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Jerry W

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Everything posted by Jerry W

  1. I am running Samsons on my RSV. I have run stock pipes, Barrons and Samsons and can tell no difference in performance with no other modifications.
  2. If you lowered front and rear then went to the smaller front tire, would that give back the improved handling you were looking for?
  3. I don't think all years of the Midnight RSV had the studs. The seat pans are the same for the RSV whether they have studs or not.
  4. Gotta' go with Redneck on this one. One of the major differences in the auto vs. the oil industry is in auto there is the "the big 3". In the oil patch the numbers are not concentrated in specific areas or to just a few employeers therefore the media recognition is not the same. There are as many or more people who rely on the oil industry as the auto industry, but there a are many drilling companies not just 3 or 4. If you are in an area that does have a high concentration of jobs dependent on the oil patch, it is getting serious. The number of drilling rigs and make-over rigs sitting idle is a stark reminder of what is happening. Auto or oil, this is serious and any job lost is devistating to the person who lost it. I don't think it is worth getting into a debate on which industry could loose the most jobs.
  5. I will do some checking, I am going to lower my bike and shorten the kickstand then have the kickstand powder coated black so the weld is not noticable. I will ask about wheels when I talk to the powdercoat guy.
  6. Do what you gotta' do, it is a shame that you have to spend that much time trying to keep the site working. I don't really understand the "real" email issue, but then again $3.00 Wal-Mart calculators still amaze me. In my opinion, spammers are lower than whale manure, and that is on the bottom of the ocean.
  7. Got a pic of the bike? I am thinking it is a 1996 - 2000 Royal Star because of the way you described the exhaust. I will do some searching and see what I can find on aftermarket, I know they are out there.
  8. I also lowered the front end of my RSV using the instructions on this site and have been very satisfied with the results. I also have the Baron's kit to lower the back which I plan to install soon. I have not encountered any wobble with the bike.
  9. I go where I can get the most for my dollar and Wal-Mart is one of the places I take my business. As far as a lot of their merchandise being imported, I guess the same argument could used for what kind of motorcycle we buy. Oh, wait a minute, that argument has been around for a long time. Now, back to our regular programing.
  10. This was posted 12/02/2008 H-E-B wrested away a bit of Texas market share from Wal-Mart in the last quarter, according to The Nielsen Co. San Antonio-based H-E-B gained .09 percent of the Texas market, while Wal-Mart dropped .03 percent. Wal-Mart has 295 supercenter stores in Texas and 33.45 percent of the market. H-E-B has 280 stores and 23.45 percent of the market. Rounding out the top five were Kroger, Albertsons and Tom Thumb Food & Pharmacy.
  11. Good luck on the sale of your bike, hope things turn around for you.
  12. Just watched the weather and it is supposed to be 74 degrees here tomorrow and I have nothing that I have to do or anywhere I have to be. Looks like a great day for a ride. Hard to believe it is December.
  13. Fredericksburg is a great place to ride. Can't say for sure yet, but really want to make this one.
  14. Lew Fonseca was a player of the 1920s and 1930s, best known for winning the batting title in 1929. Lew Fonseca had to make a choice early in life - baseball or professional singing. He was a classically-trained singer with five years of voice lessons, who sang professionally during the off-season in the early 1920s. He broke in at the age of 22, after attending St. Mary's College in California, and played four seasons with Cincinnati. It was the Reds of Edd Roush, Eppa Rixey, Dolf Luque, Jake Daubert, and Heinie Groh. Fonseca's best year was 1922, when he hit .361 in 89 games. After a poor 1925 season, he was selected off waivers by the Philadelphia Phillies. He hit .319 with the Phillies, and then did not play in 1926 in the majors. In 1927, he moved to Cleveland for four seasons and part of a fifth. His best year was 1929, when he won the batting title and had 103 RBI. Earl Averill was a 27-year-old rookie with Cleveland that year. He moved to the Chicago White Sox for most of 1931, and hit .312 for the season between Cleveland and Chicago. He finished out his career in Chicago playing occasionally in 1932 and 1933. Lifetime, he hit .316 in 937 games over a 12-year career. He had 1,075 hits, and had 203 doubles. He played 363 games at second base, and 375 games at first base. He also played 114 games in the outfield. He also served as player/manager for the White Sox in 1931, 1932, and briefly in 1933. Similar players (according to the similarity scores method) include his contemporary and Chicago teammate Fatty Bob Fothergill, although Fothergill died at the age of 40 while Fonseca lived to age 90. Bob Fothergill was notorious for being out of shape (hence the nickname Fatty), while Lew Fonseca generally took care of himself. Following his retirement from baseball, Fonseca was an early pioneer in making highlight films of World Series and All-Star games that would play as newsreel footage in the movie theaters of the 1930s and 1940s. Fonseca remained involved with professional baseball well into his eighties. He was a hitting coach for the Chicago Cubs until the age of 82 and was an exponent of line drive hitting sprayed to all parts of the field. Among his pupils were Rick Monday and Bill Madlock. In many respects, Fonseca's contributions off the field rivalled or even eclipsed what he managed to accomplish on the field. Mystery writer Stuart Kaminsky has written a popular series of books involving the sleuth Lew Fonesca (F-O-N-E-S-C-A, not Fonseca), but many readers say "Fonseca" instead of "Fonesca" even if they have never heard of the baseball player named Fonseca. Named to "The Top 100 Greatest Indians Roster", as created by the Cleveland Indians in 2001.
  15. I'll pencil ya' in for next year.
  16. Don't really feel the need to take pictures.
  17. Before frying one yourself, I would suggest watching someone who has some experience fry one. It can get out of hand pretty easy. One of the guys I fried one for tried it and said he was not sure how large the oil slick was because his driveway is only 10' wide and the oil was on the grass on both sides of the driveway. He said it got kinda' exciting, he stayed over here all day Monday watching me, decided he should have done that before he tried frying one.
  18. I have 2 fryers, but only used 1 this year. However, I fry for 2 or 3 days. I just kind of turns to a turkey frying party for a few days here. I will check, but there may have been several beers consumed also.
  19. Hmmmmmmmm, guess I should have taken some pictures. I ended up frying 15 turkeys by the time it was over and did not take one picture.
  20. Or, we could just discuss motorcycles instead of politics, unions, corporate management, etc.
  21. I usually ride speed limit, especially in town. On the interstate I will run with the flow of traffic, but try to keep it to posted speed limit in town. Speed trap or whatever, if I am going over the speed limit I am breaking the law and I am fair game for a ticket.
  22. I will let you know, will also post it on here. Thought we might get together to start the riding season. I have a carbtune and will have plenty of room to get some maintenance done on the bikes. Also, have a grill and I ain't afraid to use it.
  23. Working on my shop, need to get it finished so I can host a meet & eat in the spring.
  24. What Forrest said, except I have switched to cottonseed oil because I usually end up frying 15 - 20 turkeys for friends and neighbors and don't want to chance someone being algergic to peanuts. Usually have a few side dishes of beer when the frying is done, a little skeered to drink while I am frying, but that is just me.
  25. There was a thread a while back asking why there were folks who just lurked and looked instead of siging on and joining in. Well, there ya' go. I find that if I don't bother to sign in, I am not tempted to put in my 2 cents. Times are tough and sometimes it doesn't take much for a thread to go south.
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