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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. the corbin seat company. is for sale,so i decided to buy it. no not the company, a new solo seat for my nomad. i mounted it yesterday. this is my 7th corbin seat. it is ultra comfortable and i haven't broke it in yet. corbin says it takes a couple of thousand miles to form the memory foam, which i have found to be true,from past experience. i have had quite a few custom seats, and i still find corbin to be the best for the long haul. i rate this one a 15 on the 10 scale, for looks and comfort. my wife does'nt like the corbin touring seat on my v-star 1300. i think the rear floor board position may be the problem. i told her you will like it, cuz i'm not buying anymore seats.
  2. pic's are coming, i have summoned help.
  3. well the cushman is done and it hit the road for the shake down cruise today. it ran flawlesly and has more balls than i planned on. very fast. i think this is the best build i ever did, and it's going to be my last one. pictures will be coming soon. it really turned out better than i planned on. i just wanted a rider, and got in deeper than i planned. heading for greenwo0d ar. in 2 weeks for the debut. next project which should be a cheapy, is a gocart with an old 7 hp. wisconsin engine that i picked up at an old thresher show. it's not going to be anything major just an engine restoration and build a gokart from scratch. i never had a real gokart. the engine is almost like one i had on a cushman airborn frame back in the 50's.
  4. horsepower, rpm, and torque go hand in hand. cubic inches mean nothing. volumetric efficiency does. for example, an r-6 yamaha which has 600 cc's, or roughly 37 cubic inches. will produce 107 hp. at 15,500 rpm at the crank, and has very little torque at the crank. if you have an old stationary engine that has 10 hp. and 50 ft. lbs. of torque at say 500 rpm. and may displace 150 cubic inches with 1 cylinder. it will not come close to the r-6 engine which when geared for the same output rpm of the crank speed of the stationary engine, will produce a tremendous amount more torque. it is all about converting horsepower and rpm to torque. an r-6 engine, due to it's high horsepower and efficiency will produce considerably more work in a given amount of time then the high torque stationary engine. moral of the story is, high effieciency in an engine, meaning maximum hp. per cubic inch rules the roost. i always believed there was no substitute for cubic inches, when in reality there is no subsitute for engine efficiency and gearing. the japanese have rewrote the book on engine efficiency. the bigger the displacement of an engine the harder it is to obtain volumetric efficiency, because air can only move so fast. a small cylinder can be filled with an air and fuel mixture much faster, and more efficiently than a large displacement cylinder. so there
  5. i sold my 08 wing last fall to a member. i really do miss it. the only two things that i liked better about the venture is with my bad knees i prefer the floor boards over pegs, and the venture in my opinion is the best looking bike on the road. in all other aspects the wing wins hands down. there is no comparison. the venture is not even in the same league. the engine configuration on the wing unfortionately creates the sportbike like seating position which is not a problem if you are not really tall or have knee or leg problems. as far as being hard to work on, you very seldom need to work on a wing. they are the most reliable bike in the world bar none. there is a 500,000 mile club and a few with over a million miles. the only reason i sold my wing is my wife does'nt ride alot anymore, and i want to down size for my second retirement. i now have left a v-star 1300, a nomad solo bagger custom, a majesty 400 scooter, and a 1958 cushman pacemaker. i'm as happy as a puppy with two peckers.
  6. thanks, i will check them out.
  7. hey lewis, thinking about making it to vogel. since linda can't ride that far, and i don't want to trailer my bike that far, is there anywhere around blairsville i can rent a harley or some make of road bike? bill
  8. if you like the traditional motorcycle seating position with foot pegs, you will love the wing. it sets the standard for touring bikes by far. do to bad legs, i had to sadly part with mine. i sure do miss it. bill
  9. you may need the infamous obama care to get preexisting conditions covered.
  10. it breaks my heart when i see the fate of the japenese people who have totally lost every thing that they have accomplished in their life, and the loss of their loved ones and family members. it makes me realize how lucky i am to have the good life i have been blessed with. the radiation danger is the last thing on my mind. the media hype is totally out of hand.
  11. don, have a great stay and tell jason his biggest fans, (linda and i) said hello. bill
  12. i've got a couple of bikes and a yamaha 400 majesty scooter. it gets 54 mpg no matter how you drive it, no shifting, top speed over 100mph, maintenance free, great weather protection, what more can one say. i love riding it. it's like a little cadillac. it will out run most cars on acceleration. you will need a helmet in mo., if what you buy is over 49 cc's, state law. 49 cc and below in mo., no helmet or license required, but you can't go on the highway with them. top speed about 35 down hill with the wind. as soon as the weather breaks i'm going to ride up your way for a visit. see you soon. bill
  13. happy birthday you old coot, and many more.
  14. i'm still up in the air on vogel. i really want to go. guess i better make up my mind. lots of meets already on the calender this year since i'm back into the cushmans, and putting on 2 venture rider meets of my own. i have a bad habit of spreading myself to thin. if you all have never been to vogel it's a no brainer, GO. lewis knows how to put on one fine meet. :clap2:
  15. kind of like the site myself. don did good.
  16. lewis, great to hear the good news about charlene. she sure has had a bad time. hope this will make her good as new. take care good buddy. linda and i will be praying for her quick recovery. bill
  17. you guys are setting new records.
  18. now that the snow has melted, i'm going to try to break away and visit him, just to get out of town for awhile.
  19. thats asking too much. i have no civil way to debate politics.
  20. sex is good, at least it used to be if i remember right.
  21. charlie, being the great ultra american i am, it was really rough not posting in on your thread. its very hard for me to be good. the older i get the snarlier and more educated i become. looking forward to your thread next month. love ya charlie.
  22. last time la was on here was 1/16/11 anyone heard from him? i'm kinda worried about the old coot. bill
  23. i had three 58 eagles. all of them were custom and one had a v-twin briggs vanguard. the one i'm building now is either a 58 pacemaker or an allstate jetsweep, both made by cushman. you can by one already done for about half what it costs to build one. the last eagle i built was a prototype with a v-twin and a 4speed billet transmission that we designed, for a friend of mine. it took 4 years, and he had $40,000.00 invested in it. he is now building them for other people.
  24. don't think it's going to be for sale. this wil probably be the last one i build. they are just too expensive to restore. when i retire again i think i will get back into model trains and just ride what i have. the toys are just too expensive. hope to see you at don's in may.
  25. the time is running out . i have to get this thing done by april 15th, first meet in greenwood, ar.. chrome is going to the shop in the morning, and the paint job is almost done. forks and front end are ready for mounting. now it's all the little stuff that has to be done. built my fuel tank yesterday and tacked it together ready to be tig welded as soon as i make the filler neck and mounts. my last big project is mounting the 32 mm mikuni flatslide. very limited space for the carb and aircleaner so i'm still up in the air on my manifold design and how i'm going to design the shape. this may be my biggest problem so far. i may bring it to b2 dads meet & eat in july so folks can see it.
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