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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. i kind of liked dallas .he sure kept things hopping.hey dallas if your out there at least pop in and say hello once in awhile.
  2. ithink in the end you are right.i put 150,00 miles on my 89 escort and used walmart oil and filters from day one.gave it to my niece and she drove it another 25,000.never an engine problem and never used oil.changed oil and filter every 2000mi.good oil and filters in my scoots just buys me piece of mind.bill
  3. well i finally got up the nerve to do it.my rstd is on ebay.listing no.230186966291. this is scary. i love this bike. my v-star 1300 is the official replacemrnt. the ride to memphis confirmed it. it did the job just fine.don't worry i ain't going anywhere .i would'nt let you all off that easy.you'll just have to put up with a snarley old fart on a v-star for an eternity. bill
  4. hey charley, we all know why second gens are in wrecking yards.
  5. only one dinner.thats all i can afford.i got to go find a lowly first gen and start practicing.:clap2:
  6. bring it on bigboy,i'm ready for ya,and it's still stock.bring it to eureka springs next year.if i lose i'll buy you and the wife one of the best dinner buffets around.:2133:ps. hope to see you there anyway.bill
  7. all i can say is ,what the hey.
  8. thats the whole idea ,it's a motorcycle .it's suppose to look like one.
  9. probably 90 years old and half blind.
  10. hey kit ,you are now officially one of us.you have passed the take all the crap we can throw at you test.i think all the crap has been throwed that is possible.i can't think of anymore unless i get nasty.soooo bring that hardley to my arkansas meet next year ,and we will ride with you if you will let us. and don't forget the pics.remember black is fastest. bill:clap2:
  11. the only patient we saw was a little boy with his mother and sister ,i assume,and it brought a tear to my eye and really touched me.danny thomas must have been the perfect human being, to found st. jude.
  12. hey kit,you know we can't let you off easy.enjoy the harley.i just defected to a v-star but i won't let them run me off.all bikes got their little quirks.why i don't under stand? harley's are about the most well finished bikes out there.there are bad biker types on all makes.even some of the bad biker types are good guys.i'll ride with you anytime.just let me know when ,so i can follow you with a parts trailer. :rotf:.it's a joke just kidding.bill
  13. i think the problem with the fram was the end cap is made out of paper instead of metal and it came apart and could clog the oil galleries.scarry.
  14. well i guess allan and i must have been the first ones to get home.had a great ride and a great time in memphis.st. judes is a fine place and what a great thiing they do for these kids.they were very nice at the hospital .and we got vip. parking and a nice tour.got to see some old friends and meet some new ones.thanks lewis for a great day.
  15. hard to beat the walmart filter for less than $ 3.00.made by champion very high rating.also bigger than oem.
  16. now ya made me mad ,got to go get the performance catalog out.don't want to just beat ya ,gonna have to do a right job of it now.long live the v-stars.:clap2:
  17. kudos for that enlightening bit of humor.you must be a journalist.made my day.i loved it.bill :clap2:
  18. you guys with the 1rst and 2nd gens.are gonna have really long faces when lewis and me blows by ya on the straights and in the curves on our v-stars.i'm bringing it to memphis tomorrow,and it's broke in and ready to go.one bad momma.:rotf::rotfl::rotf:
  19. end of the season for harley riders here in st. charles ,mo.if you get a harley there will be plenty of weekend warrior harley uniforms for sale.plus i happen to have one of those dumb looking worthless brain buckets with no lining thats brand new.i will give away.don't ask why i have it.has'nt even got all the fowl mouth decals on it yet.lol
  20. free count me in.:clap2:
  21. i think you are 100% right on.the v-max will be the test platform for the motor and i would look for a really futuristic look to satify the up coming generations.every one laughs at the new victory, but look for them to set the standard for the future look.times change and so do motorcycles.i think yamaha sells all the existing royal stars they need to. the star line of motorcycles is the best marketing move i have ever seen.they caught everyone else with their pants down.i'm a very conservative person ,but when it comes to technology i'm chompin at the bit for new innovations.i love new stuff.
  22. rear brakes on bikes are dangerous.no matter how good a rider you may think you are in a life or death situation you will lock up the rear wheel.out of panic, if the brakes are to sensitive.here is a bit of information.sport bikes have almost no rear braking power.the rear brake is for trail braking only in curves.even the pro riders have rear brake control problems.alot of the moto gp riders get out of the habit of using the rear brake at all except for trail braking in curves.my r-6 and zx 14 have next to no rear brakes at all.you could not begin to stop with them.90% of your stopping power is with the front brakes,because of the weight transfer to the front wheel under hard braking.
  23. well just about ready to go.the weather looks perfect in memphis,got the v-star ready to go ,almost. looking forward to seeing everyone.buy the way who is everyone ? final tally, who all is going? come on folks this will probably be the last big hoorah this year.lets do it for st. jude and lewis who put alot of work into this whole thing. probably going to freeze my butt off, butt,lol ,what the heck. hope to see whole bunches of venture riders there. bill:clap2::clap2:
  24. thats not a poor mans harley,thats a smart mans harley.i had a 94.it was one of my favorite bikes.did you know the victory engine is basically the same design? bill
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