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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. holy cow, it's only 14 days off. time sure flew this summer. the weather is cooling down here in mo.. looking forward to seeing you all for some great riding and sight seeing. what an awesome area for a meet. we will be eating the final dinner sat. night at applebees in sullivan,mo.. can't wait. bill
  2. don, good luck with your surgery. linda and i will be praying that it all goes well. bill
  3. hey rick, can you firm up a driver seat on an 08 nomad? i need more support on the cheeks. bill
  4. now that is cool. :clap2:
  5. hey i love that scooter. what is it? it looks like a lambreda or vespa.
  6. if everything wasn't made so easy for all of us, we would be back in the old days where people were forced to work for the things they have and appreciate what they earned. this fast lane is what did us in. there is no going back now. we are in over our heads and the bubble is about ready to burst. sad day for the usa. worst part is, no one thinks it can happen to us.
  7. i think i made money on one thing in my life.
  8. i kind of don't like this era to much. it's a world made out of plastic throwaway crap. i think i will finish up my years enjoying the neat collector stuff i had when i was a kid, and things were high quaility, and hand made out of real metal and wood. since i won't be able to ride much longer, i think i'm going to start collecting and fixing up some of the neat things i had. i think i was awful lucky to live in the days when folks valued the neat things they had to work so hard to get. i feel sorry for the next generation that will have nothing but cheap plastic crap to fall back on.
  9. we went to the old thrasher show in montgomery city mo. and i ran across an old bkn 7 hp. wisconsin engine. i had one just like it when i was about 14 mounted on a cushman airborn frame, and the memories came alive. just had to have it. great shape. picked for $80.00 value $250.00, + $170.00. i should have never watched that show. :clap2:
  10. hey carl, thanks to you and everyone else for helping la. i have spent alot of time with him riding, drinking coffee, and just chewing the fat. he is the ambassador of this site. you got to love the guy. i always say when i grow up i want to be just like la. la is the definition of a real biker. i hope all that have never met him will go out of their way to do so. you won't regret it. bill
  11. la just called me. he sounds great, has a great outlook on his condition, and is looking forward to riding his bike again. i'm planning on riding down for a visit when it cools off a little. can't wait to see the old fart. sure do miss him. he can't drive yet and has been in and out of the hospital. he talked to linda quite a while cuz i was having a hard time hearing him. he is in good spirits. linda and i are praying hard for his quick recovery. we love you buddy. bill
  12. i get 44 mpg all the time on my 08 wing. worse i ever got was the first tank. 42 mpg. i don't run it hard.
  13. okay, i'll bite. i had $19.93 in my pay pal account. lewis, it's on the way. more to come later. bill
  14. linda and i will be there. hey lewis, it's the only time i get to see you. snarley bill
  15. no more bumping, we have a meet. got some great venture riders on the list. this one is an end of the riding season must. really looking forward to it, finally a real vacation. i never realized how much neat stuff we had to see in mo. till i put this one together. see you all there. if anyone who is thinking about attending give me a holler and i will fill you in.
  16. if what you cook don't make stinky. you failed as a cook. did i say that?
  17. la, where the heck are you? concerned folks want to know. don't leave your close friends hang in wonder. we care about you. get your butt on here, and give us an update. your friends really do worry about you. we love ya buddy. snarley bill
  18. nice grill, but i am a gas man.
  19. bump
  20. bump
  21. have patience guys there will be a new venture based on the new max motor. i fear you will all be dissapointed in the styling, 1rst genners will probably love it. it's all about the economy. all brands are slowing down on new releases. problem is they don't care about our generation. got to go where the new money spenders are. it don't take a brain surgeon to figure out why the new max was built and way overpriced. it was'nt meant to be a money maker. IT'S A TEST BED FOR A FRAME AND MOTOR. GEEZ. just like the original max.
  22. bump
  23. 53, your knocking on the door of being a senile old fart.:rotf: i'm an expert on the suject. been there done that.
  24. just a reminder about the meramec park meet. don't forget to get your motel reservations in early, and rsvp on the calender. it looks like we are going to have a nice turn out. from my emails and phone calls. we have enough for a nice meet. the weather should be just right in sept., and we will have some great rides mapped out. for more info on the park and reservations for the motel in the park check out the site. www.meramecpark.com/ see you there. bill
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