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Everything posted by Orrin

  1. We were in AZ visiting friends and Linda took the last picture of a humming bird at their house. She was able to walk up to with in 12 inches of the little beast. Just got the bike running. Plugs were dirty, and put in new. Just got back from a cold 40 mile ride. Bike ran great and handles like a dream. Now I have a 95 Heritage in red, a 94 Heritage in turquois and silver and my 05 RSTD that is now repaired after my crash last Oct. I think the 95 will be for sale, because the 94 belonged to my brother, so maybe I shouldn't sell that one.
  2. I know I promised pics and now I have them. 95 Harley Heritage Classic with 15,000 miles on it. [ATTACH]16613[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]16614[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]16615[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]16616[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]16617[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]16618[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]16619[/ATTACH] Boy, I hope this works!!!!!!
  3. Mike, you have a lot of information in your possession. I know this is a lot to ask, but as you sort through the requests, it would be interesting to know what were the top items. I would be glad to help if you like. Thanks for the thread.
  4. Please...Abs and linked brakes!!!!!! 600 watt charging system!!!!!! Thanks
  5. Big Tom, try riding a short distance then try a little air and see if it holds. May work maybe not, but a friend told me about that on another bike and it worked. Never had another problem.
  6. This is a good thread. I have reread it several times and these are all comments that we need to think about. When you loose someone you love (friend, relative,or spouse) it is hard to go on, but you owe it to their memories to live to the fullest. They would want that. Yes, a motorcycle is risky, but so are a lot of other things in life. Love is risky too. But here is the nut. It is more risky to waste your life not living it than to cherish every moment. My best to Gary, Scot, Don, Yammer, and all of the others out there that make this site so "risky". I would feel terrible if we lost Venturerider.org.!
  7. Don, same here. We got 10 inches on Friday, 'bout broke my heart. I was suposed to pickup Linda's new bike and has to put it off. I also want to pick up my "new" 95 Heritage, but can't get to it either. I guess I will appreciate spring all that much more when it arrives. Stay safe!
  8. Cool lokin' ride, Gary. Ride hard and live large. Be safe.
  9. Curt, thanks for the compliments. There are many super great people here. They will try to help you with anything. We have a lot of fun here and care about each other. So there will be some laughs as well as some tears. Ride safe and have fun.
  10. Girl friend (well, really more than that) yesterday bought a 2000 Honda VT1100 Shadow Spirit with 4,100 miles on it. Needs two tires (they are OK, but original), needs nothing else except cleaning. I know, pictures. I have to take pics of some other stuff and post too. What I need help with, is URL for a friendly place like this to find out info about this bike. Hope you can help. Also looking for Lindy Bars and light bar for the Shadow Spirit. You all ride safe, now that it is warming up!!!! Rider down posts are no longer allowed, 'cause ain't no more good folks goin' down! Thanks
  11. Bill, How far are you from Mountain View? Would love to make your party, but not sure how with the dates we have. Rick, more to follow later. Thanks for the reply.
  12. Kit, you are making me "blossom" with envy. Looks beautiful there. Today has been the first nice day we have had since November. It has been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong winter.
  13. Well, we have our reservations made. Maybe subject to change, so I won't post them yet. We are leaving madison, WI on the 10th of May and returning on the 18th of May. Plan on staying at Queen Wilhemena and Nebo and Mountain View state parks. Everybodys ideas have been very helpful. Linda was pleasantly surprised at the warm and friendly responses. Makes me feel good to belong to this group.
  14. Don, I have watched it too. I am not a junkie like you, but I can see how it appeals to good people. Have fun!!!!!!!!!
  15. I will be getting in touch with you all real soon. Always fun to see what the other members have to say about their home areas.
  16. Thanks, this is what I knew my family would come up with. Lookig to hearing from more of you.
  17. Gary, great to hear from you. Ride the wheels off it!
  18. In mid May, my girl friend and I are riding from Madison, Wisconsin to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We plan on going through Kesaqua, Iowa and Camdenton, Missouri on the way down. In Arkansas we plan on going white water rafting and staying in cabins at some of the state parks. We will then link up with a group of riders from Madison over at Mountain View. Anybody have ideas of where to go rafting, and things to see and do on the way. It would be fun to meet some of you who are in the area. I will be riding my RSTD and Linda will be riding her GW. We sort of like to stay in quaint hotels or B&Bs. Thanks in advance for any and all input. I will try to return the favor when you get to Wisconsin.
  19. I travel quite a bit to auto auctions for my employer to buy used cars. On my way back form Milwaukee today I was thinking how great it will be when the weather warms and I can ride to an auction or two. That got me to thinking about the condition of some patches of road here in Wisconsin and other states I sometimes travel through. There are long stretches of interstate where the pavement is degenerating into long deep trenches on each side of the road and down the middle between lanes. Some of these trenches and potholes are 8 inches deep. That would be a disaster on a motorcycle. I know that these will be patched eventually, but will take a while to do it. These trenches will drastically reduce our ability to manuever and change lanes. PLEASE be careful during our early spring rides and watchout for bad sections of road. We sure don't want see anymore "rider down" posts.
  20. Kit, I think the best thing that came out of this is that you through your persistance taught all of us how to ask for and get good service, even though those around you (dealers) often refuse either out of lazyness or ignorance. I think lazyness is worse, you can't cure it. All brands have problems of this sort, because the factories have little control over the dealers, unlike automobiles, where the factories have huge control via holdback. Ride safe and well.
  21. Pictures....we want pictures!!!!!!!
  22. KIT!!!!!! :rotf::rotf::rotf::cool10:
  23. The pic was e-mailed to me. I will see if I can fix it.
  24. Don, I can see the picture in the post. Did I do something wrong that you can't see it?
  25. I was in the right place at the right time. Bought a 1995 Harley Softail Heritage Classic with 15,000 miles on it. Bike is like brand new. Don't know what I will do with it yet since I already have one, but I will figure something out. Maybe trade it for ABS on my RSTD!!!!!! http://by144w.bay144.mail.live.com/att/GetAttachment.aspx?tnail=0&messageId=8b92e4b4-8cfc-489d-95da-c1bec7cbb204&Aux=4|0|8C9E4971F09DCC0| Might be for sale one day, got to ride it first.
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