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Jerry W

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Everything posted by Jerry W

  1. I just put my phone in my bag and look at it when I gas up. Most of my calls aren't of the magnitude that they must be taken care of immediately.
  2. I kinda' lean toward anti sieze on aluminum.
  3. You getting the light in the spoiler? Can't have too many lights.
  4. What color are you looking for? I just looked on ebay and there are several new ones from dealers on there.
  5. I have run Avon tires for over 10 years and have had one tire with a cracking issue. I called Avon and was told that as long as there was at least 1/2 of the tread left and the tire was less than 5 years old, I would be given a new tire. They not only furnished a new tire, but paid to have it mounted. I for one do not have a problem with Avon. I am pretty sure I have had one bad beer in the last 10 years, but I have remained strong and continue to drink beer also.
  6. I will get with my buddy and see when he can get to it, he is working 12 hour daylights right now. He works shift work at a refinery.
  7. The way we shortened mine and another one we did was to cut out a section at the foot then we drilled and threaded the remaining pieces and put them back together using a piece of allthread. We then welded it back together using stainless steel rod, then dressed and buffed the weld with a dremel. We felt like this would make take the stand back to being a solid piece as we could come up with. I think if you cut it out above the wire loop you not only run a risk of the look hitting the floorboard, there would be a lot more stress on the splice.
  8. Wally, I have a buddy who can shorten the stand. He charges $50 for his labor. I think I have a spare kick stand around somewhere if you want me to see about having him work it over.
  9. We don't have a state income tax in Texas
  10. Ok guys, it is getting to be time to get the bikes out and I am willing to host a maintenance day at my place if there is enough interest. Let me know if any of you are interested and I will look at the dates that others are using so we don't step on any toes.
  11. Here is a picture of the kickstand on my RSV. We were able to cut about 1 1/2" out of it and that worked really good for me. I actually started off cutting 1" out and that was not enough for me. We cut the piece out of the lower part of the stand, below the tang that you use to put the kickstand down. We cut the piece out then drilled and tapped into each end, threaded a piece of althread in and welded it back with stainless rod. To remove the kickstand, it is much easier if you remove the two bolts holding the floorboard on before you try to take the kickstand off. Dropping the floorboard lets the shifting linkage drop down and give you access to the bolt holding the kickstand. That may not be the easiest way, but is the easiest way I found.
  12. That is great news. Ain't it great having folks like Gunboat & Ponch around? Those guys are awesome.
  13. Not trying to start anything, but raising the rear gives the same handling effect as lowering the front. However, there are those who keep saying it is not safe to lower the front end, that you should raise the rear instead. How about someone explains how that works.
  14. I appreciate the updates on I-40, I will look at alternate routes going to Nashville, on the return trip we will be coming up from Natchez to Shreveport, then north to Sherman and on in thru Wichita Falls and home. Little Beaver, we do not have a time set for the trip as of yet. My riding buddy still has a job and has not let me know when he can make the trip. We are looking at April sometime, but no definate dates.
  15. I am running I-40 to Nashville, I just had I-44 in my granite head.
  16. Well, there ya' go. I was thinking about I-44 up through Tulsa an Springfield. Thanks Lowell
  17. Thanks for all the great input. I have the bike on the PikePass account. I will let you know when the dates & routes are final, maybe we can get a cup with some of you along the way.
  18. Yeah, thanks. I set up the account on line last night but did not see the instructions for bikes. Like you, I am not going to mount the Pass on the windshield. I didn't know if it would work if I had it in my pocket or in the trunk. Thanks.
  19. Don't know, but I have heard it messes up your spelling. Ain't saying anything, just saying.
  20. A buddy and I are planning a trip from near Amarillo to Nashville and down the Natchez trace and I am thinking about using PikePass on the turnpikes. I was wondering what the best way to use the Pass on a bike was.
  21. No key could make the gas cap a little hard to get off, might ask about that before you go listen to it run. How they gonna' get gas in it? It does have a few options on it, I noticed passing lamps, passenger backrest, saddlebags, aftermarket grips & mirrors, carb covers, breather cover, fender tips, seats, crash bars, horn relocation, brake pedal cover, shifter covers, aftermarket water pump cover and the engine fins have either been painted or a newer set has been put on the bike. Can't see the pipes to tell whether or not they are stock.
  22. Yes, I have gauges on my bike and the readings you are getting are good.
  23. Why do they have to justify the price? Either folks will buy any give bike, or not. There is the justifiction.
  24. I'm in, sounds like a great tool for a maintenance day. Let me know when to send the money.
  25. Wherever you happen to be at the time.
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