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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. tell jason that is one good looking ride. also tell him linda and i said hi. hardly a day goes by that his name does'nt come up around here. we are very proud of him. love you guys. bill and linda :clap2:
  2. don, i taught annie everything i know, at the hub. :rotf:
  3. i'm with you on this one swifty. first off a little about swifty. the man can ride and knows of what he speaks. i have rode with him. there is no way in hell a venture will out handle a wing. not even in the same league. i rode behind swifty on my wing and he on his first gen. i consider myself to be a fairly good rider in the twisties. i rode my rstd with all the venture goodies behind 86'er and wingman at vogel and could'nt stay with them in the curves. i was at the limit draggin the boards. the venture has extreme frame flex when pushed to the limit and wallows in the curves. if yours doesn't wallow then you ain't anywhere close to the limit. 86'r was on his first gen and wingman was on his gl 1800 i was draggin the boards, infact i pinched my foot with the right board a couple of time, and i could'nt stay with them on my yamaha. i've had a couple of crotch rockets, an r6 , and a zx-14. my wing is the only bike out of some 76 that i have owned that had a feel anywhere close to them. the wing was designed by hondas chief sportbike designer to give sportbike like handling, and he did well. it handles so well it will make you over confident and get you in trouble if your not a skilled rider in the twisties. ventures are gret bikes and i think it is among the best looking bikes on the road. but it just ain't no wing. my new focus is the best car i've ever owned but it ain't no lamborgini. i love my nomad as much as any bike i've ever owned and would'nt trade it for a new wing even. but it ain't no wing and never will come close. snarley bill
  4. joe, you can ride it any time.
  5. well said swifty, the venture is very good looking, and the floor boards are nice, as far as power, handling, rekiability, top speed, advanced technology, and on and on. the 1800 wing wins hands down. don't ever try to put one over on one of the old farts on a wing. you just may get your doors blowed off.
  6. don, you all have a great thanksgiving too. and thank you for vr.org. my home away from home. bill
  7. well i'm way ahead on my winter project. the drive train and engine is all mounted after much machining, fabricating, and welding. had to lengthen the frame 2" to fit the new engine and automatic transmission in. like putting 10 lbs. of crap in a 5lb bag. the body which was hammered from one end to the other, is almost ready for the paint shop, i had to fabricate and weld in some new panels. i have to disassemble it and send the body off for paint, and paint the frame. then i can start the final assembly. it should look almost original at first glance accept for the oversize aluminum wheels and front disc brake. another cushman sleeper will hit the road this winter. i'm hoping for a cruising speed around 65 or 70 mph.. got an idea for a small trailer to tow behind and taking a cross country trip with my buddy on his cushman eagle that i built for him. pics to come soon, i hope. bill:2133:
  8. i had a similar problem with my rstd. a new battery cured it. it was only a year old. the bike sat on the showroom floor a long time with a dead battery that ruined the original new battery.
  9. brad and lonna, we are so glad you are all settled in and all is going well. happy thanksgiving to both of you. bill and linda
  10. ive got my eye on a wild cherry crossroads. just can't seem to fit it in to my next retirement plan. i really like my v-star 1300, and i love my nomad, so the victory is way down at the bottom of the list. who knows what santa might fit down the chimney. oh heck, i don't have a chimney.
  11. just want to wish every one a happy thanksgiving. ive got much to be thankful for and i hope everyone else does to. no matter how bad things are i'm always thankful just to be an american and be able to wake up to good friends and freedom everyday. turkey just went in the oven and i'm ready to eat. looking forward to the meets, and hope i am healthy enough to ride again next year. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all. bill and linda :clap2:
  12. mitutoyo is the best mike made bar none mechanical or digital. i like starret mechanical mikes also. i use both daily. most all digital mikes read out to 1-100,000 ths or 5 places. fowler makes a lower price range digital mike that is pretty good for home use. we do alot of metric work but use mikes that read in decmals. to convert metric to decimal just divide the decmal by 25.4. example, .05 mm divided by 25.4 = .00197 thousandths of an inch. you will never use the fifth place on a digital mike unless you are working on very close tolerances. digital or mechanical dial calipers are okay for rough measurements. but i would never use them on anything precision. i use them all the time just to see if i'm getting close. when the finishcut comes up out comes the mitutoyo. you can also get mecanical digital mikes. i would'nt waste the money on them. also if you don't have the feel for a mike get a friction spindle and don't slam it. rachet spindles are ok but awkward.
  13. you better be there it was a blast this year.
  14. keep them comming folks. i will officially get it on the calender and have all the details in the next few days. just pm'd aussie annie and invited her to stay at our house and ride to the meet with us. it is in the heart of the best riding in missouri. bill
  15. i have to get this on the calender. i had this meet last year for the first time the weekend after labor day, and it was a total success. it is a great time of the year in this area because it is cool and the riding is very enjoable. the area is beautiful and has awesome riding and no end of sight seeing. the dates will be the 8th, 9th, and 10th of september, 2011. the host motel is in the park. last year we had it all to ourself. it was a great meet and i think all who intended had a great time. the motel is very secluded and very nice. the location is in sullivan mo. right off I- 44. at meramec state park on the meramec river. they also have camping and cabins in the park. sullivan is 5 miles from the park and has all the usual restaurants and more motels. i would like to know how many folks may be interested in attending. hope to see you there. bill :clap2:
  16. i'm kind of an expert on sirius radios. i have 4 sirius radios including a factory one in my new ford. i have a sportster in my truck. here's a tip. go to radio shack and buy the cheapest one they have. i have two of them and they work just as good as my sportster. sometimes if you call sirius you can get them to give you a free one. i have done it. i have one here i would be willing to give you off my goldwing. check with sirius and see if you can register it in your name and your welcome to it. it has been deactivated in my name. when you buy the radio all you have to do to activate your account is call them and have the radio hooked up ready to go. it takes about five minutes. they just need the no. off the radio. the first radio is $12.95 a month and each additional radio is $8.95. i have never had a problem with sirius. they have my charge card no. and they just put it on my charge every month. it really simplifies things, since i pay my charge off every month.
  17. i am so proud of all the vets, and i'm also proud of the real americans that did'nt serve. it's unfortunate that we have so many unamerican thinking people in our country, that so many vets died for. i wish i could have done more when i served. kudos to all our servicemen. ya have to love them all. :clap2:
  18. hey don, as soon as i figure out what i want to do on a meet next year i will get it on the calendar. i am torn between my spring meet and eat, and the sept. meet i had at meramec state park this year. both would be great meets. will get with you as soon as i decide. may even do a hub meet again this year. bill
  19. darn don, i leave for a couple of weeks and everything goes to hell. well i'm back and hope you have a better time of it next week good buddy. snarley bill
  20. lewis, sorry i missed this one. glad you had a good turnout and good weather. bill
  21. looks like we will not be able to make it to st jude this year. our puppy had to have surgury to have a large tumor removed and the vet recommends that we keep a close eye on him until the stitches are removed next week. he is recovering well, and is like a kid to us. i may slip out early saturday morning and head to st. jude by myself on my nomad. i will just have to play it by ear.
  22. don, thanks for the update. you sure have been through some rough times with your eye. linda and i are still hoping and praying for the best for you. bill
  23. linda and i are planning on being there. unles some unforseen event arises.
  24. we talked about having a christmas dinner meet at the meramec meet. it will probably be down around cape jirardeau, missouri. will have a one night stay over. bring your car unless you want to freeze your butt off. need some input on location and dates. i'm trying to get a good central location thats easy to get to.
  25. always wanted one of those back in my enduro and motocross days. i also wanted a bultaco 360 elbandido. i had a 360 yamaha monoshock motocrosser. it would pull 70mph wheelies. them was the days.
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