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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. it was put out there as a test bed for the dual range dual clutch transmission. i don't think honda really cares about selling a bunch of them. it's similar to the tranny in the new fiesta and 2012 focus. an automatic with no torque converter.
  2. glad you are all okay. keep us posted on whats going on down there. what a year for bad weather.
  3. arkansas got clobbered by tornados last night. since i have so many friends down there and not sure where they hit. how is everyone doing down there. check in here and let us know. bill
  4. alot of roads are closed in st. louis county to divert sightseers.we have another line of severe storms coming. the rivers are reaching flood stage, quiver river ,which dumps into the mississippi, is 5 feet below the bridge. i have crossed the bridge with water boiling over it. really scary.
  5. thanks for the concern. i wish i could have talked to you. linda thought i was gone. i was out in the shop getting the bikes ready for the season. i had no i dea that we had the damage we had till late this morning. i called linda from work last night and told her to get the puppy and head for the bathroom. it went right over us and touched down accross the river. massive devistation there in st. louis county, and in illinois. thanks again for all of your concern. we are fine. living in tornado alley is a hit and miss thing every year. i have weathered several tornados. luckily just missed by a hair.
  6. hey lewis, i hope it's just the same problem i have. old age. i will be praying thats all it is good buddy. wait till you hit 65. it all goes to hell. it's time to slow down to the fast mode.
  7. i have one of those. it works great. i had to modify it and put castors on the rear and small steel wheels on the front. this was a must because it has to roll fore and aft when you start raising the bike. i also have a lift table. it makes a nice work table when a bike is not on it. great for junk storage to.lol
  8. i have a disabled plate on my yamaha scooter and it is honored in any state. yours should be fine anywhere over here. bill
  9. happy birthday annie. have a great one. . linda and bill :clap2:
  10. for some reason, i just have one heck of a time with pictures. it really gets frustrating. don't think i will ever figure it out. i was trying to move these pictures at the beginning of this post over to my new post of the completed scooter.
  11. these are the pics of my cushman before i started on it.
  12. i calculated the gearing for 70 mph at 3500 rpm. i'm hoping it will cruise at 60. top speed may be around 80. the last one i built for my buddy was a 58 eagle. it has a built briggs v-twin with a 4 speed we designed and built. it will top 100 mph. i have a 58 eagle partially built with a 53 crosely 4cyl. engine in it and a cvt drive it is 750 cc's. some day i will get back to work on it. there are alot of cushmans out there with big motors, like sporster engines. a friend of mine has one with 2 briggs v-twin vanguards in it. thats 1260 cc's. lots going on in the world of cushmans. it's a great hobby alot of folks are involved in it.
  13. i have pic's of the before. here are some more of the finished product.
  14. here are some cushman pics of my finished winter project. it is a 1958 cushman pacemaker with an electric start 390 cc, honda clone engine, with a cvt drive. after hundreds of hours of work i finally got ti done and even rode it.
  15. the roar i am getting does sound like a fan roar. in fact i thought it might be the fan. thanks for all the ideas. a converter for this thing is close to $800.00. the lack of power may be in my mind do to the roar. the sears tech that just put my new plugs in test drove it and said it felt fine. i will check out the fan first.
  16. i have a 2003 ranger with 106,000 miles, 3 liter v-6. i think the converter is clogged. sears says it's not the converter, it needs to have the fuel system cleaned. it runs great but does'nt seem to have the power it once had. and it has a roaring sound when it gets over 2500 rpm, like it is laboring. could sears be right. they get $150.00 for a complete fuel system cleaning. question is does this really work or is it a waste of money?
  17. i forgot about the midnight special. they did have black chrome exaust. that was a good looking bike.
  18. anyone that is interested in cushman scooters and vintage motor bikes may want to check out the cushman meet at the fairgrounds in greenwood ar. next weekend. april 15th, and 16th. it is hosted by the arkansas vintage scooter club, and always has a big turnout of people and scooters. my winter project will be on display there for it's first outing. drop in if your in the area. it's free. great bunch of people too. ps. there is usually alot of used scooters for sale.
  19. black chrome is done by putting a dye in the solution. not to many plating outfits do it because it takes separate tanks and the demand is'nt that great. the first time i ever saw black chrome was on the exaust system on the harley xlcr sporster cafe racer it was beautiful. it came from the factory that way. that was in my opinion one of the best looking bikes harley ever built.
  20. i bought chrome wheels on ebay for my zx-14 kawasaki. i bought them outright no exchange. they were about $1200.00. i think they ran about $550.00 exchange (probably higher now). my local plater who is one of the best for show chrome would'nt even touch them. he said if you are not set up for doing wheels you will not get a good job because of the chance of flaking on aluminum. use one of the sources on ebay. they do the best job and garrantee them. you will need to remove the bearngs and replace them, as they charge extra for that. they do thousands of wheels and usually have them in stock for a quick turn around. i had a dealer mount mine because they said they could do it with out messing up the chrome. i now have a tire machine so i can mount my own. there is a trick to it because the chrome will flake very easily. if you are going to ride alot in all weather conditions i would powdercoat them. the brake dust and moisture will pit the chrome on the inner rim. there is no end to the colors of powder coat available, and it is tougher than nails.
  21. check out their website www.meramecpark.com . there is camping available.
  22. i don't really care about the price of gas. my car averages 37 mpg. and i have a scooter that gets 54 mpg, my bikes get 43 mpg each. inflation does'nt bother me either. i eat way less than i used to, and i am in the process of buying a whole lot less. kind of like ford motor co., i saw this crap coming 10 years ago. i say bring it on. i'm ready for anything they can try to screw me out of. the only ones i have to worry about is linda, me, and my puppy, and i'm old, and lived my good life to the fullest.
  23. the 2011 meramec state park meet is now listed for sept. 8th, thru the 10th, 2011 on the calender and regional rides and rallies. check it out.
  24. for a change it weren't me. i been really really good. i now take out my frustrations on the other old farts at mcdonalds over coffee every morning. not as snarley bill.
  25. hey buddy, that may be a good ride from eureka springs. hopefully la will come to eureka springs. linda and i have been wanting to go to springfield to visit him but have had to many pokers in the fire. i am going through springfield in 2 weeks maybe i can stop and see him.
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