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Everything posted by Jethroish

  1. I have used the higher candle power incandecents, but want some thing with a little less draw. Anyone ever us some like this? Do they work well? They do come in amber, red, clear,... http://i7.ebayimg.com/02/i/000/f9/8e/f00e_1_sbl.JPG
  2. I have heard/been told that if putting an LED bulb in place of an 1157 style (turn or brake light) use colored bulb with colored lense. Since the turn lenses are clear, will the amber bulbs show very well?
  3. I am glad fuel is coming down a bit, but... It's pretty darn sad when we are excited about gas going down to $3.50.
  4. Aggressive driving is one thing. But when most people are not accustom to this style of driving, they start dodging for the ditches. Nothing like seeing a 32 foot class A motorhome off the side of the road because someone is opposite direction in their lane.
  5. To all our non-USA members (maybe non-North American members), PLEASE learn our driving rules before you come here to tour on your bikes. Solid yellow line means do not pass. Dashed yellow line (on 2 lane road) means you can pass if there is NO oncoming traffic. While on hwy 20 today in Middlebury, IN, we saw 3 bikes with European plates. Five people total. They had been parked in town looking at a map. We watched as these 3 bikes weaved in and out, passing cars and trucks, in both passing and no passing zones. Cars, trucks and even a motorhome was off the shoulder, almost in the ditch to avoid hitting these bikes. I'm just glad I did not have to witness a crash.
  6. I'd like to read it, too. I'm guessing that since it is the Sept issue, not online yet. Time for a trip to the book store.
  7. Right around $150 shipped. To install, you have to remove the lower farings then unbolt the radiator. The next 'trick' is to get the 'pin' on the top of the radiator out of the holder (see pic).
  8. Polished stainless steel.
  9. actually found it on Ebay. When I emailed the guy, found out he lives just 20 miles from my parents and where I grew up. Here is his email: dbcycleparts@charter.net
  10. ok. Let's try AGAIN!
  11. OK. I am at a loss. Not only can I not copy & paste, picture will not post using the 'insert picture' link. I added the picture to my vbGallery. Sorry it is grainy. It is not that way on my puter. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=1834 Thanks
  12. Well, it was there. Now I cannot get the insert picture to work nor will it let me paste.
  13. Sorry. having trouble getting picture up here.
  14. Strat, Hope you all had a great time. It has been a few years since we have been up there, but I want to go back. The 25 years I lived in Mich, I was only up there twice.
  15. Great song.
  16. Just my 2 bits, but... In my diesel pickup, I change every 6000 miles, using a syn. blend. I have the oil analyzed and the lab has told me that I could easily go 8000 miles between changes. There are many opinions on this topic. Ultimately, you do what you feel is best for your bike and/or warranty and/or pocketbook
  17. Seems to me that if a dealer might charge to do the peper work to transfer a warranty, I would go right to Yamaha Customer Service and simply "inquire" about a warranty transfer. I'd bet they could get your information over the phone at no charge. Just my thought.
  18. Glad you and the bike are fine. When the 800 pound beast wants to lay down, about all you can do is let it go gently. Been there.
  19. I wear a helmet 99% of the time. Either my full face or 1/2. The 1% is riding around the neighborhood just down the street 1 mile to the convenience store.
  20. Can't help ya, but I have been thinking about making some up to leave on Venture seats I run across.
  21. If you want to get a feel for how the bike will sit with the Diamond R links, run the rear tire up on a piece of 1x6 (or any 1x).
  22. Corolrite has the blue paint. I may get the the black and see how I like it. Just my opinion, the lower farings have no black like the tank or the bags, so the black looks out of place on the grill. I can paint it easy enough if I don't like the black. My other options are nothing or get a chrome cover from CruiserCustomizing.
  23. No blue. Not getting it.
  24. Hey, thanks. I sent them an email. They do not show blue.
  25. Called 2 Yama shops locally today but got no answer to my question. Actually, I was told parts dept was too busy and to call back. I am wanting to get the Wagner grill from Diamond R, but it only comes in black. I have no problem painting it to match my blue, but I am trying to find out if I can get some paint thru Yama or will I have to go to a paint shop and have it mixed? Anyone know? Thanks
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