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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. i got to thinking about this.i am in the wrong.i will never give the members of dumb the finger or use vile language again.i now realize they have more important things to do than drive.now i will just say sorry you dumb ass.:rotf::clap2:
  2. all i can say is i love it.:clap2:
  3. 630 miles from blairsville georgia to st.louis chasing allan h.about 12 hours.
  4. i think not only the forks are chromed but the master cyl. and levers are chrome.same on rstd midnight.
  5. i think charlie is right.she is a young inexperienced driver that made a very bad decision.and thats the best story she could come up with.she's just getting an early start in the fast lane like most others on the road that are preoccupied.about modulators i don't care for them.very annoying to me.guess that means they ought to work.just think what it would be like if all cars had them.i personally like the highway lights and leave them on all the time.bill
  6. there were some on ebay.
  7. jeff, thank you for the update.i wish i could think of something to say to make things better but i am still at a loss for words.this has bothered me deeply and we are praying for your father,you and your family. bill
  8. darn lewis. looks like i got to get a trailer by next week.lol. i'll come up with something neat i'll turn linda loose shopping. we donate lots of teddy bears to st. jude at christmas every year.i have a saying,( every kid has to have a teddy bear).thanks for the list.bill
  9. yes i'm probably one of the biggest on here and often times stick my 10 1/2 in my mouth.thats why allen h. named me snarly bill.i do try to live up to that name.lol. when the goin gets tuff i like everyone else on here will bust my butt to keep the tough going.it is a great family.i'm on lots of other forums and none come close to this one for commaraderie.:clap2:
  10. hey lewis could you put a few items on here i can't get the list to download.how about crayons and coloring books?i can fit them into my saddle bag.no trunk on this one.
  11. i remember him now.i think i talked to him briefly.
  12. thanks for posting the pic's charlie.our prayers are with gary.bill
  13. does anyone know where gary is from i would like to look at his profile to see if i have met his wife and him.maybe there is something i could do to help him.bill
  14. i don't no gary and leslie but this news is devastating.we will be praying for both of them.please keep us posted.bill and linda.
  15. neat bike allan when you getting it.we'll go get some breakfast.bill:)
  16. i hold our state troopers in mo. in the highest esteem.they are the classiest most respectable officers i have ever done business with.if they say i was in the wrong they are usually right.from the sound of this situation i would have to side with the trooper.hope he has a speedy recovery.bill
  17. hey eck, bring the coffee pot.we'll leave the light on for ya.bill:clap2:
  18. la ,i envy you .someday i want to grow up and be just like you.wish i could take off and ride till i got tired of it.maybe someday.bill
  19. vin, hope you make it to eureka springs,i owe you a dinner.and you won't be sorry. really awesome riding. bill
  20. roadkill, eureka springs is sept.10th through the 13th,2008. bill
  21. darn ,i was busting my butt the last couple of days getting my bike ready for the trip.my wife heard me telling one of my buddys on the phone i was heading for memphis this coming weekend and she said its not this weekend ,it's next weekend.bummer,i have to wait another week. must be old age.
  22. hit 1 deer on my scoot, and two with a car.very unpredictable and flighty.
  23. well sounds like this is a no win situation .probably enough said on this topic,before there is a major blowout.one last word.i was anti helmet in the early 60's when missouri passed the helmet law.i've done about everything you can do with a motorcycle.motocrossed ,dragraced,enduroed,a little trials,professional hill climbing,a little sport bike riding,built motorcycle race engines,and still do,so i think i know a little about the sport.like ive been doing it for close to 55 years.ive seen friends die on motorcycles ,i've had lots of crashes on bikes some accidental some do to my own stupidity.i have been awful lucky.i just try to pass on some wisdom that i have gained over the years on the helmet thing.i hate to see anyone hurt because they play the odds that it won't happen to me.i quit smoking ,i take vitamins,i eat healthy food ,and try to take reasonably good care of myself,because i came to realize that it can happen to me and it is going to happen to me, but i still have a few more things that i want to do before the inevitable happens.just think of it this way when i'm on the road i have to trust all these people coming out of side streets or making left turns coming at me. i do it 100's of times every time i ride.sooner or later one of the ones you trust to see you is going to do the inevitable and make the big mistake you were trusting them not to.it's happened to me.luckily my experience got me through it alive.no matter how good you think you are some one can eat you alive.so before you tell me about not wearing helmets it's your life that your bragging about putting on the line not mine.nuff said.
  24. don't see any disrespect here just an open conversation.seems like the ones who don't believe in helmet laws are on the defensive ,wonder why? can of worms,don't think so,people got to disagree once in awhile,or we would all be just alke.
  25. like i said before you have no right to do something when it effects the well being of others.like raising my insurance rates,having me and others look at your brains hanging out of your head ,like the family that is left behind or has to wipe the slobber off your mouth after they feed you everyday because your a vegetable.like the person on the back that you should care enough about to make them wear a helmet.like the wife who has to figure out how she's going to work and raise the kids because they no longer have an income.i've heard all these things about peoples rights being taken away.i ought to have the right to run around naked at the mall or throw rocks at the guy next door.we have these big brother laws to protect us from each other.we hired big brother to do the job and although it ain't prefect it sure is better than the aternative,no laws at all.i dumped my bike 40 years ago with my wife on the back.ya i was anti helmet when i was young and stupid.luckily,missouri just passed the helmet law.it tore her shoes off .tore the back out of her ski jacket ,and knocked a hole in th back of her helmet.can't imagine how i would have felt if i would have told her she did'nt have to wear the helmet.just my $10.00 worth.
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