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Everything posted by Orrin

  1. Buddy, that is one heck of a great deal. You should post that on GL1800riders.com. There are quite a few on there looking for bikes. Get back to me if you want me to list for you.
  2. I have talked on the phone to Kit a couple of times. He called and helped me out after I purchased my Wing. The guy is real stand up and willing to help with out asking for anything in return. I post on the Wing site every once in a while and he is on there a lot. Good guy, I wish he were back here, but with every thing he does there is probably not time. Say Hi! if you see him.
  3. Sorry you have to sell your bike. I will spread the word around my area. If it is your's, you know it has to be good!
  4. It may be early, but Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Things are going to be hectic with family gatherings so I want to thank everyone, especially Don for this great web site. When I look back on this year and think about all of the wonderful responses for this site when I crashed by bike in Oct. of 2007, I think this is a pretty good place to be. I hope all of you have wonderful gatherings of family and friends. My best to you all and ride safe.
  5. jt, go for it. Sound like just the ticket for long days, or maybe just some easy riding.
  6. Orrin

    Branched Out

    Good looking bike. WAY COOOOL!!!!!
  7. Glad to hear Alan is fine. We were thinking about you and hopeing things would turn out well, and they have. Good luck to both of you.
  8. Renate, as a former trucker for 20 years, I am thinking about you and Alan. The long as the folks on the road know you are looking for him they will be watching for Alan. I am sure he is going to make it home safe. Orrin
  9. Let me know how it goes, and please take lots of pictures. You might want them too, so you know how it goes back together. I know one thing about a wing, the plastic fasteners come in different lengths. Keep track of what went where.
  10. Some of you may know about this, I did not. A:cool10: good friend just sent this to me. check it out. http://www.theradio.com/ Type in "Ventures" in the search screen and ROCK!!!!!!
  11. You just need to read that.....then sit back and think a bit....or two. Thanks Don!
  12. That is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. I had to save it.
  13. Peggy, and the others, I have many friends who's wives or girl friends ride with them and they fall a sleep a lot. It's really fun when they wake up and ask, "where are we?". Louise reads books or magazines on the back of a BMW. I would not worry about it as long as the other half stays a wake.
  14. Hey, that is so cool. Good luck and safe riding.
  15. Bill, I am glad you like your wing. If I was going to buy a new one I would go to Hal at Direct Line or to dealer you bought yours from. Good Luck OC
  16. I have owned a 2005 RSTD and liked the bike and was comfortable on it. The Venture and the RSTD are great bikes. I like the looks of the RSTD better than any bike I have ever had, except maybe my 94 Heritage Classic, but they are close. However I love my 03 GW too. Way better brakes and handling, fully integrated CB, stereo, and WB. Lots of storage. Took me a while to get used to the riding position, but now I love it. That is the great thing about this site...everyone is welcome. That is better than either bike.!!!!!! Thanks Don!
  17. Cool pic, I could do that.
  18. What can I say. Linda and I road down on Saturday (great day to be out) and had aterrific time at the museum. They have done a fantastic job of restoring the old bikes. Are the ever cool. If you like motorcycles, and who here doesn't, you owe it to yourself to go. Would make for a great meet and eat. You can trace the eveolution of mc's back to the begining, and work you way up. HD made some very interesting stuff that you would not think would be made by them. I will try to post some pictures.
  19. Thought you might like this link: http://www.foliagenetwork.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=6&Itemid=53 I found it on a GW site and thaought other would also enjoy it. time for some great riding. Be safe!
  20. Hey great! You are gonna love it!!!!!
  21. That is way cool!!!!
  22. Since I live near a Harley dealer, I order mine opn line for about $33 and stopped in to pick it up. Go to the HD web site and look there. Got good service, too. Con grats on thte new bike. Stay safe!!!
  23. Just called Jethroish, and gave him my cell ph. I work 5 minutes from St. Marys so maybe I can help him out.
  24. Orrin

    biker down

    Very sorry to hear this. You are all in our thoughts.
  25. The name of tee restraunt in Door county with the goats on the roof is Al Johnson's. Great camping in Peninsula State park. Other state parks around there also. Come over to Devils lake state park by me. Maybe get a chance to show you around, and you can ride the Merrimac Ferry. One of the last free ferries in the country. Goes across Lake Wisconsin. By merrimac, WI My ph is in my profile and you can pm me for more information.
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