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Everything posted by Thom

  1. OK Randy , when you get done , how fast will you be going at 9 grand in 5th ,
  2. Gary ! I knew you are up grading form a MK1 motor to a MK2 but the last time i looked that is NOT a MK2 motor , that is not playing Fair How far did you go on it ? do you have stock pistons ? are you gonna use the V-boost ? we need update pic as you work on it but IT IS A TOURING BIKE ! :crackup: remember everybody RED MEANS DANGER !!! BUY THE WAY :thumbsup::clap2: Thom
  3. :sign kewl::sign woo hoo::clap2:
  4. I know you are very busy making the M/C covers BUUUUUT have you ever looked at the the side covers of a 1st gen , the round parts in the middle , they have 1200 or 1300 on them ? they would look a whole lot better being replaced with V4 . OR do I need a Just thinking out loud , I know i should not think Thom
  5. :clap2: IT COUNTS !!!! I was't just thinking 1Gens , i am hoping all off the custom paint jobs will post pics
  6. Most of us know what factory paint looks like and i think Yamaha has some good colors . Buuuuuuuuuuuuut you know their are a few of us that can,t leave well enough alone . so i would like to start a thread on pic's of our after market paint jobs and why we can't leave well enough alone , i'll start , sense i have painted mine 3 time in less than 3 years ! when i got mine it had a ruff life and looked pretty bad , my so called friends that i rode with where at the same feeling as me - don't care what you ride as long as you ride - until i showed up with my faded brown 1 gen , very faded brown , it was the same color of a well fed dog leaves behind . the day that i made up my mind to paint her is when i was following a friend and a another rider came up beside my friend and told him he need to change his diet because he is leaving ruff looking turds behind him , enough said , my bike got the 1st paint job ! this is the only pic's of it when it was brown . the pic and a lot of wax made it look a lot better than it was than the Met. silver with ice green next it blue and a few mods , that was after a nice lady backed over it , at present 3 stage Met white with Met. blue I showed y'all mine , now it's your turn !
  7. i have one for my 1st gen , the tire fits but it bends and the bike will fall about 1/2 way over , i just use it in the trailer not for working in the shop now
  8. I am a RVIDA and IRVSA certified RV Master Tech. been doing it sense 1982 i have worked at a few dealerships , worked for myself for 10 years , retired than went broke back to work for a dealership as a service manger .
  9. OOPS , i am cheap to so i ordered from EZONEDIRECT , i got 1/2 my order in 10 days ago , i think the other 1/2 is lost , still waiting on the H-3 leds and some ear buds
  10. You have been PMed , hurry up with the paypal addy
  11. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  12. NO ! PIC'S ARE NOT REQUIRED !!!!!!!!!!!:bang head: I am glad Taters is doin better , keep it up .
  13. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  14. :sign yeah that:
  15. I plead the 5th
  16. 38 Indian ?
  17. I'm not reading any of the new ones , just got done with one from 1926 , 12 ways to remodle you house - 1- lift up house and put in a cellar if you don't have one OK sounds like a weekend job
  18. the old way of stacking plates was to never line them up because they where not perfectly flat , you did not have a bad mech. just a old one
  19. or you can just cheat and get the kit from Skydoc and not worry about it any more . http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2333/cat/6
  20. i have been reading the 1944 issue for the last 2 hours all i can say is WHOW !! a 137 years of back issues is a lot to read but i am going to try to at least read the 1st 50 years . http://books.google.com/books/serial/ISSN:01617370?rview=1&source=gbs_navlinks_s by the way did you know you can buy 40 acres in Orlando for 250.00 and just 10.00 down and 10.00 a mo. ?
  21. yep , you got it rite . and your gonna like that E-3 !! I got mine from Dennis Kerk very good price .
  22. thanks , just ordered:thumbsup: one
  23. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33531&highlight=chopper check this out
  24. :cool10::crackup::rotf::rotf:
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