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About dallio

  • Birthday 01/30/1959

Personal Information

  • Name
    dale allio


  • Location
    tionesta, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
  1. i was planning on a trip to Cape May NJ this weekend. sounds like i better take along the rain gear.
  2. has anyone ever used a N Line single wheel trailer behind there bike? pros & cons??
  3. took a ride to the Kinzua Bridge in Pa. on sunday. nice day for a ride. if you have been there before you already know how nice of a view it is. but what i found out was that they now will let you walk out onto the part of the bridge that is still standing and they put a glass floor at the very end of it so you can look through floor i believe 366 ft down. just putting this out there for anyone that likes to just go see that area.
  4. this is what i was going to use. can you see any reason why this would not work? http://www.leadermotorcycle.com/mini-usb-battery-harness-60/
  5. my gps is the 260w model. it has the mini-USB port on the back to plug into.
  6. i have not tried that. i will check and see if it works in the cage? i was told by a friend to by the harness that powers it direct from the battery. i found one with the company i bought my mounting kit from.
  7. i mounted a garmin nuvi on my HD ultra classic and i have a lighter in the fairing but when i plugged it in it would not charge my gps. the red indicator light was on but the gps would not charge. do i have to wire it direct to my battery?
  8. bet that is not the first time he has done that. that is good. wonder if that could be done with RSV??
  9. i am switching to synthetic this spring when i change my oil. i was told that it won't hurt it but mine only has 35K
  10. my thoughts and prayers go out to her and all of her family in this time of need.
  11. nice bike:cool10:
  12. i was just looking at the map and if you are looking at the list of people on the map and click on the button to the right to show on the map, seams like they all show up on the map instead of just the one you were looking at. some areas have a lot of pins in a group and it is hard to pick out just one certain pin. is this how it is to be or am i not doing something right?
  13. happy birthday Annie:cool10:
  14. ok I'm in there. is this the same thing as the venture sighting map or is this going to be another page on the main menu?
  15. what am i doing wrong? when i choose one of the members to show on the map i dont see it showing up on the map.
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