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abusive throttle cranker

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Everything posted by abusive throttle cranker

  1. When I said they weren't especially spongy feeling I should have mentioned I have already bled the rear- then the front. I wasn't aware at the time of the fitting up near the triple trees. Still- air in the system makes em spongy. But why such effort needed to get some response? BTW I've gone thru- all the pads but one were good and I replaced that one.
  2. Well shes running finally! And I took it around the block. Couple questions though. Does interconnecting the brakes yield high pedal pressures? It isn't especially spongy feeling but I do haveta stand on it to get some stopping power. The front ain't so bad. Another thing: it has more decelleration than I'm used to. When I shut the throttle it really slows. No- its not the brakes. Put it in neutral it'll roll. Of course I don't have the idle set yet. With the adjustment buried behind that emissions canister I gotta get home and let it cool b4 I can wiggle my hand in there enough to turn it. Other than that its running pretty good. I'm sure it could smoke the Suzuki VL1500 I was riding. It did backfire a couple times on decel. I put a couple ounces of Techron in the fuel and ran it enough to get into the carb passages. It has 2 half inch holes cut into the air box. I covered them with duct tape but still the square duct piece inside the air box is missing. The one protrudes inside the filter. Is that thing critical? I'd appreciate any comment y'all care to make.
  3. He has the panel with 8 fuses there. Earl's has 6. But he also has the handy-dandy instruction sheet
  4. Disconnect one of the clamps from the battery (either one). Then close the door, do this at night, or otherwise provide darkness. Then touch the clamp to the battery post while looking closely. You should not see anything. If there is a spark you have some kind of a drain, a short, etc.
  5. And then theres fiberglass. My brother used it on his poorman bass boat. If he can use it anybody can! Seriously though- FG is a common application for cars and ain't so hard to do.
  6. I have a set of Progressives I bought second hand from Golf&Ventures of this site. The OEM washer doesn't fit inside the spring. The coil is too small. Hmmmmmmm.........
  7. Yeah thats it- the 3rd pic. It had a left side kick start on it. Just for giggles- the 305 Honda Super Hawk had a right side kicker- but it went clockwise! Yup- ya kicked it foreward! That Honda Dream u show there is the 160cc version.
  8. I had one looked just like that- in blue. Mine was called a YM-1 I think. Also called the 305 Cross Country. Used ta whoop up on Honda 350s. Of course I only weighed about 130 lbs at the time!
  9. I don't want to introduce a downer attitude here but........what purpose is served by these posts? Send the man some money and done. He'll know who u are and of course u know. And of course the man (or woman- politically correct here lol) upstairs. Why tell all of us?
  10. I considered something like that for its low weight. But then I realized the 18 lbs of a normal AGM battery is actually less than a full tank of fuel which is normally carried above the engine, I went with the proven technology and half the cost of the AGM design.
  11. lol I needed a 32mm for the crankshaft. So I got a deep well 1/2" drive set for $30 shipped from HF. And it includes a 22mm. Also a 27mm to fit the top of the triple trees- u know the bracket behind the cruise control module.
  12. Ya right- the fine print! Of course! Regardless of fault! I say again- they will gain- regardless of customer satisfaction! How can they screw up 3 out of 3? Its.........amazing! And the fee they charged me was 24%. Scumbums.
  13. Hmmmmmm......I'm just going by what I've been told. "Send it as a gift please so they don't charge me". I use PayPal for purchases only- taking money out is a foreign experience.
  14. I used PayPal. Will they fight a company for a restocking fee? They did, after all, refund (76% of) my money. They just helped themselves along the way. Aside from that- the refund went into my PP account. Which means I must use it for other purchases or they will levy a fee on me if I try to extract it.
  15. They never offered to send replacements. And being Oh- fer I didn't want to continue to try with them. I sent them a nasty email. At the rate they 'work' they won't see it for 2 weeks. They'll probly delete it after seeing the first 3 words.
  16. The 2nd gen has a cable? Its not hydraulic? If hydraulic be aware that the brake fluid will degrade under high temperature. I've had it happen myself. Try bleeding the clutch. If burnt the fluid coming out will be dark. If that is the case you must bleed it till clear fluid comes out. My 1st gen uses DOT 3 fluid- better check to see what yours takes.
  17. Weeks ago I ordered 3 items from these people. The total was $170. All 3 items were wrong- in spite of my sending a couple of followup emails to make clear what I intended. And being assured all was in order. So I obtained an RMA and returned them. Total shipping cost both ways equaled $40. The return shipment was posted on 4/09 and the USPS said it would arrive on 4/15. This morning I finally received a refund. For $129! They charged me a restocking fee! To fix their own error!!! Be warned! This company doesn't give a damn about the customer- they gonna get ur money!
  18. I just turned my spark plug tool (the one in the tool kit) upside down- it fits right into the plug on top of the fork tube. Then a 22mm socket with extension on the outside of the erstwhile business end. Works like a charm!
  19. I am a retired truck driver and still have my CB radio and antenna. The antenna has the standard fittings used in the US. It will NOT fit the stud on my 1st gen.....
  20. Yes please! One 5" and one 11" if u will.
  21. Thanks for the heads up for Partshark. I have them on my favorites but their price was higher on the jet and they didn't have the side panel tab I've been looking for. Or I can't find it in the fiche or parts list.
  22. Owned and operated by. Pick a bike on that list and see the header of the following page.
  23. NO! Absolutely not! I have learned my lesson about Partzilla! Never again!!!!!!!! They cost me $40 in shipping both ways for the 3 of 3 they @##%$#$@#@%'d up! And they've have my stuff in their hands since the 15th and I still haven't seen a dime!
  24. I have a #80 on order from Ron Ayer. Found 3 in the bottom of a box of 'other stuff' given me by the PO. These 3 are #80 and the one depicted in the microfiche is also #80. Still can't find a source for an idle adjustment screw and spring. At least now maybe it will run!
  25. My bike is a '91 VR. The VMax site just happened to be what I was looking at when I picked up on this. I'm gonna look at some parts fiche views myself. I also need an idle adjustment screw and spring which I already discovered is not available at Chaparral. Maybe I'll give this Ron Ayers a shot.
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