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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. i go through new london all the time. hannibal is my home away from home. i live in st. charles . our company gets most of it's heat treating done in new london. would love to ride with you. i'm hosting the eureka springs meet in june in ar. and the meramec state park meet in sullivan,mo. in sept. check them out. would love to have you join us. bill
  2. just want to put my 2 cents in about folks who defect to other brands that think about abandoning this site. this site is'nt about the brand you ride. it's about the greatest collection of good people on any site there is. i got away from my venture several years ago, and now my favorite bikes are a kaw. 1600 nomad, and a v-star 1300. got alot of friends on this site that i would never abandon. and a very few i could care less about. basically the brand ain't what it's all about. it's the people that make it all worth while. don't ever leave this site cuz you don't ride a yamaha, you owe it to the friends you have to stay on board and enjoy the hours of fun you have with them. it's all about the comeraderie. i belong to the nomad site for my technical info, and have freinds there but i will never turn my back on the great venture riders i have had the honor to associate with over the years. snarley bill:2133:
  3. all i can say is we need pics. you asked for it.
  4. the salsbury was way ahead of it's time in styling so was not very popular. they are fairly rare compared to cushmans and demand a high price now. they had the first cvt drive which salsbury invented. they sold the patent rights for the drive to comet industries who inturn built the comet clutch, which is used on golf carts, and in many industrial applications. us cushman guys use alot of comet clutches on our scooters. usually with a briggs v-twin vanguard in the eagles. i have built several and am using a comet clutch in my latest project using a 13 hp harbor freight honda clone engine. i have built the engine using many honda aftermarket race parts, billet rod, cam, springs, ported and milled head, and a mikuni flat slide carb, etc.. it should put out about 25 hp. plenty of power to keep a 250 pound scoot up to highway cruising speed. also have the added luxury of an electric starter. it was like packing a 10lb bag of crap in a 5lb. bag. from the outside it will look almost original. when i started the project i just wanted a cheap rider. as usual i got carried away and i think it tops any project i have ever done. lots of engineering, metal fabricating, and machining.
  5. hey joe, my buddy and i are planning on going to portland again this year. i need to do a little shopping for another project for next winter. linda says take your choice retire again or do another project. retirement seems to be winning out. the toys may have to take a side line. lol see you at portland buddy. i will give you a date and a meeting place when it gets closer. bill
  6. don, you know what a computer wizard i ain't. i have a load of pic's but not on my computer. maybe the neighbor lady will help me load them.
  7. for all you old timers that are somewhat mechanically inclined looking for a great hobby. try a cushman scooter out for size. i've been reliving my childhood memories for quite a few years building and restoring cushmans. i started riding cushmans back in the 50's and have never lost my love for them. there are some very neat and fast cushmans out there that will easily top 100 mph and blow the doors off alot of motorcycles. you ain't lived till you put a harley in the weeds on a motor scooter. been there done that. i'm building a sleeper now with a very warmed over harbor freight motor and cvt drive. it should top out around 85 mph. it is a 1958 pacemaker, a model i wanted since i was a kid. check out some of the cushman sights for more info. just punch in cushman scooter and have a ball reliving the old days. there is a meet in portland indiana, in july, every year, with thousands of antique scooters and motor bikes for sale, at the fairgrounds. if you need any info on meets or cushmans just give me a holler. us old timers are slowly dying off and we, (the cushman folks), want to keep the interest alive. bill
  8. never tried it with a bike. was it good? lawn mowers are more fun. lots of vibrations there.
  9. happy birthday larry, hope to see you again this year at b-2 mom and dads or in ar.. take care and have a good one buddy. bill and linda
  10. i road a couple of days ago, then we got 10 inches of snow. winterizing is'nt part of my vocabulary. it's 10 degrees out there now.
  11. i think mexico would be the last place in the world on my want to see list. we know watercrafts aren't safe down there. i don't even think armored cars would be safe. do they have fences around tourist areas or are they off limits to the drug dealers and criminals.
  12. that was a great meet. it seems like it was just last summer. time flies when your having fun.
  13. just got the lower end back together on the engine. billet rod, and new cam with a little more duration, and lift. next is the head. i usually port my own heads. but this time i bought a new one that is milled .100", ported and flowed, heavier springs, and a three angle valve job. i never realized there was so much available for these honda motors till i searched the net.. right now i,m up in the air on the carb. i am considering a 34 mm mikuni flat side. because the intake port is huge. i really wanted a smaller carb for lowend torque. i'm also considering roller rocker arms. only have 3 months before the arkansas spring cushman meet so i need to get my butt in gear.
  14. thanks guys. got her drillled and tapped. i now have three drain plugs in my new cushman engine. this one i can get to.
  15. i need to know what size tap drill a 1/4 " npt tap takes. can't find my machinist book and can't remember what size it takes.
  17. thanks to all of you. seems like the birthdays are coming up faster every year. maybe i'm having to much fun. i never dreamed i would ever be this old.
  18. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and charlene good buddy. hope to see you next year. bill and linda.
  19. a late happy birthday buddy. have a good one, and drink a heineken for me. bill
  20. i think you need to ride a wing. i have had both the yamaha and the wing. my yamaha was warmed over with exaust and the dyna 3000 set to rev over seven grand, and carbs rejetted. it was an exceptionally good running bike. still it was not even close to being in the same league with my wing. the wing is so strong from a dead stop, and as far as the 1/8 th mile, the venture would'nt even come close. the venture is a nice bike but feels very under powered as touring bikes go. the wing has balls out power and torque from idle on up. it will pull riding two up smoothly from 1200 rpm to red line in fifth gear overdrive. bottom line you ain't gonna beat a wing in any kind of race on a venture. twisties, 1/8 mile, 1/4 mile, top end, longjevity, etc. it just ain't going to happen. and if you can stay with a wing on a harley the wing rider was no where near the limit.
  21. somebody don't know how to ride a wing. there should be at least a 10 car length difference in the 1/4 mile. you can figure roughly, a car length for each 1/10 of a second in the quartermile. the wing should turn an easy second faster than the venture. you folks can dream all you want, but those 500 cc's talk.
  22. you are officially an old fart when you hang out at hardees or mcdonalds every morning and ask for a senior coffee. i started this summer. you are a seasoned old fart when the other old farts accept you in their cliche. first you have to be loud and boistrous, think your gods gift to the 20 year old gals, and tell stupid jokes to get attention. i'm not to that level yet.
  23. with out a doubt this is the worst piece of crap i have ever worked on. i got all the major welding and panel replacement done on the body, and it is at the paint shop. i would have painted it myself, but i'm kind of new to clear coat and i wanted a show job. i painted the frame and started the final assembly this morning. i am having a major delema on whether or not to build the motor. i found a website that has all kinds of race parts for these harbor freight motors. billet rods, roller rockers, cams, etc.. i,m talking serious horse power for a light weight scooter. i,m not sure how it will handle speeds over 80 or 90 mph. so far it looks like a brand new scooter. i was'nt planning on this big of an investment. it's all the little crap that eats you up, hardware, and many other odds and ends. linda asked me how much for the paint job. i never asked. i figure a couple of grand. if it's less i won't feel so bad. there just ain't no cheap cushmans. i sure do love them no matter what the cost. pictures to come. i'm taking alot of them.
  24. hey buddy, glad all went well. maybe we can get you back on a bike. we miss you. bill
  25. hey lonna, happy birthday, hope you have a good one and many more. bill and linda
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