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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. brad ask and you shall recieve. i have an 08 vulcan nomad. i am using the walmart 7317 filter. if it is to long a 6607 walmart filter will work. any way it uses the same as the venture. there is a muffler chamber behind the filter on nomads and some other vulcan models that may interfere with the long filter. i installed cobra exaust so i have alot of room down there. if you need any more inf just ask. bill:2133:
  2. name a date, we can meet you in columbia if you want. maybe on a saturday. or you can come to our house for barbeque. either way will work for us. bill
  3. that is awesome. they have a national home machinist show every year where master machinists enter things that they build as a hobby. that would be a good shot for first place. real machinist are falling by the wayside to cnc technology. guess thats progress. this cnc technology is unbelievable. i would like to upgrade my home workshop vertical mill to 3 axis cnc but it is just to expensive unless i could make money with it.
  4. sorry to here this news buddy. they can fix blood pressure. good thing you caught it. i think it is a getting old thing. linda and i will be praying for you and peg. hate to see the bikes go but, your, and pegs health are top priority. wish there was some way i could help you out. bill
  5. it's a done deal the honda plant in the usa has been shut down for quite awhile. they haven't made any wings here for a long time. i think they already auctioned off alot of tooling.
  6. i started riding in the 50's. could'nt afford nothing store bought so i built my own. started out with motorized home made bicycles and finally bought a 49 cushman road king for $15.00. it was a father and son project. my first store bought motorcycle was a brand new 67 suzuki x-6 hustler. very fast for a 250 cc. it would do 106 mph. flat out with the wind. the rest is history, i had the need for speed. i am 66 years old now and have a 200+ mph zx-14. just don't have the balls i once had so i finally have come to realize it's to fast for me. it's going on the auction block one of these days. i just have to run it out before i get rid of it. lol.
  7. don we have to get you back in shape. when you turn sixty it all goes to hell. seriously. i hope you are doing well. linda and i wish you well and look forward to seeing you down the road in excellent condition. your a fighter so i know you can do it. bill:clap2:
  8. you may be a candidate for the guiness book of records. when i was that age i thought harleys were to big to be ridden by a normal human being. now they look kind of wimpy. once you get rolling they all seem small. kudos to you. :clap2:
  9. weather was awesome. i took off on my nomad at 6am and got home at 3:30 pm i think i rode almost 350 miles. every time i headed for home i would make a wrong turn and head in another direction. i think i broke 25,000 mile again this season. i'm tired of riding this year, so now that the cold weather is moving in i'm going to limit my winter rides to about 75 mi. max. keeping up with tires on five bikes is getting expensive. almost succumed to the dark side, but just can't seem to go against the tire engineers. so i guess i will be hunting for tires for my nomad. just turned over 8000 mi. this morning and the rear is gettin in the danger zone. what a great day.
  10. you must have the same source i have. i've already bet freezyrider on it. that dinner at culpeppers is sure going to taste good. i can almost tell you what it's going to look like. it will have a detuned version of the v-max engine and i think some automotive tecnology is going to filter over to the engine. i think the old timers are going to be disappointed in the styling. the economy may hurt the 2011 introduction date. yammer is going after the goldwing market. the all new wing is supposed to debut in 2011. it will be made in japan at a brand new high tech plant. no more usa production. i look for the japanese to move alot of their production out of the usa. they know when the ship is financially sinking, and the dollar is becoming worthless to the rest of the world.
  11. i think i have figured out the source of the chirp in the primary gears on yamahas. this gets tecnical. my rstd had the chirp about as bad as it gets. both my v-star 1100 and my 1300 in particular, have a terrible amount of primary gear noise. i always attributed it to the straight cut gears which are the noisyest gear pattern there is. my wing has straight cut primary gears and they are totally quiet. my 1600 nomad has straight cut gears and has a barely audible hum. you have to consentrate to hear it. i always figured gearlash either to loose or to tight was the main cause. this will make a difference in the noise level, but i think the real cause is the curvature on the face of the gear teeth. yamaha has picked a pitch that just happens to make noise. the only real fix in my opinion is to go to their engineers and have them try different pitches on the surface of the gear teeth untill they hit the right combo. or go to honda and kawa. to see what pitch they use. just my opinion. i think the clutch basket change is just a bandaid. it tightens the clearance up to a sweet spot that may or may not last depending on tooth wear. think about this the tranny gears don't sound off, and they are all straight cut.
  12. hey, la if you get near st. charles we'll leave the light on for ya. we remodeled your bedroom.
  13. great pics, keep them coming. guess i will have to dig up a pic of scooter. thats our puppy. wanted to name him motorcycle but it was to many sylables.
  14. for all you outdoors men out there heres a new website my nieces husband is building. check it out. he did a great job. he plans on expanding it to other states. it impressed me. bill www.missouri-outdoors.com
  15. any dates set in stone on the 2010 rally yet?
  16. hey don, just wondering how the vr. mascot is doing. we need some up to date pic's. bill
  17. here's my take. if some one wears a lot of harley gear and has no bike thats none of my business. i do my own thing and it's everyone elses right to do their own thing. as long as they don't affect me in an adverse way, they can have at it. maybe i look out of place wearing a ski jack and loafers when ever i ride. who cares. i'm warm and comfortable. the only thing i see in poor taste is the crappy little helmets with the fowl language all over them, alot of it degrading women. i guess that makes a rider look tough. i'm not sure what a biker is supposed to look like, but i'm sure i would'nt drive my car looking like a clown so why would i want to look like a clown on my bike.
  18. eck. you think i would ever bond with a lowly wing rider. you have to be kidding. :rotf:
  19. hey crash, that is great news. hope everything works out fine. prayers do work, take it from one that knows. bill:clap2:
  20. we will be praying for your wife. hope you have good news. bill and linda
  21. lewis, if it is the one that looks like a giant syringe, with a gauge on it i have a brand new one, taking up space. give me your mailing address and i will get it on it's way to you. no charge. bill:2133:
  22. no one would pay that much for a slow bike. i think jay leno said he was down to 85 bikes now. got alot of respect for jay leno. real down to earth guy and a gear head to boot. :clap2:
  23. if the bike will start and there is no ice, i will ride. 15 degree's don't bother me. i just don't go that far. i have five bikes i don't winterize ,so i try to ride them at least once a week in the winter. now snow kind of cramps my style.
  24. how does it feel compared to your v-star, on acceleration. i have the cobra 2000r fuel processor on my v-star, i think it will stomp a second gen. pretty good. it feels alot faster than my royal star. i raced a heritage soft tail and left him like he was parked. your 83 sure is purty.
  25. i'm still out here. just been lurking. truth is i been loaded down with work winterizing the home stead, and spending many hours on the kaw. vulcan sites researching my winter project. i'm building a custom solo nomad bagger. followed by some more tweeking on my zx-14. can't seem to sell it so i think i will do some more performance work. got this extended swing arm i built for it last winter that needs a home. the nomad is really starting to shape up. hey lewis, would you believe after the performance goodies i have put on the nomad, cobra 2000r, and hypercharger. my v-star 1300 will still blow it into the weeds. my v-star is still my favorite ride. bill
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