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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. hey buddy we are ready to. are you riding the bike? we will be there friday around noon. linda is looking forward to seeing peg to talk horses. see you soon. bill
  2. i do, the writing is all over the wall. can't believe no one can see it. what do you think the over priced limited v-max is for. figure it out it's been rite in front of every one for several years. yamaha has probably more money in research and development in the max motor than any other. just to put in a low sales volume way over priced v-max. think test bed and you will start to see part of the light
  3. i predicted an all new v-4 venture using an aluminum frame, v-max engine, and it will have wing type styling, 4 years ago. i still stand by my prediction. it would have been out by now but the economy shot it down just like the all new wing that has'nt been released yet. just wait it will be here. problem is most of you won't like it cuz like the wing, it will be to futuristic. they have to keep up with the times.
  4. they had to have porshe design the engine and it still would'nt keep up with the big boys at daytona so they put the motor in a street bike. the harley guys don't even recognize them as a harley.
  5. actually he was a fairly nice guy until he started putting down the venture riders. just could'nt handle that. i joined star touring in 04 with a free membership. cuz t bought a couple of new yammers. went to stardays in st. joe, mo. in 05 then found this site and been here almost from the git go. i did really enjoy the feed the children ride in st. joe. it was really heart warming, other than that i felt like an out sider. this is still the best yamaha sight there is by far. these folks are the best. weve bought people bikes when they hit hard times. donated money when folks needed help, give lots of support to st. jude, etc. most folks on here would give the shirt off their back to help others. it's hard not to go to bat for a group such as ours. don did well here.
  6. so they really did build a fast harley.
  7. check out the eureka springs meet on the calender laborday weekend. it's getting close, the weather should be perfect, we have one of the best ride cordinators coming, coles grampa. he knows ar. like the back of his hand. should be one fun packed weekend. buddy did a great meet last time. looking for him to have a really good one again this year. lots of eating, riding, shopping, historic sight seeing, awesome scenic country. if you never been to eureka springs you won't be disappointed.hope to see you there. bill
  8. there are alot of nice folks there, i'm sure. it's like the difference of night and day with our group. if your not in one of their chapters your an outsider. he actually told me a vr chapter in oklahoma disbanded and went over to their side. i said we don't have chapters, just good friends world wide. what a prick. thats when i left before things escalated. he was a wanna be anyway.
  9. i went down there yesterday to check it out . got into it with a member that was trying to cut down venturerider.org. with some bullcrap story. linda grabbed me and said lets get out of here before you really say what you think. i went to stardays in 2005 and did'nt care much for the welcome there either. could it be me? i got to live up to my god given name, snarley bill. linda says i can't take you any where. :rotfl:
  10. patti that was a great story. never heard it in that much detail. you are right he got your brains.lol he is so layed back and quiet you would never guess what he does. most polite and thoughtful person i ever met. i asked him at our barbeque if he ever worried about flipping that wing end over end like the old flying wing woud do. he said it is impossible the computor won't let it happen. he is very tight lipped about secret stuff. thats all he would say.
  11. i can't believe it. stardays is only 5 miles from my house and i knew nothing about it. in fact i'm going to a bar for lunch today right in the middle of it. i am down in historic st. charles almost every day of thr week. :draming:just call me stupid.
  12. i'm going to give the paper to patti for her archives at the eureka springs meet labor day weekend. maybe she could coax jason and his family to attend it again this year. if you have never seen him just think of yul brynner when he was in his twentys almost a spittin image.
  13. thanks monty, thats the picture.
  14. while driving yesterday there were yamahas all over st. charles, mo.. alot of ventures and stratoliners. any one know of any meets going on around st. louis? maybe stardays.
  15. as alot of you know jason is a b-2 bomber pilot among other things in the military. i have a picture of him flying over the st. louis arch in his b2 bomber that was given to me by him or his mom patti a couple of years ago. yesterday that picture was on the front business page of the st. louis post dispatch. since i don't know how to do pictures, patti is going to try to post it for me. it is quite a story how he got where he is. maybe patti will share it with you all. any way he is one of my two all time heros the other being Audey murphy. just thought i would share this with you all.
  16. hey group, if you haven't ever been to the eureka springs meet this is your chance on labor day weekend. it's a great annual meet and buddy did a great job last year. check out the calender for details and motels. we always end up with a great bunch of people. lots of sight seeing and partying. be sure to sign in on the calender if your coming. bill
  17. gary, the eureka springs meet would be great therapy for you labor day weekend. not to mention we would like to see you folks again. think about it. no bike is necessary. lots to do right in eureka springs. hope you can make it. bill
  18. okay mr. meanie see if i ever sell anything on here again.
  19. just got a pm from cinderella. glad she's back. i invited her to the eureka springs meet. hope her and dale can make it. haven't seen her since our international in ar. :2133:
  20. linda and i are are worried about you. hope they will figure out what is wrong. if you and peg need anything just ask. we will be praying for you. i will pm you.. bill
  21. after sitting in my shop for a year, i finally got the new tires on my strat and changed the oil. she looks and runs like new. i almost sold it do to alot of health issues and old age. i decided to try one more year. the weather is looking little iffy this morning. so maybe a good ride tomorrow. i hope to hit a few meets this year and rap up my bike riding at vogel next year,if lewis has vogel again. linda and i are going to hiawasee in sept. for an annual cushman meet. my buddy is going to debut the custom eagle i built for him over the last to years. we plan to do the dragon again.
  22. gary, i didnt know about marys health problem. i hope she is doing well. linda and i will be praying for both of you. bill
  23. hey gary. glad you are doing well. i have the perfect therapy for you. we would like to see you and nurse mary at the eureka springs meet labor day weekend. check the calender for details in august. hope to see you there. bill
  24. nothing wrong with fast bikes. ive had fast bikes from day one. my last fast bike was a zx-14 that i built to run the texas mile. capable of 200 plus mph and over 200 hp. i sold it 2 years ago. never made it to texas. decided i was to old to go that fast. im 71 now and still do stupid stuff with a whole lot of members of this forum, like draggin the boards in the twisties in georgia and arkansas. there are quite of few folks that could'nt stay with me and alot more that i could'nt stay with. for some reason when groups get together on rides things get competitive and alot of us do stupid things. even at my age. think about it.
  25. i almost missed this one. . HAPPY BIRTHDAY DON
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