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Jerry W

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Everything posted by Jerry W

  1. You might want to take the bolt back out and put a drop of lock tight on it. Several guys told me that has a way of working loose. Just as little insurance. Kinda' like giving chicken soup to a dead guy, can't hurt.
  2. I asked the dealership in Amarillo what they charged for the 4,000 mile check and they said to just wait until I had 6,000 miles and bring it in then and they would do it for $70 plus parts and that would include balancing the carbs.
  3. I know a couple of guys who had boots made with tall tops and heat shields built into the boots. One of them rides a Boss Hoss with a Chevy 350 engine in it and the headers are right by his legs, says he has no problem now. Whatever blows your dress up.
  4. Thanks, their product data sheet states that it can be used when GL-4 is recommended. I appreciate your help. I will be buying some Mobile 1 tomorrow.
  5. I am needing some help on which final gear oil to use. My owners manual says to use GL-4, but I am not having any luck finding it. All I can find is GL-5 and by what I can find on the internet, that is not compatable with GL-4 service. I have heard that it is ok to use GL-5 if it is a synthetic, however I can't find that on any manufactures web sites. Do any of you know about this? I would appreciate the benefit of any research you have done. Thanks.
  6. Glad you came out unhurt and the dogs owner offered to pay for damages. A lot of folks would have said "ain't my freakin' dog".
  7. I have a set of Barons ordered and the tech said you wrap them with the same soft wrap you use on dirt bikes. Hope this helps.
  8. You can use charcoal lighter fluid to remove the sticky residue and it won't hurt the paint.
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