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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Enjoyed the Rally. Thanks to those who worked to pull it all together! Good to see old friends and meet new ones. By way of OK we made it home on Tues. See you on a Venture
  2. Thom

    we are here

    We are here site 223 the airstream ,Thom&Alice
  3. Thank You Boomer
  4. Just paypaled you 10.00 for 2 . Thom
  5. Kreg just called Us with the news , Don is a good Friend and We are going to miss Him , Condolences to His Family . Alice and Thom
  6. Randy , I have Google Wallet , it is just like Paypay , He is just fishing for your actt. info . Thom
  7. Fender Lizard and I are on it , Thanks Don , :sign kewl::clap2:
  8. OK , let me dig them out of storage to take pic's , it be next week . Thom
  9. Anybody have red body parts for a 2000 RSV ? I need a lot of it , don't want to paint anything , yep I know but I'm lazy and too cheap to have a body shop paint them . both front leg shields ? rite saddle bag battery side covers front fender and more Thom
  10. yep , got one for sale , 50.00 plus shipping , it's used , If you want it I'll dig it out and send you some pic's Thom
  11. Thom


    You need a cable from Buddyrich
  12. click the vimeo link [ame=http://vimeo.com/61275290]http://http://vimeo.com/61275290[/ame]
  13. Sorry , I used to wire bikes for a living , I only do it for fun now , show up at Doodles M/D with the parts and w'll get'er done .
  14. maybe this will help , No chicken was harmed in making this drawing .
  15. You need 4 diodes , the ones that have 2 ins and 1 out , can find them at your RV store , cut hot wire going to the lite , splice them into each lite , the out side facing the lite , the front lites have tobe spliced in the fairing , the rear can be splice under the seat , run a wire to each of the diodes, plug wire into the left over in side of the diode , run all 4 wires to a switch, other side of switch to a 2 prog flasher can, than to hot fuse . give me a few mins. and I'll down load a wiring diagram . because after reading this , it is as clear as mud .
  16. Just PPed you for 2 . Thom
  17. http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=f6zt-wzpXkbB-M&tbnid=gxg2_guNH8ygpM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yotatech.com%2Ff131%2Ftruck-lite-5x7-led-headlight-review-265275%2F&ei=LZkyUeSmMabR2QWsgoGACg&psig=AFQjCNGMDgmThcyUxnA3XxYUqplx5Ku0pw&ust=1362356909849975 1st gen? MK1 ?
  18. This Mine , 86 MK2 , white custom paint .
  19. And IT'S Cold , welcome to Tx. even down here on the beach
  20. I Knew I should not bid ageist somebody that rides in the snow with a short windshield , Red You just wait ! I got 29 Days to get some more money , I will be BACK !!!
  21. I remember a nite when Eck danced his RSV with Leds , He needs too lite the Wing [ame] [/ame] I know He rides in the rain !!!
  22. :group cheers:
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