was going to get it home and i pointed at Silver and said i'll put it in the trunk of my bike could she have somebody give me a hand ? she laughed and i told her that my son will be here with a truck and trailer to pick it up . so while my son and i are loading the frig she comes up and is waiting for us to finish and than tells me she knocked over my bike , she not only knock it over but pushes it about 8 ft. after i get it up she tells me that she is closed and i need to move the bike so she can leave , i tell her to call her insureance co. she tells me that her ins. is in ohio and i need to have my ins. co fix it i said so my ins. is in fl. and she needs to call her ins. or i am calling the pd . that got her on the phone real fast , after she told the ins. co. what happened and thay told me thay would fix it , 4 days later a ajuster called me from ohio and said a ajuster from tx will come to me and take pic'c that took another week but he took a lot of them . the ins.co is nationwide and seams ok . the rite side is a wreck , fairing , mirror , rite panel that holds the class , rite bag , highway peg and trunk . the front bumper is bent pretty bad but i have been riding it to work every day , i hope the ins.co sends me a check pretty soon because Silver is in ruff shape rite now , i had to remove the trunk today because it was falling apart . i guess i am a member of the broken haerts club , i now know how Randy felt . Thom
my , at that time , wife and i had a bike but she had a few to many close calls, she told me to trade in both bikes for a cruiser so she could ride on the back so we loaded both bikes up on the trailer and went shopping at a used m/c where house . there was about 150 bikes in it most of them were cruiser or baggers , most of them were HDs so me and the sales man were working a deal on a very nice hd and the mech. walks up and tells me my wife wants to see me in the back , i told him to tell her that i am dealing with the sales man and when i am done i'll see her . there is a lot of people in this wherehouse a week before daytona bike week and this lady stands up on a m/c seat and yell's out , HAY A$$HOLE , MY B#TT FITS THIS ONE AND NO YOU CAN'T HAVE A HARLEY so 15 mins later i am the owner of a 86 VR with no brakes and no idea how to work on them and a week later i am a member here and i know to work on brakes . don't have wife anymore but still have the VR . Thom