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Everything posted by cheny

  1. Hi me again. Hope I am not being a pain with the Bluetooth and now this. Again I have a 08 venture which I ride all year. I have seen some threads about putting a switch in to turn off the carb heater or just pulling the fuse. thought I would try the easy way and just pull the fuse but I got a lot of interference in the cb. I put the fuse back in and hooked up a switch that lights up when the carb heater comes on. When I turned the switch off, it blew the carb heater fuse and I got the interference again in the cb. What am I doing wrong? Would really like to get these 2 things working.
  2. What is the difference between plugging into the budie rich jack and just plugging direct to the cassette aux jack? How do I get the budie rich set up.
  3. I have a 08 venture With a 650 Garmin which I hook to the aux jack on the cassette player . I activated the blue tooth. I can hear the person on the other end very well but they can't hear me. I have the J&M head set with the power mic. Can any one help?
  4. J&M with the power mike
  5. Hi all I have a 08 Venture with a 650 Garmin which I hook to the aux jack at the cassette player. I activated the blue tooth and I can hear the person on the other end very well but they can not hear me. Any ideas?
  6. I gess I will just leave it as is. Thank you all
  7. ok thanks. how would I go about putting a 5 or 20 watt in. just looking for a little more out put. Have all ready put on the fire stick annt. and did the swr match.
  8. Some said you can put a 100 watt amp on the cb to increase out put. How is this done?
  9. match antener to cb
  10. match antiner to cb
  11. Star Touring & Riding Assoc. Is a goor group with great people in it.
  12. I have tried to email mgammon 65@sc.rr.com About the marschall mod cb up grade with no success. Has any one else been able to email him? Or can any one help me out. Thank you cheny
  13. Hi all Is there a easy way to put a meeter on the cb cable to match the antenna? cheny
  14. Only when I am 2 up with fuul heat and grips. I hade a 07 rstd with 120000 mi with ricks stater but never changed the regulator and never saw much change. So I wase thinking if a high output regulator would allow just a little more power to the battery I could get away with out replacing the stater? Would like to still have the 07 rstd wase hoping to hite 200000mi. But some one decided they did not like it ran a red light and that wase the end of it.
  15. Hi This is my first post. I have a 2012 venture. I would like to know if I replace the regulator with a high output one,if that will help my voltage without replacing the stater. Thank you Cheny
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