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Everything posted by Drews

  1. Why would I buy A bike without A TAPEDECK
  2. Prayers for Sharon
  3. Congratulations
  4. The points don't its the ebay pump that Hiydrolocks & leaks gas :parrots:put the points from the ebay pump in the OEM pump
  5. {points fit the same} the. el cheapos pump Hiydrolock & gas leaks unless you use the shut off on the tank
  6. I did but it don't have the power of the facet pump the bike runs so much better with the facet pump & no Hiydrolock
  7. Drews

    Prayers up

    Prayers Up
  8. Facet with a check valve bike has a lot more power and no HYDROLOCK
  9. Prayers Up
  10. Prayers up!!!!!
  11. sorry Dan
  12. That thought now I can't get out of my Head Thanks a lot
  13. Hagon yes 43000 miles now & Good At $400.00
  14. Payers up for MIKE
  15. Congratulations
  16. Prayers
  17. COWPUC it was BUCKSHOT
  18. NEXT time you may not be able to get it to start that is how bad points act
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