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Jerry W

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Everything posted by Jerry W

  1. The chrome around the key won't work for you with the risers. The bars will hit the chrome, they also hit the EOM black plastic, but the plastic gives.
  2. Yea, I have them on my 2006 Midnight RSV. Same bike, mine is just a little faster than the '07 model.
  3. So........the guy was enforcing a law that he did not write, just doing his job. Who would have thought it.
  4. How many folks have their personal information in their profiles on this site? I don't see alot of difference. How many threads actually have anything to do with motorcycles?
  5. Keep us posted as to where you are Lowell, I plan to out quite a bit this summer.
  6. You got some splainin' to do here, Lucy.
  7. Hmmmmmm....I am not really seeing that much difference in Facebook and any other social networking site. I am not thinking the cons you listed are particular to Facebook. I have noticed a lot of those personality traits on.....well, perhaps they aren't all on Facebook.
  8. Just general stuff, differences in wind or rain protection for rider and passenger, comfort for both, storage room, really just a general unbiased review from someone who has put some miles on both. Thanks.
  9. After you have put some miles on the Wing, how 'bout you post letting us know the differences between the Wing and the Venture?
  10. I just remembered, I filled up with gas and saw a lower price a month later. Who do I call for a refund? I just hope they don't want me to kick in if prices go up.
  11. It is not required, if it makes you happy go for it. I had a '96 Royal Star, loved it.
  12. Since Yamaha gives a 5 year warranty with the bike, they probably don't want someone walking a tightrope all the time on whether or not they are going to blow the engine and then want the warranty to cover it. I bet there is still room for stupid with the limiter.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-1300-HEADLIGHT-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1e5b892410QQitemZ130384733200QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories This one is a buy it now for $49.95 with the mount.
  14. You can't really compare the older Royal Star to the Venture, I had a '96 Royal Star and currently ride a '06 Venture. The Venture sits quite a bit higher than then Royal Star and the engine produces a lot more power. Look up the stats on both engines showing horsepower and torque, that will answer your performance questions. The handling is also different because of the added height of the Venture.
  15. The RSV kickstand is about 2" longer than the origional Royal Star stand.
  16. Have your buddy weld it with a stainless rod then buff it out. The chrome on these kickstands won't pop off like most chrome when heat is applied.
  17. I have ridden my 06 Venture through some serious rain and I have not had a problem with anything leaking.
  18. As wierd as it sounds, there are usually two sides to every story. Whether it be insurance, workmans comp, or whatever come up. It is a shame that the few dominate the discussion and come down on whoever does not side with them on every instance.
  19. Here is the link to his add in the classifieds. It has prices and contact information. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=1023&title=butt-butler-seat-mod&cat=7
  20. Not trying to get in your business, but you owe it to yourself to sit on a seat that Rick Butler has worked over before spending the big bucks. But then, it ain't my money.
  21. That is why most engines are made to run above 212 degrees. The water will vaproize above that temperature unless it is under pressure and that is why your cooling system is a pressurized system.
  22. I think you have too much time on your hands. When are you moving?
  23. All I can say is WOW! Rick worked over the driver and passenger seats for me a while back and I just now had a chance to get the bike out and the difference is awesome. My wife and I rode about 150 miles today and we both could tell a lot of difference. I am leaving on a 2,500 mile trip in a couple of weeks and this seat modification is going to make it much more enjoyable. Also, his turnaround time is second to none. It was just one week from the time I sent to seats to Rick until I had them back on my front porch. Thanks Rick, you do nice work.
  24. Weld it back with stainless rod, you won't have to rechrome. The chrome is tough enough on these kickstands that it does not pop off when hot. Just dress it with a dremel and polish it a little and you are good to go.
  25. Funny thing about the law, obey it and the fine doesn't really matter. Hmmmm
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