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Everything posted by Orrin

  1. Loooks absolutely fantastic. Great job of chrome and welding. Nice work!
  2. Hey guys, thanks for all your efforts.
  3. Skid, looks good to me, did not know you had a wobble. Hope it helps.
  4. Bill, Took me a while, too! You will get used to handling and POWER! I certainly enjoy mine when it is not raining. By the way these bike run great in the rain. Really stick to the road.
  5. Have a great time and stay safe and well.
  6. Bill, congrats looking bike. You did good!!!
  7. A couple of comments: 1: I would not worry about the sound too much. I am sure that at speed the sudden release fo exhaust gas would sound about right and exhaust tuning should take care of modifying the sound of the engine to our liking. 2: They talk about how great the engine is and fuel savings and increased fuel eficientcy. What they don't seam to discuss, at least I didn't hear it, was longevity. Hold long will those valve seals hold up with out some kind of cooling and lubrication. If this is so great I am sure that rotary valves have been thought of before this. Just my 2 cents worth.
  8. Gary, LOVE your truck.
  9. Bill and Buddy, glad you like your Wings. They are one nice ride. I did the instal on the CB my self. It is not a problem taking the bike apart and putting it together. The wire plugs and connectors are what took all of the time. They are a bit** to take apart blind. Get some help to hold up the various panels as you remove them. The body screws are different lengths so keep a record of long and short as you take them apart. There is also a short cut to installing the antenna in the trunk and routing the wire through. Don't take the trunk off as the instal manual directs you to. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I got a great deal on the radio and the antenna from an out fit in NJ of of E-bay. I will see if I can find the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320245690246&rd=1 Hope it works for you. Give me a call if you like and I will tell you what I did. My ph is in my profile. Bill glad you got back OK as I know you had some apprehension. Ride safe.
  10. Pegg, congrats to you and Ron. Hope you enjoy the new Harley. They are great bikes. Stay with us and enjoy. We all think of you as friends, and hope you stay around.
  11. Bill, I was at their store last week when we were on vacation. They are very nice people and appeqared to have some "smokin deals". You will have a great time riding it home. Linda and I really enjoyed the area. Hope to meet up with you someday on the Wings at a Ventureriders.org rally. Congrats on the new ride. I saw it first!!!!
  12. Really glad you are OK. Everything else takes care of itself. Ride safe!!!!
  13. JT, I am never going to Texas again!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. JT, I am very glad to hear that your wife is doing better. I wish both of you the best, and will thinking good thoughts for you.
  15. Wolfie, if you will contact me tomorrow, I will try to help you. My number is in my profile.
  16. I am going to jump in here and probably get into trouble. I buy cars and appraise them for a large dealership. The KBB (Kelly Blue Book) is generally not very accurate. I use Black Book and Manheim on Line. Also my gut reaction to a car. When we look at a car we try to think about what we could buy a similar car for at auction (it is a great market for cars) and what we can sell it for. Please keep in mind that it costs a great deal of money to run a dealership. We generally estimate that for the actual cost of taking a car in to finally retailing it we have to sell it for about $3,000 more than we buy it for. A dealer is buying your car and you need to remember that there are two transactions taking place. You are selling your car to the dealer and he is selling a car to you. He also provides a warranty(on used cars) and repairs them. He has to pay taxes and salaries, etc. He is not trying to steal your car. He would much rather have you for a life long customer. I have yet to meet a customer that says I am putting too much into his car and selling mine for too little. You need to negotiate and be polite, but be realistic in your expectations. Check with several dealers about the actual cash wholesale value of your car. Remember he is a retail seller and buys at wholesale prices. If you want retail for your car, you are going to need to offer all of the services he does. I know this does not get you any more for your car, but might give you a better persective. Good luck.
  17. Deciding which bike to take out is never a problem. I love them all!!!! Thanks
  18. I promised pic's of the 2003 Gold Wing I purchased just before going to Arkansas. Here they are. My bike is the darker color with the floor boards and the lower road lights.
  19. Just got back from Arkansas. Linda, on her 05 GW and me on the one I bought just before leaving, had a great time. The GW is a great bike, but so the the Venture and the RSTD. My back and shoulders feel better arfter putting in 4-500 miles on the RSTD than on the GW, but my but feel better with the GW. I love both bikes, but I think one will have to go. Don't know which one yet. For those that like the GW, great!!! For those that like the Venture/RSTD great also!!!!! Just be sure you all keep hanging on to this site. It is the best!!!!!!!!!
  20. Steve, I saw you going north throogh Sauk on Monday. Hope you had a good ride. OC
  21. Orrin

    08 Clutch Lever

    My Vulcan Nomad had adjustable levers, and so does Honda GW. There are probably many others out there that have them also. I think that many of the clutch and brake master cylinders are made by a vendor common to many makes of bikes. I know that many covers are interchangeable. Look around, I think you will find tham.
  22. To make a long story short, I now own a Goldwing. Never fear, I have not deserted the RSTD. It is beatifully repaired, the man a Paragon Customs did an awesome job. Anyway, I met a man that had an 03 Goldwing for sale and he asked me what I would give him for it. I gave him a very low number and he took it. Could have knocked me over with a feather....so I had to write a check. Well yesterday Linda and I were out on the bikes, (she has an 05 GW) and I took out mine for the first time. In some respects it is a fantastic machine...in others it is a dud. I liked the power and torque...get on it at 30 mph in 5th gear and it just goes. The brakes are great and it handles well. Has great CB and am/fm radio. Good wind protection and great storage capcity. Mine has highway foot rests (I will get pics) and no matter how I move around, I just can't seam to get real comfortable. Then it dawned on me...this bike is cramped...maybe I have to get used to it. The long and short of it is...I can see why people like the Venture's and the RSTD's...they are roomy, comfortable bikes that are fun to ride. If mama Yama would make a few improvements...they could blow the bags off of Goldwings. Better electronics, fuel injection, better lights and electrical capacity, and way better brakes....I am satisfied with the power on the RSTD and the handling. The RSTD is way easier to work on. I put a new air cleaner on the GW and it is a LOT of work! NOBODY should ever feal inadequate riding next to a GW...they are not perfect and need some improving ,too. Mybe I'll keep it, maybe I won't. Just my first impressions
  23. FLB, thanks for the link.
  24. I would tend to agree with Buzzzard1. I have an 05 RSTD and 17,000 miles and NO leaks. Make them fix it or call MAMA YAMA.
  25. I just posted a list of parts left over from repairing my 2005 RSTD. Please see classifieds if you are interested. I am glad to have her back, and she rides as good as she did when I went down. I posted here first before posting on E-Bay.
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