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Snarley Bill

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About Snarley Bill

  • Birthday 12/27/1942

Personal Information

  • Name
    bill predock


  • Location
    st.charles,mo., United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    08 08 wing,07 vstar1300,07 kaw zx14, 07 yamaha majesty 400, 08 nomad, yamaha stratoliner s

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  1. the cushman you describe is either a 50 series 1946 to 48, or a 60 series 1949 to 1956. the difference in the two is the sides of the body are straight up and down on the 50 series and slant in toward the top on the sixty series. the one with no transmission is a pacemaker. if it has a 2 speed transmission it is a roadking. most of them had a 4 hp engine. some later ones had a 7 hp engine. you can tell the difference in the engine by the fins on the cylinder. the 4 hp has round fins looking down from the top and the 7 hp has big square fins. in the condition you describe i would say $ 700.00 to $1400.00. the title makes it worth alot more. alot of new parts are available from dennis carpenter cushman parts. eagles are worth alot more i'm restoring one now and it ill go for around $5700.00. i have built some vanguard powered eagles from $10,000.00 to $45000.00. if you get hooked on cushmans you can get into serious money. we custom build them from scratch with our own design 4 speed transmission and modified v-twins. they will top 100 mph.
  2. we have a winner. i don't know who it is. i'm deaf as a door knob and could'nt hear. i'm sure it will be announced very soon.
  3. the rally was great, the weather was perfect. food was excellent, and we had a great ending at the banquet. i want to thank my great committee that made it all possible. most of all i want to thank all the folks that attended that made it a great success. this was my last hoorah, and it was great. thanks to don for giving me the honor of putting on this international. snarley bill
  4. the b2s are here and setting up camp. details and photos on the 10 oclock news. glad they had a safe trip. heading over there shortly. b2 dad needs a beer after the ordeal. hope he doesn't get run out of the campground before we get there. :rotf:
  5. linda and i will be riding around st. charles today checking the motels and will be at the campgrounds with b2 mom and dad at site 215 in the afternoon. the address for the campgrounds is 370 lake side park, 1000 lake side park drive, st. peters, mo. 63376 if we don't see you in st. charles stop by the park. bill ps. if anyone has any questions or gets lost. my cell no. is 636-352-3898.
  6. any one see aussie annie?
  7. we will bring some chairs.
  8. b2 mom and dad have site 215. they are coming in on sunday. we will be over there to meet you'all sunday afternoon. for all of you folks that are camping, the huge pavillion you pass on the right by the lake is reserved for us for the banquet and dinner on the 23rd. snarley bill
  9. annie, canceled monday night for you.
  10. i will stop by the motel today.
  11. you are a true biker. makes me feel like a sissy. got your stuff. see you next week. bill
  12. for all those coming to the rally, don't forget , check in is from 12pm to 4pm at comfort suites at i-70 and fifth street, monday july 20th.. all rally info and t-shirts will be given out there. late comers can catch up with us to get theirs. don't forget to bring stuff for the drawing if you have anything you would like to donate. if any one gets lost or needs info my cell no. is 636-352-3898. see you there for a fun week. please be careful and have a safe trip. snarley bill
  13. thats great . looking forward to meeting you. snarley bill
  14. that is an awesome ride down here. make sure you check on the mississippi river stages in illinois. we will be doing that river ride up to hannibal, mo. tuesday.
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