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Snarley Bill

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Everything posted by Snarley Bill

  1. hey boo that explains everything. :rotf::rotfl::rotf:
  2. i understand how you feel.i got a keeper too. happy anniversary ,and enjoy your trip.bill :clap2:
  3. darn jt ,just can't keep you out of trouble.look what ya stirred up here.lol.you know me, i love a little verbal confrontation. my kind of thread. have fun in texas. wish i was there. snarley bill
  4. i drilled out my primary or pilot jets and left the main jets and metering rods alone.since it's already rich in that area from the factory,and i did'nt have the right size drill when i had the carbs off. with the 7500 rev limit i need more fuel over 5000 rpm for max power ,but it still runs solid.got baron bag slashers with my own design baffles,dyna 3000 on 3,and billet aircleaner with k&ns.it is one bad mama,rev limiter at 7500.the dyna 3000 will give you the most bang for the buck. the pilot jets are a freebee and give lots more lowend and mid range.mine could use a little more fuel on the top end with the mods i got,just never had time to get back in there.not what i consider fast but runs awful good for a 900 lb. bike.so far la is the only one that has got to me on his 1rst gen.i short shifted to 2nd gear before we took off.got caught with my pants down.we will hit it again one of these days.not making excuses if your listening la you got me fair and square. lol. if i remember right la said we quit about 94 mph according to his gps and he had about three bikes on me.with the mods i got and the big pilot jets you have to stay awake for the shift to second.it bangs the rev limiter so fast in low gear at 7500 rpm by my tach you think something is wrong. bill
  5. hey russ, if you want one on my fridge you will just have to come back down here and put it there yourself.we'll leave the light on for ya. seriously ,i want one and my printer don.t work. i'll see if i can get one from allan.bill
  6. lonna must have brought a pile of cheesecakes with her.seems like we all are getting a taste of it.it's a cheese cake trail to texas. the st.charles bunch really rates. we got lonna's home made spaghetti too. mmm goood
  7. lewis ,we got her covered.we will keep her in our prayers.bill
  8. hey kit ,never had my pututy kissed, maybe kicked at one time or another. you can't be a snarley bill without a good pututy kicking once in awhile. keeps me on my toes. bill :cool10:
  9. gee goose, do i see a little hatred here.personally i don't care what people think of me when i'm on my bikes.i'm not out to ceate an image like i'm a perfect person. if they don't like the image that i create they can kiss my petuty .i don't dress and ride, to look good for other people. i have to put up with idiots in cars everytime i ride even when i'm in my car,and i'm tired of it. i'm a very ultra safe driver and very curteous toward other people and i expect the same respect and don't even come close to getting it. snarley bill
  10. i love crotch rockets,in fact i love all bikes.bikes are my ultimate hobby .most of all i like high tech very fast bikes.i live eat and sleep bikes.ive got five of them and ride them all year round .i agree, these kids should not do these things on the streets in traffic.i think to buy one over a certain horsepower, there should be a mandatory riders course completed before it leaves the showroom floor..i have a zx 14 that is rediculously fast. i have added many things to make it faster.thinking seriously about a turbo. do i need it ,heck no,but i want one. its my right to have one. sure kids do dumb things. if i would have had this caliber of bike and been as good of rider as alot of these kids are,i would have done it in the 50's.like we venture riders never ride the dragon and talk about dragging our floor boards and do a little dragracing with each other.i see it and have been a part of it at most of the meets i have been to.it's the natural human behavior called competition. most all of us do stupid things and break the law on our bikes.i've followed alot of venture riders through thousands of twisties riding at the limit on my rstd.nothing wrong with that, but it is breaking the law and stupid, mostly when our better half is on the back. not trying to create a major argument here just giving my perspective on the topic.bill
  11. hey puc, there are some old riders that scare me.lol
  12. i often wonder why most of the drivers in cars put us guys on crotch rockets and other bikes at risk with their lousy driving. bill
  13. never wanted to yank anyone off a bike but there are thousands in cars i could blow away.i agree these kids do some stupid things on these bikes (kind of reminds me of me when i was young and had little sense).as far as cagers go ,as i said before i could give to hoots what they think of bikers or me on my bike.they are the ones that are out to kill us.alot of these youngsters are ultra fantastic riders.i wish i had there skills.they amaze me what they can do on motorcycles,bicycles, and skate boards.there are some very talented young riders out there and alot that are just plain stupid.thats just part of being young.they will grow up.theres alot of them that can handle a bike better on one wheel than alot of riders can on two wheels.just my perspective.
  14. merry christmas to you to vin. bill and linda
  15. had a nice breakfast with brad and lonna,and allan h this morning at bob evans. going to spend christmas eve with them.i think this is going to be one of the nicest christmasas i ever had. good people, homemade spagetti,and lonnas cheese cake. now just how can you beat that. :clap2:
  16. i had to look,thought i only had one mother inlaw.merry christmas.
  17. lewis, your ups sound great, congradulations.as for your downs, hope charlene and your daughter are doing okay. have a merry christmas and a happy new year and tell charlene for me doctor bill says she will be fine.that goes for your daughter too. see you all next year.bill
  18. merry christmas to you and lina.and a happy hieneken.bill and linda.
  19. dale do you do remodeling? lol. great job.merry christmas to you, cindy and haylie.bill and linda.
  20. well said jay .merry christmas to you to.bill and linda.
  21. sorry you can't make it.if you get in town next week give us a call and maybe we can meet up. 636-928-3656. bill
  22. i got the dyna 3000 on 3,modified baron bag blasters,k&n filters,and rejetted carbs.it runs good for a 900 lb. bike.it will beat most cars on the road. bill but just can't time it right.
  23. linda,and i want to wish all the venture riders a very merry christmas and a happy new year, and many more to come.muffin man said it all, but i just want to add ,glad i got to see everyone i saw at the meets this year and can't wait till next year to see and meet more of you.glad to be a member of the closest and best website on the net.thanks to don and all of you for making it possible.linda and i are going to spend christmas eve with some of our group.big hint .were gonna have cheesecake,and the host goes by the name allan h. o'boy can't wait.love you'all. bill and linda.
  24. finally got the ride in.rode three of my bikes just to get the oil up in them, and let them know i'm still here. passed a few harleys and two jap bikes.if i would have had time i would have gone farther.had to take the boss christmas shopping.my christmas bonus was burning a hole in her pocket.lol
  25. i think they don't like you.:rotfl:
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