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Everything posted by Jethroish

  1. While I was in the process of changing the tires, I tightened the steering head nuts as Freebird describes in the maint section. Question being this: After 32,000 +/- miles, is 1/4 to 1/3 turn too much or about right? Steering feels ok, so I guess that is all that really matters.
  2. I got it wrong on the new tires. It is the front tire that is 3607 manufacter date. I talked with Chad at Dunlop MC tires. Of course he said exactly what I knew he would. "You're fine. Just check it over for any cracks, but it will be fine. " Motorcycle Superstore said they would exchange it, but could not gaurantee that I would get a newer tire. As it is, The E3s have a 6 year warranty from date of manufacter. So I have already lost 3 years, but if my riding continues as it has, I will be replacing this tire in 2 years
  3. OK. If I have to eat a blizzard then I will. Just don't twist my arm too hard.
  4. Got the tires. Front tire is 4709 manufacture. The rear however is 3607. Will it do me any good to gripe, complain, beech, etc? Probably not. The rear on the bike that has 19,000 miles is 3707 and I cannot complain about the life I got out of it. By the time it reaches 5 years old, it will be getting replaced again anyhow. I have been VERY happy with the E3s. What are the chances of getting a newer tire even if they agree to an exchange. Maybe they will let me rummage through the dist. warehouse to select my own tire. After all, I can see the dist. warehouse from work. It's a mere 1.5 miles away. Which poses the next question: Why did it take 3 days shipping????
  5. Thanks for the replies. Hubby and wife came to see it. Wife has a Rebel 250 and looking for something bigger for freeway and longer rides. Hubby has a Vulcan 750. She was had just gone to look at a Shadow 750. Any how, we let her ride it trough the subdivision. She did fine with it. They both liked the bike, but she said she was more comfortable on the Shadow than our 650. The Shadow did not have extras though. It came down to, and I told her and hubby, if your not comfortable on the bike, you won't enjoy it.
  6. A couple is coming this afternoon to look at our 650 Silverado. Them them ride it or no, so long as they have MC endorsement on license?
  7. I keep and eye on the pressure. Never run too low or too high. I do not "burn out" or do any jack rabbit take offs from light or stops. Most riding (75%) is 1 up with little weight in the bags or trunk. I don't ride gravel. Rarely am I on grooved interstate and even less rare am I on tarred chipstone. I run 35psi in rear suspension and 3 to 4 psi in the front. Rear tire is not to the wear bars but front is. I would rather just change them both instead of doing one now and the other in a month or 2. These were put on the bike July 1, 2008 at 13,380 miles. I now have 32,240 miles. So techically, I do not yet have 19,000, but will before they get changed.
  8. I hope I don't see 3707. Heck, the ones on the bike now that are being replaced are 3707 (front) and 4807 (rear). I bought those in June 2008.
  9. Well, after 19,000 miles, I decided it is time to replace the Dunlop E3s. I was hoping to get another 1000 miles out of them. I guess that is a macho thing. But it would be great to say that I got 20k miles on a set of MC tires. Placed the order and should have the new tires before the weekend. They had the front E3 in stock but had to get ther rear from manufacturer. Guess that means I'll get a few more miles on this set. Rear still has some life on it, but the front is into the wear bars. New tires, grease slpines,shaft & hub, new final oil, stearing head bearing service. I got some work to do.
  10. While making a 10 hour road trip in the pickup, I saw: Red and Black RSV pulling a trailer north on I-65 just south of Louisville about noonish. Thirty minutes later I saw a group of 4 RSV (maybe a few other bikes in there) northbound on I-65 near Elizabethtown, KY. Then near Bowling Green, KY, saw a Midnight Venture parked under an overpass on north I-65around 2pm-ish. Saw a few mor on I-24 near Chattanooga also. Wish I had been on mine, but it was not an option. Hope all made it safely to their destinations.
  11. What he said ^
  12. Indy State police down here are. They have a regular Harley patrol on I-65 a lot. I should have got tagged on afternoon by SP on HOG, but he grabbed the fool cager tailgating me. We were doing 62 in a 55.
  13. LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – A motorcyclist has died after being hurt in a traffic crash at Fern Valley Road and Preston Highway Thursday afternoon. The coroner's office has identified the victim as 62-year-old Tony Blunk. He died at University Hospital just before 6:30 p.m. from multiple blunt force injuries. He was not wearing a helmet. Police say Blunk was struck by a Ford Taurus around 4:15 p.m. Thursday. According to police, the driver of the Taurus was heading west on Fern Valley Road when it ran a red light and struck the motorcycle. The woman driving the Taurus was not hurt. LMPD spokesman Dwight Mitchell says the woman told police she came to a stop at the red light, but continued into the intersection after mistakenly thinking that it had turned green. No charges are expected. Copyright 2010 WAVE News. All rights reserved.
  14. What a night! And after all that, you found a dry spot to post the story to us a 3am?! Hopefully the worst is behind you. Be careful and have a great time.
  15. Every bike and all parts may be slightly different, but I ran my original factory plugs 25,000 miles. I was still getting 40 - 42 mpg and the bike was still running fine, but changed them over the winter. As suggested, I would run 1/2 can SeaFoam in a full tank of gas and do a carb sync. If you don't have a sync tool, I am positive you will find some one within a days ride that would be willing to meet up and sync them. The sync takes a long and grueling 10 minutes.
  16. Just the factory kit, a set of metric allen wrenches, and phone numbers of VR members along my route.
  17. I can understand wanting to "check" the plugs, but if the bike is running fine, it is too much hassle. But if you are going to remove the tank to check plugs, then check/change coolant too because you have to remove the tank for that also.
  18. Maybe it depends on area of the country. I was in Okla when the tire & Lube mngr at Wally World told me their oil was QS. I also had an oil analysis tech tell me the same. I quit using Fram filters when I got my diesel truck and read the horror stories about Fram filters coming apart on the Dodge cummins engines. Fram denies any problem ever existed, but the filter part number for that application got an "A" designation.
  19. Years ago, there were only a few oil filter manufacturers. Don't know if that is still the case, but I distictly remember Dana Corp (Wix), Clarcor (Baldwin, Puralator) and Allied Signal (Fram). On Monday the filters might be orange and stamped FRAM, on Tuesday they my be green and stamped Quaker State. It is the same with oils. Walmart SuperTech oil is bottled by Quaker State in a Wally World bottle. I was told at my local O'Reilly's that their oil is Valvoline.
  20. Another good route is from the above posted is to take a right on 64 toward Tulsa from 16. In Bixby, take 67 (151st street) to Alt 75 up into Sapulpa. West on 66 to 33 and run 33 across as far as you like. But just like rt66, not a lot to see past Guthrie but no traffic headaches. I lived In Glenpool (south Tulsa) for 12 years and in-laws were in El Reno (20 west of OKC). Got to know a lot of roads. I-44 got to be pretty mundane and expensive.
  21. Skip the dealer and change to Synthetic doing your own oil changes. I use the Rotella Syn. And I agree about Yamaha has a synthetic, so why is it no good?
  22. We are making a trip south to visit family in Lake Park, GA. Normally when we go there, wife and I head to Panama City for a day or two of diving in the Gulf. Thanks to BP, that probably ain't happening this year. Just talked to the dive shop and they confirmed oil over some of the popular ship wrecks and on the jetties at the state park. They are supposed to call me back on Weds and let me know if we are diving this weekend. Wife said, if we can't dive, we'll take the bike and do some riding. I may need a VR guide or 2.
  23. After a 10 hour Saturday at 4H rodeo, we have nothing planned for today. I wanted to go riding, but with 70% humidity and heat indexes over 100, I think we will just relax inside with a cold one.
  24. Luckily I was in my diesel pickup. But, yes, the deer hit me, not the other way around. Driving home from work around 2am, 3 miles from the house, I saw a deer in the road. I slowed down to about 20 mph as the deer walked across the road. The deer was almost all the way across the road, to my left, as I got next to it. The deer decided to go back the other way. The road was a little wet and it must have slipped and broadsided the back door of the truck. No damage to the truck and the deer walked away.
  25. True talaban geniuses! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkZvq725pac]YouTube- Jihadist trainees[/ame]
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