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Everything posted by Thom

  1. thanks , please keep us updated . yep another GB ?
  2. just hit 100 f. need rain !!!!!
  3. i have this one , cost 159.00 from harber fright , lifts the tires 30 in up
  4. Thom

    high tech

  5. me too ! be nice to have a yellow and white on each side , how much ? Thom
  6. you need to check with JerryW a member here , he may have everything you need . Thom
  7. OK, i know i should not do it but i need to for work . i want to hook my cell phone up to the intercom so i can answer the phone when riding , i don't want to have to buy a Zumo and a bluetooth phone . i would just like to plug the phone in to the system . anybody know if there is a adapter or how to make one ? Thom
  8. please read my sig :crackup:
  9. you got me thinkin , i have 4 white strobs hooked up to my brake lites , they are inside of my tail lite . if i install another set but put 1 in each turn sig. i will have 4 way flashers and they will be LED , i could leave them on for days with out the battery going down . i got the strobs from auto zone for less than 25 bucks Thom
  10. Just now pped you , mark me payed Thom440 aka thomsgen
  11. my boss says that the backrest stops the squeeze , she hated the backrest until i moved the truck back , now if i can just get her to stop singing along with the radio , i need mike mutes !! Thom
  12. Be safe and have a fun trip ! Thom:clap2:
  13. what can i say ?
  14. buuuuutt , no snow or ice . Thom
  15. but how many gal. are you putting in when you fill up ? Thom
  16. ya but not the week end i finely get off and i want to pick on Wildhair ! it looks like Bill will be knocking on your door Mini . Thom
  17. has anybody checked the weather lately ? the weather station just gave a long range forecast and it looks like Ana will be in this area next week end better not !!! what am i worried about those guys are never rite . Thom
  18. its the same seat , the seat is the same from 83 up to 92 just dif. colors Thom
  19. but it was fun ? Thom
  20. that is the same set i have , will be ordering another set for the Boss , they are pretty good but a little windy need a bigger muff or mic-mutes . Thom
  21. Commando !? nope just a navy airdale , i used to have fun throwing Navy pilots out the side door of a helo every 6 mos until some jerk told the boss i have never qualified jumping with a rag on my back at 4000ft. 80 ft ok but nothing higher . air-sea rescue HS-7 on the sinking Sara Thom
  22. I gotta ask ? about the ball , i have heard about the bolt shearing on a ball and i am a little worryed , i am a heave trailer puller like you and on my trl. hitch i have the ball that came from the dealer when the hitch was installed back in 1986 i assume , it is the chrome ball that has the bolt that screws up into the bottom of the ball , not the 1 with all thread and a lock washer and nut or the 1 that has a casted shaft on it . i would like to know witch 1 did you have and did it shear or come unscrewed ? if it is the same as mine and it sheared , it would be the 3rd one i have heard to happen and i got to change it . About the naysayers , don't let them worry them , that is what is kwel about this site , you get both sides . Thom PS i hate you and people like you !!!!! i have been thrown out of a perfectly working plane 3 times and it A'INTgonna happen again :moon: pps if you scream like a girl at 4000 ft. and nobody can here , do they still laugh ?
  23. a friend of mine needs some help with his 99 1500 honda valk. he paid a honda shop a lot of money to clean his carbs and now his float needle valves will not seat , the mech. installed new needle valves and polished the seats but gas still leaks past , he said there is no way to adjust the floats ?? anybody know how to adjust the floats ? he told me today that a new set of carbs cost 1700.00 not installed . i need to help him get the Valk. running so i can out run him , i do not want to run him on his other bike , a m109r Susy , he came by the shop today to ask for help and show me the 109 after looking at the 109 i kinda tucked my tail , man that is a lot of bike ! Thom
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