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Jerry W

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Everything posted by Jerry W

  1. Great, I will have coffee and snacks that morning. Hope you guys can stay around a couple of days. Tell Ponch to be sure and bring his clutch, I would like to help him install it while he is here.
  2. My back yard is pretty small, but it's bug enough for a tent or two. Or, we might be able to make room in the shop, depending on what bikes are inside for the night.
  3. Hokay, the weather is a little wet and cold this weekend, but it is supposed to be sunny and in the 70's next weekend for the maintenance day. I will go for a head count later in the week so I will know how many groceries to pick up. Since the weather is going to be on our side, we will make this a 2 day event if there is enough interest. Just let me know whether or not it will work for you. Looking forward to getting together.
  4. Can you get to the edge of it with a chisel? If so, you might be able to break it loose with a hammer and chisel.
  5. Oh, I am not that familiar with the Tour Delux. Wish it had worked for you. However, the flanders bars are better than the risers for pullback. That is a modification I would like to do to mine, but would need to at least see it done first. My mechanical skills are not what I trust to change out lines etc. without at least having some hands on experience. You might try the smaller tire on front, several of the folks on here have done that and seem to be happy with it.
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-V-Star-Royal-Star-1-5-Handlebar-Risers-VStar_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2c51216248QQitemZ190339703368QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories Here is the link to a set of risers that will raise the bars up off the tripple tree. A lot of folks on here have used this to pull the bars back. This serves to make the bike much more comfortable as well as allowing you the room to lower the front. I have these on my bike and it is much more comfortable. My bike is also lowered front and rear.
  7. Great, I will have the coffee on. I don't know when you guys have to get back to work, but we can stay open on Sunday also, give more time to visit and get anything done to bikes that might not get completed on Saturday.
  8. You gotta' be more careful, I knew a guy who scared the crap out himself one time and he disappeared. Not saying anything, just saying.
  9. Thanks for the good wishes, the weather kinda' shut us down last spring. The weather is supposed to be in the 70's next weekend.
  10. I add some Marvel Mystery Oil pretty often also, just add the Sea Foam when I is going to set for a while. Both good stuff.
  11. You are correct, if you remove the two bolts holding the left floorboard on, the linkage will go with it. They are kinda' hard to see at first, but easily removed and that makes kickstand removal easy.
  12. Here are the web sites of some of the motels in Borger. http://www.americinn.com/hotels/TX/Borger http://book.bestwestern.com/bestwestern/priceAvail.do?propertyCode=44495&cm_mmc=IYP-_-citysearch-_-property-_-44495 http://www.ichotelsgroup.com/h/d/ex/1/en/hotel/bgdtx If it was me, I would probably stay in the AmericInn. It is a little farther from my house, but it isn't like riding across Houston. The difference is a mile or two. I didn't list restaurants since I will take care of the eats. Now, if the weather will just cooperate.
  13. Well, I am not thinking they were able to sell the "cash for clunkers" cars for $6,000 since it has to be documented that they would not return to the road. The stipulation was that the engine & transmission would be destroyed and parts could be sold off the rest of the car. I traded in a clunker and if they were able to get $6,000 for the door handles etc, I say good for them.
  14. You cannot imagine how hard I am struggling not to comment on size.
  15. Correct, I will also check and see if I can borrow a jack in Borger so no one has to haul one. I will get a list of motels with phone numbers etc posted this week. Also, for those traveling, if anyone plans to arrive Friday, I will have a cookout Friday evening. Just need to know if there will be anyone arriving early.
  16. I am not sure if they are going to ride to Amarillo or cut across @ Claude and save a few miles. Either way, glad you are going to make it.
  17. Hopefully, the weather will be a little better this time. I will try to get a headcount next week so I will know how much food to buy. A buddy of mine has volunteered to bring his smoker over for the weekend. It is kinda' large, it is mounted on a tandem axle trailer. I helped him smoke 3 whole hogs in it at one time. Anyway, I will go for a headcount etc. next week so I can pick up eats.
  18. Yeah, you had a float sticking. This good deal ethanol stuff the environmental folks are so fond of is not good for carburated engines that may set every now and then. If it quit leaking, I would run some seafoam through it and make sure and put some fuel stabalizer in anytime it was going to set for over a week.
  19. I don't have a motorcycle jack, but I will see if I can locate one that I can borrow. Let me know if you plan to change the bearings and I will let you know if I am able to round up a jack.
  20. I am thinking we will be open all day.
  21. Ponch, If you want to do the install when you come up here, I have plenty of garage space.
  22. Pics & write up?
  23. This setup is awesome, as you can tell by the pictures it looks factory. Yahama should by this design and make it part of their assembly.
  24. Yep, the CB comes standard on the Venture
  25. Our address is 123 Broadmoor, Borger. The phone numbers are on my profile, if you need them. I will take care of the food etc. You guys are doing the traveling.
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