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Everything posted by Thom

  1. for all you camper type riders , check this out , http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/08/buffalino-tiniest-rv-ever.php I think it is a Class A motor home on 3 wheels
  2. There is allways the Rockport-Fulton area 40 miles up the coast from Corpus Christi , I moved here from Fla. and like it . There are a lot of campers , park models and cabins , 145 RV parks within 30 miles of me .
  3. Owen And Doodle Bug THAT IS NOT A TRAILER ! it is a rolling tire machine if I rode up to Houston on my 1st gen i Know not 1 camera would show up but as soon as it is on the trailer wham 50 cameras ! if it was not for the tire machine and 2nd gens needing a ride , I'd sell that trailer , but O'well , i guess i'll keep it . I have just one thing to say about the Houston Gang :clap2: and i consenter my self one of them .
  4. Owen And Margret a great Big THANK YOU For a great MD ! Skyking and I Made it home and are looking forward to the next one . lots of fun meeting old and new friends .
  5. If I can get Skyking to hurry up and get his 2nd gen on the trailer than We'll be ready for Leaving time of 4 am , me thinks it gonna be a short nite ! ps , i hope somebody knows how to work this tire machine . I got a lot of wheel weights , Ponch are you bringing your balancer ?
  6. Thanks for doing this , paypal sent
  7. New and improved ya Rite O by the way Marsha likes your name ! She calls you DOODLE BUG :rotfl: I think thats just sweet
  8. Thanks for bringing the SWR meter , its ok if I am out of tune but not my cb ant. Thom
  9. If you think FF is good try Chrome ! we have moved all the puters at work over to Chrome , dumped IE and now have a smaller server . I wish they would hurry up with the Chrome OS , i have a laptop and a netbook waiting on it !
  10. Owen , do you have a soldering iron ? i want to convert my antt. over to a fire stik and figger there will be some twoway radio people around and hopefolley , maybe ? get the SWR set ? i,ll stop by a truck stop to get the parts i need . its gonna be a LOOONNNG 6 days ! Thom Ps . we'll bring a adapter stand and a carb tune , need any thing else ? have lots of room because Mike aka SkyKing's is being trailered because of his fan is out .
  11. I have a 86 with E-3s Lov them , tried 35 psi in the front tire and was all over the road , felt like something was lose , razed the air up to 39 made a world of dif. i run mid. setting on auto and 4 on the damper . for the buffing , i have a over sized windshield and installed a vent , that stopped the buffing . Thom
  12. Thanks , count me in , i need one Thom
  13. SkyKing needs a spacer for his driving lites so he can remove the fairing with out removing his D/Ls . anybody know where to buy one ? Thom
  14. Sorry forgot the cam but add 2 more , no rain here just HOT , HOT and more Hot , had to sit in the A/C to eat them !
  15. I want 2 , one the vest , and 1 for the trailer OWEN
  17. You and Me Both ! I'ed buy both of them , don't know if i would have enough guts to ride wearing one tho
  18. The 1st was a Honda 90 , 30 bucks when i was 14 , many moons ago , used to put it in my 51 ply. take to the top of a hill and let it roll down to get it started . when i turned 16 i traded it and 1600 bucks for a 900 sporty , less than a hour later , totaled the sporty ! 1 of the push rods came off and my leg was in the way . the dealer payed the med bills and gave me a used fatbob . i got the venture feb 2007 . this 1st gen is the hardest and funnest bike i have ever rode ! I am 57 Thom
  19. Jim i had the same problem and found out it was the starter sw. when hitting the switch , it turns the head lite off , one of the contacts where stuck , i cleaned and greased it works now . Thom
  20. That Just Mean ! but you can come here only 785 mile , i'll buy ! Thom
  21. South Coast Texas Rockport Hwy 35 Next to HEB If you miss It you it need to stop looking at the Bikinis on the beach ! 7:00 pm
  22. Yep , I planing on bringing it , i am going to mount it on the trailer , and no the 1st gen will not be on it !! but maybe Skyking's 2nd gen will be , he needs to get his fan installed , soooo , I will be bringing my camera
  23. I think it was Randya ?
  24. Ponch , watch out , the next time i get close to your bike , i can copy that card in less than 2 mins. ! LOL:clap2:
  25. yes you !!!!
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