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Everything posted by Jethroish

  1. They have about 7000 miles on them now. Corner great and show little wear. I'll post next summer when I have to replace them (at 18,000 ). BTW, I keep my psi at max or 1-2 psi under.
  2. This has happened to me before and, like today, saw the bike coming up on me. I was riding on the interstate on my way to work when a pair of crotch rockets come up behind me. I always stay to the left side of the lane. They passed on my right in the same lane of travel. No big deal, but I just can't think of this being a safe practice. If I had not seen them and the car on my left drifted, it could have been very ugly when I moved right. I just cannot imagine doing this without knowing or having knowledge of the other riders experience. Is my thinking wrong here or am I just being overly cautious?
  3. I have no experience with the B-stones. I got 13,400 out of my 404s. Look for the wear bars, but it really comes down to how comfortable you still are on that tire. I still had tread ledt when I changed mine, but felt like the handling was getting worse. I put on Dunlop E3s and am very please. Put 280 miles on them yesterday, 60 or 70 of that int he rain, on the interstate, and the handled great.
  4. Wife and I are going over by Evansville, IN tomorrow. We are going up near Owensville to look at a couple horses. Since the weather will be good, we are riding the RSV. We are going to have lunch at the Amish Rest. at exit #25 off of I-64. The plan is to be there about 11:30am central time, if anyone would care to join us.
  5. Yep. No alcohol in Indiana either. They don't want you drunk when you vote, but by all means.... The farggin methadone clinic one mile down the road from my polling place was open and packed. No drinking but by all means, go get your fix.
  6. Don't need new tires. Just have 6000 miles on Dunlop E3s and they still look great.
  7. By the end of this week, I will have 20k miles on my 2007 RSV. Time to do some maint.: oil, plugs, carb sync (once I find tool to borrow). I might even change the air in the tires, LOL
  8. I called around and found an independent bike shop to change tires for $15/tire whether I got from them or not. Dealer and some other shops wanted $50 and up per tire if not bought from them. What a way to lose business.
  9. Not sure of my 2008 mileage. But I have rode 6000 miles since new tire in June. 19500 miles total in 18 months Bob, Steve, Dan...I have weekends off next year, so I will be able to joins y'all for more rides.
  10. got mine today.
  11. Syn cycle oil is not easily found. Some WalMarts carry the Mobil. If you can find a cycle shop that carries it, another syn is Specto Platnum, but is as pricey, if not more than Mobil. I have been using Mobil, but as you stated, it is a little pricey which is why I may be switching to Rotella.
  12. I have seen a pic or 2 of an RSV with the ISO grips and the original end weights. What mod, if any, is required to put the weights back on with the ISO grips? Is there a noticable difference without andy weights?
  13. Or a beer. If you are in southern Indiana area, I'd be glad to ride if you have time or just have lunch/dinner.
  14. My ligth comes on at 180-190 miles. Farthest I have gone with once the fuel light/F-counter comes on is 22 miles. Maybe some one should strap a 2 gallon can to the trunk rack and see how far until it quits.
  15. I have not seen a Synthetic that does not say compatible with dino oils. Like some one else said, a syn blend it part dino and part syn. If syn was not compatible with dino, you would have to tear down your motor to get ALL the oil out because there is always a small amount that does not drain out.
  16. Yep, that's it. I use it in my diesel pickup: 8 qts regular Rotella and 2 qts Syn.
  17. I post this for those that may be interested and for those who offered thoughts about a cure. I had posted here a while back about noise in the final of my 650. After 2 months and a ring gear bearing, wheel bearings, new drive shaft, and coupling gear, the noise was still there. So today, after removing the drive shaft, I took out the retaining ring that holds the input shaft and bearings in the final housing. Upon doing so, the cage of the roller bearing fell out. The 7 rivets that hold the cage together, inside the race, thus keeping all the bearing balls seperated and spaced, were broke and the halves of the cage have significant grinding wear. Thankfully there was no damage to the input shaft and the local dealer was able to get the bearing and sleeve pressed off the shaft. I'll have it back next week with new bearings and hopefully be done with this. Just thought I would share my story and findings.
  18. NEVER tighten a filter witha wrench. Hand only, 1/2 turn past when the rubber gasket touched the metal facing.
  19. Without going and pulling the book out, I think it is 3 qts and 28 ounces. (4 ounces short of a full 4 qts)
  20. Not trying to start a "which is best" thread. Just looking for some input from Rotella users. Do you use RotellaT 15W40 or Syn 5W40? What did you use before swithcing to Rotella? Did you notice any change in idle or shifting? Same change intervals? How long have you been using Rotella (miles)? Right now I use Mobil 1 at 5000 mile intervals. Bike has 19,200 in 19 months. Take out winter months and it is more like 19,200 in 15 months. Thanks
  21. If you got it new, it came with zero in the shocks. I run 0 in the front and 35 to 40 in the rear. I need to play with the front a little bit. On the roads I ride to work everyday, there are a few curves that cause a little wobble, but I tend to think it is the road. Same spot every day.
  22. Hope that fixed the problem.
  23. Try a little shift work. My week (40 hrs) goes like this: Fri. 6pm - 2am Sat 1pm - 9pm Sun 10am - 6pm Mon 6am - 2pm followed by 10pm - 6am Tues morning Believe it or not, you get somewhat used to it, but the FAA wonders why controllers are fatigued. Go figure.
  24. Just my 2 bits... Original stock plugs with 19,000 miles. No missing, no pinging and 45 mpg on 87 octane. IMO, the high $$ plugs are not worth it. If you are not getting any predetonation (spark knock) or run-on when you shut the bike off, you do not need higher octane fuel.
  25. Bob, I have to agree. I used to think Oklahoma drivers were bad. People here are terrible. Most of them just seem to not know the laws. Glad you are ok.
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