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Everything posted by dallio

  1. that is a good thing to know. some trailers have a sign on them that if you cant see the mirrors the driver cant see you. glad you didn't get hurt.
  2. dallio

    Pet Interview

    that is just to funny:rotf::rotf:i liked that.
  3. we have a little country diner here where i live that is always busy. great food and very reasonable in price. it is called Montana's it is located on rt 208 just outside of Fryburg, PA
  4. this one is in cycle trader 2007 Yamaha Venture 1300 $6,000 http://images.traderonline.com/img/5/plcnad/7907686/108491739_1thumb_180x135.jpg 18 Used, Galaxy Blue, 1,300 cc, V-4, 79,586 mi., 809 lbs., Cruiser Motorcycle Encino, CA Private Seller (818) 990-5404
  5. i have never owned more then one at a time but have had 12 bikes since i have been riding. right now i have an 09 HD ultra classic.
  6. hey miles if you want to loose weight just eat the holes. i have tried that but it is hard to eat the hole without eating the entire donut.
  7. nice looking ride.
  8. http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mtn7fJ3q3l744tth5pWQVRg.jpg looks close to the victory symbol.
  9. congards to your new purchase. enjoy and keep the shinny side up.
  10. miles, i would be glad to go get your pics. i live in tionesta pa and it is about 3hrs from me. i can go almost any Saturday. if you want these pics soon i will take the cage but if you can wait until the weather is more ridable if that is a word then i can take the bike. either way i would do this for you. get me the address so i can put it in my gps.
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