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Everything posted by starcruiser

  1. That's the kind of history lesson I like! Thanks and keep 'em coming. Mark
  2. I thought this was a post about belly dancers!
  3. Can't wait to put faces to names. I'll be there. Mark
  4. It's nice to know someone has such great taste in bike color! (I have one also, her name is Pearl). I have had mine pin-striped in the same gold and silver as the factory stripping. Makes a good looking bike. Same problem with brake dust so I just clean it before each ride. I guess the best solution is JUST RIDE AND NEVER STOP! Ride safe! Mark
  5. I too would like to light up the back end, but does a LED panel also light up the plate or do we need to figure out what to do there? Just curious before I buy and find out I need to do more to it. Thanks, Mark
  6. It's good to know that someone here always has the answer!
  7. need ideas on what is the best way to hide the ugly black harness that came with it? What color wires do I want to hook into? Once that is done, my Stebel also came!!! I love spring--now if it would only get here! Thanks! Mark
  8. I too would like to see what you come up with. Other factors would also figure in such as availability of trunks at reasonable prices, etc. Good luck with the project!
  9. I saw yesterday that a woman ran a stop sign, hit a school bus and killed 4 kids. She was charged with 4 counts of vehicular homicide. While this is a tragedy, my question is this: Is one life worth more than another? Why aren't the same charges filed in all cases resulting in a death? Is there an emotional factor involved in deciding what charges to file? Just my thoughts about it.
  10. That's nice to know in advance since I was thinking about going either to Cleveland or Chicago. Even if I do go, I won't expect as much as in the past. Then if it turns out to be good I'll be delighted. Thanks! Mark
  11. It only gets better with time! (at least for us)! I wish you both many more. Mark
  12. Wow! pretty much says it all. Thanks:cool10: Mark
  13. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I know that is not enough thanks for your service but thinking back through history, we could never thank you enough!!! Mark
  14. After reading about you and your pond, I thought those were pics of you flying into the water! :rotf::rotf:Sorry, couldn't resist!
  15. after a trying day and the sad news I just read. Thanks! Mark
  16. Like everyone else, I am saddened to hear this news. May God hold you and your family in his arms at this painful time. You will be in our prayers and I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Mark
  17. many many years ago my grandfather had similar problems at a house he owned out in the hills of southern Ohio. He trip-wired every window and door with 12 ga. shotgun shells. When the Sherriff found out he called ATF. When they came and looked in the windows, they wouldn't even go in! He was later arrested and they had him go in and dismantle them. :mugshot:Today it would probably be safer to leave the door unlocked! I wonder if a stunt like that qualifies my grandfather to be a REDNECK?????
  18. there are several people from NW Ohio that are planning on going. I just can't get off work for it. If you get to go, have a great time. It should be beautiful by then. Best Wishes for a safe trip. Mark
  19. Now it looks like a tour deluxe with a fairing!!!He He He:rotf::rotf:Just kidding, but it does look sharp!
  20. about the accident. Our prayers are with you for a speedy recovery without any complications! Mark
  21. but it's a beautiful day to be outside! The dealer is called Holiday Sports. As you go up 127 almost to Jackson, get off on Page Road and head east maybe a couple miles. It is on the right side. It is actually in the city of Michigan Center. Wish you luck in the hunt for your Venture. Mark
  22. Ken, I'm from West Unity. Friday I was up at Jackson Mich. and there was a dealer there that had a Midnight Venture and a Black and Blue Venture. Both were '07. I don't know the prices though. Also, have you been to Honda East in Maumee? I got a real good deal there a year ago August on my '06 Tour Deluxe. With this weather, riding to bike shops is a good way to kill time!! Happy hunting! Mark
  23. But while the wheels are off getting new rubber, I'll get the pads repaced also. Maybe then I won't squeek and squeal so loudly every time I stop at a light! All the neighbors dogs howl when I stop! I also have about 6000 miles and bridgestones on. Can't wait to get them off. They still have some miles left on them but they are terrible! I figure that by doing both now won't have to do anything the rest of this summer. Good luck with the bike. Mark
  24. I appreciate the instant feedback. It's nice to know somebody out there has answers! Mark
  25. Gitarzan described it perfectly!! It does swoosh like an air stream through an engine. Must be all that power packed in there! Mark
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