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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. sounds neat. i never had an epaletic t-shirt. :rotf:
  2. it is going to be sept 10th thru sept 13th,2008.hope to see there. bill
  3. you hit the nail on the head.these kids are a product of their invironment.just think what their kids will be like and on, and on, and on.
  4. i have one drawer with my food stained shirts and the other drawer contains the ones i haven't wore yet.works out great.heres a trick to conceal food stains.rub talcum powder into the stain. the big white spot hides the stain completely.works every time for me.
  5. okay kit ya got me .whats an epulets? sounds like something i gotta have. lol
  6. okay folks ,i need some ideas for the design on the eureka springs meet t-shirts,as far as color,and what to put on them.i want every one to be happy with their shirt.and i think every one who attends and buys a shirt and matching patch should have some input.i'm getting an early start on this so we don't have alot of controversy at the last minute.not to mention i'm getting excited about this meet.i am going to have shirtznthings do the shirts and once we decide on a design every one can go on line and order their own size and quanity.allan h. said this is the best and easiest way to do it.so give me some input,and i will take it and run.i have a professional artist to do the design,(my big sister)so what ever we pick will be very professional.no 1rst gen ,2nd gen pictures,will be allowed.bill
  7. you are being punished for not offering me a glass of heiniken at vogel.
  8. hope it was'nt me who offended someone.i 'm trying to be good,although my tongue is sore from biting it.i only get agressive when some one verbally attacks me, my country, or our troops. can't hardly handle that. bill ps. don,you always got a way with words.
  9. i'll bet if i put an old sock on ebay and claimed it to be the orignal muppet,someone would bid on it.:rotf::rotf:
  10. never needed reverse.hell i have enough trouble keeping it upright going forward.:rotf:
  11. i ride almost every day all year round have never in my life winterized a bike.won't start out in the rain but will ride in it if caught.i have three bikes and two scooters to keep running and sometimes ride when i don't feel like it just to run them and keep the oil up in them.that being said i do trailer my bike once in awhile.i'm not out to prove my masculinity or endurance when i ride. i ride as much as i enjoy it and feel like it. there is a point when you ride year round that it gets tiresome and i need a little time away from the bike.. not very often ,but once in awhile i just like relaxing in a car. if the bike will start i will ride it. cold is not in my vocabulary.so there.
  12. i took off at 6 am and rode 140 miles for breakfast this morning.was going up to the filling station for a cup of coffee and test my new tach on my v-star and ended up in louisiana, mo.at hardees. just beat the rain home a little while ago.
  13. i had harleys before most of the harley guys were born.alot of them are great people,some are weekend warriors or wannabe's.some are just hard core diehard real bikers.no matter what they are i like them just because we are all in this bike thing together.i don't mind if they shun me.i guess i make an equal amount of fun of them.as long as they are not into something criminal,they are okay by me.i go to a local biker bar almost every weekend during the riding season that is about 80% harley riders.no problem at all. everyone has a good time and gets along great.i guess that i'm jealous of them because they can afford a harley and i can't,and they wish they had a bike like my zx14 that can blow them away any way they want to try me.so were even.lol
  14. a turbo on a venture would be awesome.neat thing about a turbo is when your not on boost it is as reliable and docile as a stock engine. turbo's like low compression and mild cam profiles so a stock engine is a perfect candidate.the only thing to worry about is lower end,and piston strength.
  15. you can buy a new kaw zx14 for $6000,00 less than the turbo costs and blow it's doors off.
  16. hey kit you have plenty of time to get ready for the eureka springs meet in sept..hope to see you there. it will be a real hoot.bill
  17. hey la where ya been lately ?been down to cracker barrel every day lookin for ya. lol next time ya come through give me a holler,and don't forget eureka springs.i need to go to walmart the long way. lol bill ps. linda said hi.
  18. shame on you kit,you said the dirty word,(oil).not even going to bring up the clutch slip word.darn it slipped out.lol
  19. can't believe they would jury rig the motor like that .thats about a half a#* way to fix something.
  20. i looked at the $379.00 dollar one up close and personal in oklahoma city 2 weeks ago.it was on the floor ,the only one they had.heres what i saw.there was no possible way it was set up for air.hydrauic only,very well made,1000 lb. capacity,painted red,front wheel chock was just like the one on my cummins, plenty heavy but would'nt trust it to hold a bike while working on it.the chock did hold my zx 14 while i put tie down straps on it.very good buy at that price.i first saw it advertised in a bike magazine in a hf ad and they stated regular $699.00 on sale for $379.00.i should have asked if i could buy the floor model.figured i would be able to get one back home.i figure there is probably a big waiting list with christmas coming and figuring the slow boat from china.i would'nt hold my breath for one in the near future.thats why i bought the cummins.which works great ,maybe not quite as heavy looking ,but still rated at 1000 lbs.
  21. mine will be great to stack junk on when theres no bike on it.and i can stack crap at all different heights.really neat.lol:rotf::rotf:
  22. you know your old when you feel like me every time you stand up.lol
  23. here is the answer to the original problem.carry a calculator and let the kid borrow it so he can figure your change. gee i hate to talk about this it is really pathetic.what the hell has happened to our country.bill
  24. hey brad, you are right on.like i said i'm glad i'm as old as i am,and have no kids to worry about.the next generation is in big trouble,and don't know it.just have a ball and please try to make it to eureka springs with cheese cake.did you hear that sweetnothin.bill :clap2:
  25. okay, i bought my lift at cummins tool.$299.00. just cleaned my shop up this morning and put my zx14 on it for the winter.worked perfect.1000lb capacity.only improvements i might make is an outrigger on each side for tie downs on my v-star.the zx is narrow so they are not needed.probably won't ever put the royalstar on it,no need to.for the price i think it's a bargain.bill
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