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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. linda, and i are really sorry we had to miss this trip we were really looking forward to it. i guess father time is catching up with me. glad we had the donations we had from the group. we have alot of dedicated and great members with big hearts. cudo's to lewis for getting this st. jude tradition going on the website. he is one fine friend even if he does ride a first gen.
  2. darn, i must have been sleeping and missed a good one. i once was one of the biggest a-holes on here. thus the name snarley bill, that was awarded to me by squidley. it is rough sitting on the side lines, but i have developed great restraint. now my wife is the only one that knows what an a-hole i still am. snarley bill
  3. larry, sure am glad your on your way to a quick recovery. the bike can be replaced, but good folks like you can't. don't know what linda and i could do to help you out, but we are here praying for you.
  4. so sorry to here this news. linda and i will be praying for larry's fast recovery. snarley bill
  5. put me down for two large. i will get them at st. jude and pay you then. bill
  6. yesterday was a fantastic day in mo.. so i went out for breakfast on my stratoliner. 250 miles later i made it home. great ride. i could have made it another 200 miles but i had to get home for the honey dos. guess i'm in better shape than i thought. my butt never did get sore. the strat is the most comfortable ride i ever had with no mods. no back rest and oem seat.
  7. hey lewis happy birthday ya old fart. you just gained on me again. have a great one. see you in a month. snarley bill
  8. hope you can make it, haven't seen you two for awhile. bill
  9. st. jude memphis trip is getting close. only one more month. looking forward to it as usual. who all is planning on going? it's a no brainer. can't wait to see my buddy lewis, and all my other friends down there. :clap2:
  10. we made it home from the meet. had a great time. we had a good turn out. great bunch of people and lots of commeraderie. wild hare came down and spent sunday with us. i want to thank buddy for putting on a great meet we had alot of fun.
  11. i got rid of my shaft last year. to much work at my age. i love my belt.
  12. only five days to go. looks like we will have a crowd. looking forward to seeing all our good friends once again. lets see if we can out do last year. we had a blast. looks like buddy and coles grampa have some great rides planned, and alot of good eaten. linda decided she did'nt want to miss it, and has the bags packed already.
  13. darn lewis, your giving that bike away. people just don't know the secret that we know about what a great bike they are. i'm going to sell mine one of these days just can't let go yet. hope you get that back straightened out. see you in memphis, good buddy. bill:2133:
  14. since i'm fazing out the motorcycles. i can't believe i ended up with my all time favorites. i've had a few bikes that have earned a place in my heart, but my majesty scooter, v-star 1300, and stratoliner s are the pick of the crop. the scooter is my little caddy, 58 mpg, automatic, handles like a crotch rocket and will cruise all day at 70 mph. the v-star is fast, comfortable, reliable, looks nice, smooth, handles, and will cut the curves with the best of them. the strat is my all time favorite, bar none. it fits like a glove, sits low, handles great, has balls out power anywhere you want it, no vibration, and matches my royal star for the two best looking bikes i ever owned. i would think the new strat deluxe decked out would be right at the top with the ultimate tourer. the v-star is going up for sale and i will keep the scoot and strat until it's time to hang it up.
  15. darn buddy, you really went back in time for this post. lots of good memories in the pictures. we will be sitting on that same deck in a couple of weeks. for those that have never been there that deck is on the back of the edelweiss, and we have a party out there every night of the meet. it over looks the woods and the deer come up and graze. can't wait. i took a couple of weeks vacation. when i get home from eureka springs, i'm heading down to haiwasee georgia for a cushman scooter meet.
  16. ya gotta love eck, he's one of a kind.
  17. great news. i am so proud of all our vets and service men. thank your boys for their service for me. and buy them a beer for me. bill :clap2:
  18. the meet in eureka springs is just 2 weeks off. buddy is putting it on this year and it will be a good one. check it out under meet and eats for the agenda and motel accomodations. this will be a great meet as usual with lots of awesome sightseeing and things to do. this is one of the largest tourist areas in the usa, not to far from branson if you want to ride up there. it will be a fun pact weekend. if your not on the calender please do so so buddy can get a head count. we always have a great turn out. it's kind of a venturerider standard not to miss. see you there.
  19. we will be there. looking forward to it. linda has never been there so it will be a first for her. see you all soon.
  20. yep, janes a real caracter. she keeps boo out of trouble. i don't know how boo keeps up with her. i like that combination boo hoo it has a ring to it. jane , eck, and me were the early birds in the morning in ar. and had our morning coffee at ecks place.
  21. the first time i saw a v-max was in a magazine before they came out. i was sitting in walmart having a coffee while my wife was shopping. i showed her the picture and told her some day i will have one of those. it was love at first site. i bought a brand new 1989 in the middle of winter. my wife was cooking dinner and i was calling dealers for fun. i found one about 6 oclock on a friday night for $4295.00 out the door. i told her turn off the dinner i just bought a v-max. we ran down there to put a deposit on it, and the guy said he would deliver it for $25.00. the next day it was in my driveway colder than hell. well i started taking it apart and building a street dragbike. it was the fastest bike i ever owned next to my z-x 14. it would'nt pull wheelies, it would just smoke the tire . sounded like a small block chevy with the 4 into one kerker header. the max will always have a spot in my heart as one of my all time favorite bikes.
  22. happy birthday you old fart. have a good one. bill and linda
  23. boomer. so sorry to hear about your friend. that was a heart warming thing you wrote i will remember it when when the time comes someday for my puppy and best buddy to leave.
  24. it is a good engine but one thing you must remember. with two people on board, a loaded trailer, and the double bike weight over what the aprilla weighs. your probably talking 4 times the weight of the aprilla. it still is only 990 cc's and is tuned for a very high rpm with limited torque. for a heavyweight set up. it's like putting an all out small block chevy in a dump truck. you have to run it wide open all the time to keep ahead of traffic. it's like i said in an earlier post. i saw a guy ream one out. i doubt if it would out run my focus by much.
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