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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Wind over the handle bars will blow away tears but it will never blow away a heavy heart . have fun riding the sky James you will be missed Marsha and Thom
  2. that is prefect ! if you can buy form the States i guess i can buy from Germany but you can read english and i suck at german well that is what google is for . thanks Thom
  3. hydraulic Switches ? never thought about using them in a brake line , i would have to find a " T " to install them , i was thinking relays but i like your idea better ! Thom
  4. Squid , i need new ones because the brake lever is bent unpretty bad , only can use 2 fingers on it , most off the time it is ok but old lady season :backinmyday:will be here shortly and i know i,ll need more than 2 fingers on the brake yep i was looking for them too but no luck . i would like to go with FJR clutch and master cyl. but i am worryed about the switches . Thom
  5. if you look closely the 1st bike rear tire locked up ! Thom
  6. I am looking for chrome clutch and brake lever , are 1st and 2nd gens the same ? and anybody know the part# for after market chrome set ? at 24.50 each for oem i mite as well get good looking ones . Thom
  7. welcome to Texas , if you get to hot up there come on down to the Beach , got a spare bed room , only got to 95 here today . Thom
  8. i want 1 , i can find the connectors if there is not any left . Thom
  9. Know that hwy. well ! very nice ride . why i know it well? rode my 1st m/c on it many , many , many years ago . I was born in wikieup . Thom
  10. ok , see if these will work ? plus i got to show off the new lites i installed on the truck , they are brake and turn lites Thom
  11. Thom

    Wind Noise

    By the way ! WHITE is the fastest color !!!!!!!:rotfl: Thom
  12. just ran out of fan ! came back in to cool off , is it beer 30 yet ? It was nice sitting in my chair working on the rear lites . Thom
  13. i bought a new jack at harbor fright last week end and just got enough guts to try it out , it raises the bike up 30 in. i am going to build 2 boxes to set the bike on when i need to get to both sides . the cost was 159.00 and is rated for 1100 lbs. now if the weather will just cool down enough to work on it ! Thom
  14. Mini , this mite help http://www.baen.com/library/ it,s free Thom
  15. just downloaded Chrome , and it is fast , i like it ! been playing with it tonite and it is the only browser that resize this site so i don't have to move back and forth to read . it also works better on NBC and FOX but ABC don't like it yet , it is faster and eazyer to use than Firefox . has anybody tried it yet ? Thom
  16. welcome Mama , glad you get to come play with us ! wish i could have made it this year but work and miles would not let me . Thom:thumbsup:
  17. i have 3 , just in case 1 or 2 fall off Thom
  18. Bump
  19. I know this is not the rite place to put this but with over 7700 members here there mite be hope ! so i got to try it , Mods if it ain't right please remove it , so here go's HELP !! I NEED A RV TECH !! here at Camper Clinic , in Rockport Tx. 361-729-0031 ask for me , Thom in Service and i'll shoot you to the Guy that do.s the higherin , appt must have 1 year as a rv service tech exp. sorry but i am so short handed i can't train anybody rite now . we are a flat rate shop and all the usal beenes . now to tell ya about Rockport Tx , we are at the north end of Padre Island , temp is the coolest town on the south Tx gulf coast , runs about 5 degees lower than Corpis Chistie witch is 25 miles down the coast , the area is flatter than water and if you want to do a twistie here , it ain't gonna happen ,but on the plus side we are not that far from the Tx hill country ! the fishing is GREAT ! and lots of beaches . it is pretty cheap to live here , we have a 125 rv parks with in 25 mile of the dealership . my pers. cell phone no. is 386-717-9245 best to call me during the day time because i like to lose it after 7 pm . also we are looking for a RV Service writer too ! So if anybody needs a job and fits the bill and wants to ride all year give a call . Thom , now back to Motorcycles , grandkids and DQ !http://www.camperclinic.com
  20. wow ! that looks great ! i like the color , and it will not be hard to see in my mirror the next time you are herding me through the twistys . Thom
  21. i kinda agree , i use a pipe 't' with a pressure gauge to tell if anything is wrong , just put between the pump and motor and take a pressure reading , can also be used on the return line to check for blockage , i bought the pressure gauge and 't' from tractor supply thom
  22. OK I'm stumped , what kind of tree is it ? Thom
  23. Jerry , yep you did , but i can't do it the rite way , i removed the 2 allen bolts that held the shifter in and the shifter rod moved out of the way but the bolt would not clear the ex pipe and the motor but a firm pull on the ex pipe and some good old Navy words and got enough room . Thom
  24. Sorry i goofed , i met to say 2 gen Mech. you know it is hard to tell the dif. just got done lowering Mike's aka Skyking 2 gen and it was lot's of fun ! it was lots of fun getting to the front forks than trying to get the the tree down the 1 in. but we got it done ! took a large malet and some pry bars but it is done ! installing the longer dog bones and rear brake relocator was a lot easyer , a little trick do not raise the rear tire off the ground , makes it a lot easyer , only took me a hour to figger that out . the last thing we did was change the kick stand , what a pain in the . why not make the bolt a 1/2 in shorter ? anyway its all done and looks darn good ! Mike said it rides good too he proved it by riding with no hand for a short way and of course i proved to him that 1st gens are faster and a lot easier to work on ! i want to thank JerryW for all the info and help , with out him i could not have done it ! THOM -------- the idiot who thought he was a mech.
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