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Everything posted by Orrin

  1. Glad you madeit. I had fun reading about you adVENTURE!
  2. I would suspect that is probably their normal proceedure. I would be interesting to get input from Yamah execs as to this.
  3. Squid, thanks for the reminder. I will certainly think before I post.
  4. Mike, sure hope he comes to see you real soon.
  5. I just love this. You folks are in a totally different universe from me. KEEP IT UP!
  6. Scott and Rick, thanks for "splainin it so well". Learn a lot from you guys.
  7. JB, glad you are having a great trip.
  8. Kit, thanks for the review. I learned a lot. I will look forward to getting mine installed as well. I don't have the experience you have, so will use a LOT more caution and practice. I can't quite follow through yet till I heal up, but I'm improving.
  9. Peggy, I wish you and your family the very best Christmas ever!!!!! I will thnking of you.
  10. Could be a good deal! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/LIKE-NEW-2008-YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE-WITH-620-MILES_W0QQitemZ170166406824QQihZ007QQcategoryZ50045QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. Yeah, I think I might NEED my Guardian Bells!
  12. What do you want for Christmas? No, not from me....your family. Might be interesting to see what people are looking for and might give some of us ideas about what to get for our loved ones. I will oput mine in after a few posts...if there are any!
  13. I work for a terrific car dealer and we have a reputation of treating all of our customers really well. This lady bought a car from us and had had trouble with it several times. The last time she brought it in, we lost it. Yep, we could not find it anywhere. All of the employees that touched were interviewed, we looked high low and in between. Well, it looked just like one of the Enterprise rental cars...and guess what, they had rented it out. Enterprise paid her tripple what they rented it for (got it back 3 days later) no damage done. We really felt STUPID. The lady is still doing business with us to this day, because we told her the truth. Even the best dealer can look really stupid at times....you can get away with it, if you don't lie.
  14. You know, that with vegtable oil going into diesel, other organic oils being turned in to motor oil and corn being made into gasoline. We will soon have to make the choice between either fueling our bikes, changing their oil, or eating. Something to think about. Maybe we will just have a "meet and...............greet!"
  15. I use Orrin, 'cause it's my name. I want to use OC because they are my initials and guys at work use that. The site would not accept two letters for a name. So, there! how many Orrins do you know?
  16. Mike, thanks for the reply. Next time I won't let them cut off my jacket...I liked it, but I know there are better ones out there. Lot's of good stuff today. Can't waite to get back on a bike...any bike!
  17. I have really been looking at the Harley FXRG leather jacket $$$$$, the Firstgear ScoutIV jacket, again $$$$$ and the Kilimanjaro textile jacket. Would like to get heated gloves and jacket liner. I use mostly unlined leather chaps for leg protection, but should go to something better. My previous jack was by Milwaukee leather. Held up very well and protected me in my crash. How ever they chose to cut it off of me and now it is trashed. They must have had some good sissors.
  18. Bought a saddle bag on E-Bay to repair my bike from http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/s.gifmkramfl. The guy was great to deal with. We had a small descrepancy reguarding the condition of the bag. I thought it needed to be painted. I sent him an e-mail requesting he call me. 2 days later (he was out of town) he called me and we settled immediately it to my satisfaction. I would go to this fellow again and recommend him to others on our site. Below is what I got (you should have seen how well he packed it). http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=004&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=140171117319&rd=1
  19. That shop owner has got to train his employees. At least he did the right thing and bought you new guards.
  20. George, these stories are ment to inflame emotions. I bet there is a lot more to it.
  21. What kind of jacket(s) and other riding garments do you own? Why do you like them? What are their weaknesses? Any tips on who to buy from and what to buy? Christmas is coming and I am sure this information will be useful to us all.
  22. This is a great thread. I will be reading carefully as I need to buy a new helmet because mine got trashed in my accident. Saved my brain, or whatever is between my ears.
  23. Thanks to all who have inculded pictures of bikes and the area they live in. Feel like I'm invited to your home. Lots of fun getting to know more about fellow V4 bikers.
  24. I would like to ad a story about my step daughter, Sarah. After graduation from U. of Minn. see accepted a Fulbright fellowship to teach English in Germany. There were bright kids from all over the world involved in her orientation classes before going their assigned schools to teach English. Well there were a bunch of fellowship winners from Great Britain and they remarked that if their students started to speak with an American accent, could they correct them. Well, the revolutionary almost started all over again. The instructor, after having quelled a small riot, informed the Brits that American English was correct also.
  25. Great adventure. Thanks for keeping us updated. Hope you are having a lot of fun and meeting some of the group. Ride safe!
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