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Everything posted by KISSFAN

  1. I'm looking to replace the speakers in my '84 Venture. I'm just wondering if anyone has had any good or bad experiences with any. Any you would recommend over others? Looking for some that will hold up when I turn it up as I'm riding.
  2. The tape deck on my first gen works great, but will just keep switching sides of the tape.. Any ideas? Don't want to replace it
  3. Hot the brakes to pass inspection.. Would like them to be a bit better though. They aren't how they should be.. Just curious on how to add the rear fluid.. Looks like a real pain.
  4. I noticed a few posts earlier about this.. Thought I would start another one and see if anyone has ideas! I'd like to add rear speakers to my '84 for my little brother. Our old Kawasaki Voyager had them and I thought about getting some of those to put on. Any other ideas?
  5. Thanks guys! Gasket was the problem! Switched the footboards back to pegs, and I'm a happy camper now!
  6. I just got an '84 venture, got it to where it will be in tge road when I fix the brakes! However, the brakes are very spongey and it's hard to stop. Both front and rear are the same. I tried bleeding them and fluid came out of the rear and front right side if you are on the bike. The left one won't get fluid and they are still spongey. Any ideas? This bike was on the road last year..
  7. Had to replace my stator cover due to a piece being broken off of it. Ordered a new stator cover, decided to throw it on, but I forgot the gasket, so I used RTV until it arrived.. Just wanted to try it out to make sure it all worked. When I went to start it, it seemed like the gears were binding up and it would turn over very slow.. Is this because of the RTV or maybe I don't have the gears lined up right? I am putting the gasket on today, but only want to do this once more.. Also, how does the shifter linkage go? It is on backwards apparently.. Thank you, Joe
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