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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Thom

    GPS Mount

    Brian , i 2nd that ! i took a old master cyl. chrome cover that came on our 1st gens and glued the suction cup on it with amazing goop , it works even these Tx roads Thom
  2. it's funny how much dif. a brand of sparkplug is , i changed back to ngk , no more vib in the floorboards and lots more power , by the way i do not know where that rubber black mark on the shop floor came from
  3. one of our members had his done in Houston and the tech installed a grease fitting in the neck , when i install new bearings i will do it . Thom
  4. thank you , tried Champs and that was a misstake so back to nkgs . Thom
  5. anybody know the part # for ngk sparkplugs on a 1st gen ? i forgot manual at home and want to change plugs . Thom
  6. when you get down here give a yell and we'll help unload .
  7. OOPS , my brain fell out !! i am getting OLD there is a style of RV type camper called a bunkhouse , ok i'll shut up now , :crackup:
  8. me too , i think SS would be better !
  9. just a thought , i know i should not do it but what if somebody made a set of these for our bike , we could set the rear hight away we want ? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160361922897#ht_6852wt_1062
  10. that is sweeet , kinda kwel what he did to the class , Thom
  11. what brand is it ? the adda room just turns the awning into a room , do's it have any slidouts ? is the main bed up front and the bunks in back ? if it has a dressing room , it sounds like someone has removed the bunkbeds , need more info , i am in the camper bus. and can tell you about what it is worth , or you can google the make , model and year and see what they are selling for . Thom
  12. pro shop white with a met. mid coat , but i am bias
  13. Yep , the company i work for just put one in our 3/4 ford truck , it is ok but to get that 3 year warranty you have to install new rad. , oil pump and i forget what else , my mech said to buy all the stuff the warranty calls for costs as much as the motor it is cheaper than a Jasper motor and it only took a week to get in . Thom
  14. the best 85 mph i have ever done on this bike , remember i said i raised the front and dropped the back ? i thought the weave was caused by the angle of the wind shield or fairing because it did not do it when 2 up , if somebody would try it and see if it works for them than we know what is wrong . what i did is air the front to the max and drop the rear down to 18 ilbs . Thom
  15. yours install is better than mine , i did not put the helmet locks back , i cheated , Amazing Goop - 6.97 , a trick Wildhair showed me . to wire tail , turn , brake , you can do it 2 ways , one , the way Ponch and i did is buy 2 diedos from your local RV store , they are the type that has 2 inputs and 1 output , put 1 wire to 1 input from the turn sig. of bike and to the other input put the brake wire from the bike , from the outside of diedo run a wire to the sig. of lite bar do same to the other side . the 2nd way is just buy a hoppy 5-4 adpt. and wire the 5 wires into your bike and 4 wire to the lite bar , if all this is as clear as mud ask Ponch , he is pretty good at telling you how . this is the bar i used http://www.chromeglow.com/catalog.asp?prodid=561931&showprevnext
  16. for the last 2 days i have been trying something , i aired the front to max 21 lbs and dropped the rear to 21 the 1st day than today i dropped the rear to 18lbs and it helped , i did 10 miles at 78 on the speedo and had very little weave , and i would like the thank the yellow mustage because when i started slowing down to the speed limit coming around a long sweep that black and white was just pulling over the mustage !
  17. HEY Randy :moon::moon::moon: and yes i am in Texas
  18. lites and back rest , 1st g or 2nd g , a back rest makes the ride like heaven and lites to see and be seen .
  19. JT , i know what the mute is for so are you saying i can't talk your ears off anymore :crackup: Thom
  20. for us 1st gens to install the lite bar just remove the helmet locks and attach the lite bar in its place , i have spent almost 30 bucks installing brake lites storbes and they last about 6 months then i have to buy new ones so i am going to try his 1157 flashing bulbs and see how they work , i will replace both tail lite bulbs with them and install a tag lite to keep the consul from flashing , blue hair old lady:backinmyday: season is comming soon and i got to be ready . and for us who are or use tobe ebay sellers , more power to anybody that sells on ebay , its almost as much fun as doing group buys , :rotfl:
  21. i think it has every chrome op. ever made for a 1g and it looks brad new but 8 grand
  22. but his a kit , it should have the diodes in it , i have install some by just wiring into the trailer plug , if anybody already has a hoppy 5-4 adpter you don't need the kit . Thom PS i am going to order 2 of the 1157 led flashing brake lite bulbs for my trailer from him . there kwel
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-LED-Brake-Running-Light-Bar_W0QQitemZ330344553243QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item4cea11db1b&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245#ht_1460wt_928 hillis ,you forgot to say it works on the 1 gens too pretty good idea putting it in a kit , you need to post it in our classifieds too Thom
  24. Barend and GW thats what i need ! why yam. would use spacers i don't know ? i thought it was some bracket i did not have , so tomorrow it is off to Ace for spacers and longer bolts . Thanks for your help ! Thom
  25. yep Kreg , that was about 3/4 off the problem , i hope the chin will fix the rest . Thom
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