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Everything posted by Orrin

  1. Brad, glad to hear you and Lona are going to be fine. I will be thinking about you.
  2. THANKS!
  3. Basic chemistry guys. If it has carbon and hydrogen in it, it will make CO2 and CO and H2O vapor. Kerosene heaters will give off CO and CO2. You can't burn a hydro carbon with out getting those products of combustion. Please be careful!
  4. Always, always use a hand, zero loss air pump! Never, never use the air chuck off a compressor of any kind. You WILL blow the seals.
  5. Kit, thanks for the reply. Collar bone is coming along fine. Getting range of motion and strength back is also coming along but not as fast. I know that there will not be an after market ABS kit, but if there was I would buy it. If they come out with an updated Venture or better yet RSTD with ABS I will be right with you buying the first ones out of the crate/"off the train". Would save a lot of lives and injuries. Kit, Happy New Year!!!!!!
  6. I just gotta jump in the lake and swim with you guys on these braking isssues. I am following this thread with great interest. I too, wish the Venture/RSTD had linked ABS brakes. I am not a racer and never will be. I seriously doubt weather I can correct 50 years of using the right foot hard when in an emergency braking situation...just don't think I can do it. I wll be practicing this spring when I can get back on the bike again. We have a couple of large parking lots where I can practice...just wish there was a hospital or ambulance near by in case I practice too good. I think someone could make a small fortune if they could come out with a kit to: 1. Link brakes on heavy cruisers. 2. Aftermarket easily installed ABS kit. I know that I would buy it. PS I hope you all had a Merry Christmas
  7. Hey Steve, With how helpful these guys are on this site you could go into the business of distributing rear shocks in the land of OZ. Merry Christmas!
  8. For you guys and gals that live close enough to me, heck, you can live far away. Just ride on over and I will sync your carbs for free. My Christmas present to all you brothers and sisters. And you can waite till spring. Don't want nobody freezing to death and "slip sliding away" on a snow covered road.
  9. Brian, I had and 04 Volusia. Great bike, but the Venture/RSTD is way, far, more, lot's, better. It is a heavy bike and kind of wallows a bit when at parking lot speeds, but once it is moving you will love it. I think you a getting a good deal. Welcome and Merry Christmas
  10. Could be he is just shy, and you caught him off guard. You might see him again and it go better. Merry Christmas, JT.
  11. Kit, thanks. I think you have a good handle on it and I tend to agree based on some research I did. Wisconsin is a hot bed for HD for obvious reasons. Low miles, like new. I don't think I can go wrong.
  12. Just so you guys know, I bought some parts from Tim and he sent them right out. I was satisfied. Something is quite wrong and I hope hope it all works out.
  13. Thanks, I will do some checking and see what I come up with.
  14. Terry, glad you got it fixed. Merry Christmas
  15. I have a chance to buy a 1996 HD Heritage Softail Classic with about 10k miles on it. Has everything and is bone stock. Well maintained bike. Always stored inside and heated garage. All maint. done by HD dealer. Seller wants $7-7,500 for it. I think it's a good deal, but I want to flip it in the spring for about $9,000. Any thoughts? Might even keep it and sell the 95 HD. Just something more fun to talk about than flame wars, etc. By the way if you have not looked, Gary N. is doing better. Wish I could do something for him. Does anyone know of a Santa icon I can click and paste?
  16. Have been following this thread...this is nothing new. We have a great place here and occassionaly, like any other place, bad things will happen to good people. We just need to do a good job of policing it. Quietly and effecively. This is what our moderators and Don do very well. I am sure they will tell all of us what happened without jeprodizing the site with a libelous lawsuit. Thanks for doing your job guys.
  17. Never buy a woman anything with a cord on it!!!!!!!! It's not a present. Don't ask how I know that!
  18. I have had dealings with the member in question on thsi thread. My 1st deal went smoothly and woth out a hitch. The 2nd deal the party changed his mind, but nothing was lost or gained. So, I guess no harm no foul. Don is handling this the right way. Don, you me PM me if you like and I will relate me dealings. I would guess that there are some severe personal problems.
  19. Brian, thanks for posting it. I like the looks of it, but I like my RSTD better. If it only had Anti Lock Brakes! It's a sore point with me. Merry Christmas
  20. I am sure someone will be along to advise you on how or where to rebuild your brakes.
  21. I realize this has been done before, but what the heck I've told the same story more than once. I remember my dad saying,"you're not gonna give me that crap again!". So, thanks for being good folks and sharing one more time, and hope you enjoy remembering. My brothers and I had a super 90 Honda back in the mid 60's that we road all over the farm and on the street. Wet grass, dirt, cow crap, didn't make any difference. Then didn't have a bike until April 2006...sure missed alot. 2004 Volusia Great bike to get started back into motorcycles again. Bought it at an auction in Portage, WI and climbed on and road it home. Damn near killed myself, but made it. Took all back roads and went slow. Then, figured I should take the MSF course! Next on the list a friend gave me a 1975 CB750 cause he didn't want his kids on it. They are not too trust worthy and would have killed themselves. Bike didn't run, but that was OK. I fixed it up and sold it. In July of 2006 I bought an 06 Nomad and sold the Volusia for what I paid for it after putting 3,000 miles on it. Sure liked that Nomad, felt more secure on that than I did the Volusia. In the fall of 06 I bought at auction a 95 Virago 1100 that didn't run. Paid $800 for and put 2 new plugs in it and it fired up and ran perfectly. Sold it for $3,100 in May of 2007. Then my brother sold me his 1995 Heritage softail classic. I sure like the sound of that bike and love the looks of it. In mid May of 2007 I stopped by the Harley dealer (great folks) in Sauk City, WI and saw a 2005 RSTD that they had sitting around. Allen told me to take it for a ride and I did. I had to slap myself half a dozen times to get the grin off my face before we got back to the dealership. My buddy said I was gonna buy that bike, and I said "hell Yes", but I don't want Allen to know it. Well he kept at me for 3 days (Allen) and finally he said he didn't think I was a player. I told him to "make me an offer I couldn"t refuse". He did and I took it. You should have seen the look on his face when I pulled my title out of my pocket. We did the deal on the spot. I have put 10,000 miles on the RSTD this last season until I went down on Oct 5th. Bike is not damaged too bad and I have all of the parts now to fix it. Just waiting for my should to heal so I can work on it.
  22. This should be good for some winter chat. What bikes have you owned and what did you like or dislike about them? Where did you ride it? How about some pic's and storys to go with your replys.
  23. Wizard, way cool! Thanks for sharing!
  24. Kit, sounds like a lot of fun. Merry Christmas.
  25. Gentlemen and ladies! You don't like what you see around you with the kids, TV, welfare, etc. You get the idea. Please get invovled with your schools and your children and grandchildren. You have the power to do something about it. I rant too, so I am not one bit better than you, but I can suggest a solution. And if you got this far you just read the solution. This is a participatory democracy. Get involved.
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