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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. darn eck, you getting low on coffee.
  2. lewis, i,m guilty as charged. i don't really need to buy anything on the auction. i will make a donation next week when i see you. i would like to bring linda to st. jude with me this year. last year was the first year i missed. i'm slowly trying to get back in the groove. haven't been feeling to good. st. jude is my favorite charity. anyone who does bid on the auction will be getting a shot at some nice stuff and helping a good cause. or just send some money to lewis. he puts alot of time into helping those kids.
  3. keep mike away from it. :rotf:
  4. thanks guys, that was sooooo easy. don knows his stuff.
  5. how do i send don my dues via paypal?
  6. hey eck, your getting to old to work. your supposed to be barbequing and drinking beer at our age. grab lewis and get your butt up to the b2 families meet and eat. snarley bill
  7. hey good buddy, slow down and take care of your self. listen to eck. hope your test comes out great. we'll be praying for you. bill and linda.
  8. we are planning on dinner friday night.
  9. happy birthday annie. bill and linda.
  10. the time is getting closer for my montgomery city meet, so it's time to start signing up if your planning on attending. check under rides and rallies and the calender in june for all the info. snarley bill
  11. i had a 1400 intruder. the intruder is not even in the same league with the venture. totally different bikes. the intruder is a fun cruiser with no frills and the venture is a cadillac. like comparing a dirt bike and a motor scooter. hang on to the intruder for around town and short solo rides.
  12. earl was a legend. he was the originator of three finger style picking. he also inspired me to learn how to play the banjo years ago. he had perfect timing and lots of neat licks that he originated, which are still used today by most all pickers. his son plays a mean flattop and has a band. earl was also a pilot and flew his own plane. what a ngreat loss to the world of blue grass.
  13. im glad they did'nt have sport bikes when i was young. i would probably be dead. these kids are just like alot of us when we were young. they just have better equipment. problem is there is alot more traffic now. snarley bill
  14. hey lutz, how ya doin. hows the new max runnin. have you done any mods yet. no more fast bikes for me. i sold my z-x 14. been having dizzy spells lately. if i have one on my bike again i'm going to give up riding. very scary. getting old sucks. bill
  15. i always wanted a bandit. i think it is probably the best all around bike ever made for the street. they are definately the most bang for the buck.
  16. i had an 89 max with kerker exaust with the competition baffle, and lots of other mods, back in the nineties. i never worried about wheelies, it just smoked the tire on low gear roll ons. worst handling bike i ever owned. it was designed to go from point a to b in a hurry. it was a high nine second machine, at 140 in the 1/4 mile with a slick. i topped 145 with it on a long straight and had alot of throttle left. i figure mine would have done 160 top end. sounded like a small block chevy. it may have been my all time favorite bike. i wish i still had it. it was,nt near as fast as my zx-14, but it was a totally different beast to ride. the max was easy to ride wide open in a straight line. the 14 is the ultimate handful.
  17. one of these saturdays i'm going to drive down and visit him.
  18. sounds like a clogged pilot, or main jet.
  19. last year i got the hankering for a cross country, awesome bike. ended up with a stratoliner s also an awesome bike. the s beat it out on price, and power. i got my s for $ 11,450.00 out the door on ebay. the left over strats are the biggest secret best buy out there.
  20. we have a brand new one in mint condition, here in st. louis, at the museum of transportation. it is really sharp looking. i saw it this summer. i think they drive it once in awhile, like in parades.
  21. lewis, you did well. it looks great. your making me feel bad. guess i better get out the polish. bill
  22. well folks, its time to start pushing my 1rst rally of the year. check it out under regional rides and rallies. i have listed the host motel and backup motel along with the dates in june 2012. i put on alot of great meets and this will be one not to miss.hope to see a bunch there. it is located in the middle of missouri, on i-70. see you there.
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