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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. we have a stunt organization here in st. louis that makes stunt videos on the street and sells them.it is getting bigger all the time.like any group around your going to have some bad seeds. alot of these kids nowadays have never been taught to respect the law whatsoever.i am on a couple of websites for crotch rockets.and it is unbelievable how some of the teens talk with foul language and brag about breaking the law and out running cops.i figure they are no threat to my reputation as a biker,but what will they grow up to be.where are there parents.there are alot of good intelligent people on these websites.it's not the bike that makes the person,it's their up bringing.before everyone starts bashing crotch rockets,figure it this way the bike can do no wrong with out an idiot riding it.same goes for some cruiser riders i have seen,and touring riders two. the rider makes the reputation of the bike.bill
  2. i have four helmets one fulmer and tree hjc's. i really like the hjc helmets.they fit me good.helmets are a personal preference .i try them on if they fit and are comfortable and the style i like i buy it.bill
  3. we will probably come through tulsa about 5:30 am monday morning.we usually make it to oklahoma city around 9 am.we go every year.bill:)
  4. no but i did train a few arabians for a lady one time.they never get tired.bill
  5. just got home from work mostly highway had my gerbing jacket liner on with electronic control under my ski jacket .full face helmet ,craftsmen work bib coveralls,and loafers,riding my v-star 1300 with windshield lowers and vinyl leg shields on my crash bars.completely comfortable and warm all the way.oh forgot to say ,it was 20 degrees out.the jacket liner worked perfectly.turned it off for awhile when i hit traffic.
  6. glad you all are getting it straightened out.good luck with your trike build.bill
  7. my wife and i are going to the quarter horse world show in oklahoma city next week .we will be there monday through thursday.any body from that area want to meet at the biltmoor hotel on meridian for breakfast and coffee, let me know and we will set a time.bill
  8. i know exactly how you feel.i had my rs warrior about one week and i get a recall letter telling me don't ride it at all .i could be fatally or seriously injured due to tranny lock up.i call the dealer and they have to pull the motor and split the cases.no way are some rumdums going to tear into my brand new bike.i ended up doing the recall myself.worked out great because while i had it apart i did a little internal modifying.what a major job it was.but i did it with perfection and when i got done i knew it was done right.there were all kinds of horror stories on the warrior sight about lots of problems after the so called dealer techs got done with them,such as oil leaks, never ran right again,etc.etc..
  9. you can sure tell winters coming and cabin fever is setting in.here we go again.yahoo :clap2: better than going to a good rodeo.
  10. i agree 100% kit, think you hit the nail on the head.bill
  11. kit, i don't think it will be the big twin.reason being to much vibration and an archaic design.great for a cruiser but very bad for a tourer of the future.they're putting to much money into the r&d on the new v-max engine just to drop it into a slow seller like the max.the 1800 four detuned will be the cats meow for a new ground up design yamaha tourer. air cooled ,shaking , noisy,inefficient ,archaic design, big twin,just can't see it for the top of the line tourer.not to mention with the air cooling, long stroke, high piston speed ,and tremendous rod bearing loading ,i don't think the big twin will go that far between overhauls.lt will be lucky to make it 100,000 miles.from an engineering and good investment standpoint i think it will be the v-4.bill
  12. they are so frail,and dainty.:rotf:
  13. thanks for the respomse .just something i always wondered about.when i had my warrior and was trying to sell it i looked at it and thought about what it would be like to make it into a custom trike.bill:)
  14. i agree i must have missed something here.maybe to me a little abrupt but not neccesarily rude. that does'nt mean the whole outfit is bad because one employee is having a bad day.
  15. since we are on the trike subject, i have a question.i have never rode one ,but since the steering geometry is designed for a whole different type of steering ,do they steer hard or feel funny in curves and when making slow turns? i read a road test on a harley with a side car one time and the magazine testers said it was so dangerous they never got off the parking lot with it. just curious.
  16. i predicted awhile back where the venture is going.the new v-max , when it is introduced will be the test bed for the new motor.followed by a totally new 1800 fuel injected venture from the ground up.it will have a detuned v-max engine, aluminum frame, goldwing type styling,all the latest bells and whistles,abs,with an ultra deluxe model,better handling,lower seating,etc.,and be in the $20,000 dollar bracket like the wing.i think the new max would have been out for 08 ,but must have some bugs to iron out.the 2nd gen is biding it's time.i think yamaha still wants to grab the touring market,they just want to get it right this time.the star line is probably the best marketing gimick that has ever been tried.they have sold thousands of star motorcycles because of it.great move for yamaha.think they are working on getting everything right.never seen a perfect motorcycle yet they all have pitfalls.my biggest complaint is seats.have you ever had to replace a seat in a car you buy cuz it was'nt comfy.bill
  17. thank goodness kit you have been saved.welcome back.you'll love your new bike when you get it back.and think of all the warranty you have left.:clap2:
  18. hey jeff, you ain't nuts we is real bikers. ride all year round. here . 31 here last night and i rode to and from work.no electrics.saving the electrics for the bad weather.:rotf::rotf:
  19. good observasion, never thought of that.bill:)
  20. not the big particles they usually settle in the sump.it's the microscopic particles i'm refering to.the filter will pick up the rest.changing the filter would'nt hurt a thing if it gives one peace of mind.i would say most motorcycle manufacturers are right on with 600mi.first change,but i get antsy at 400 mi.most of the high spots are wore off by then.if people could see the surface of a newly ground crankshaft journal under a microscope it would blow there mind.rougher than the surface of the moon.,although it looks smooth as glass.
  21. don't know where yamaha gets those shift points .it's the same for my v-star.the motor won't run that slow.just drive it normal and don't be afraid to rev it a little.being a machinist , i still can't make people understand that two rough metallic surfaces have to be broke in to match each other with a little care,mainly gears and bearings ,or you wind up with a condition called gaulding of the metal.proper breakin is a process similar to lapping precision parts in a machine shop with lapping compound to get them to match. it's not the rpms that damages the surface it is excessive loads at any rpm that forces the two surfaces together.the best way i have found to seat the rings is find a section of road with some nice grades and put a medium load on the motor and use your gears .don't lug it. you have about a 60 mile window to seat the rings.the gears and bearings take alot longer. as was said before by others vary the speed.close the throttle every so often for a few seconds .the vacuum will suck oil up to the top ring.main thing is ,don't abuse it.another mistake people make is changing the oil the first time to soon.wait a minumum of 400mi.those fine metal particles in the oil act as a fine abrasive to polish the wearing surfaces of the bearings gears and other moving parts.you can do more harm changing oil to early than good.
  22. darn brad it won't rain down here to try this v-star in a good rain.try to put eureka springs on your calender this year .wanting to get it going as the mid west last big bash of the year every year.awesome riding.it is the mid west deals gap.bill
  23. thats a good one .don't give him any ideas .bill:rotf:
  24. i bought a gerbing jacket liner from cycle gadgets with the optional electronic thermostat.it works perfect. i get heat in about a minute.and it is warm.used it on the memphis trip and kept as warm as if i was sitting at home.has total coverage and neck warmer.it will get un comfortably warm if the thermostat is a little high.i have it set about 1/3 from the lowest and tht is a little high.i have to turn it off manually every so often.i think draws 6 amps.great product and has lifetime warranty on the electrics.bill
  25. no doubt about that.i remember when the very best oil you could buy was from pennsylvania.it was parafin base oil.all other oil was asphalt base.no imported oil back then.penzoil was about the best available because it was in a pretty yellow can.than royal triton made their oil purple and it was so pretty it just had to be the best you could buy.sunoco was the only gas to use if you wanted to win any drag races.fram and purolator were the top oil filters.them was the good old days before big business ruined dragracing.shot the little guys like me right off the track.just so glad i have those memories to dwell on.what an era that was.i remember the day the dodge chargers came to town with their altered wheelbase supercharged funny cars.to put on an exibition run.yep them was the days.:clap2:
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